Xpert Eleven - Online Football Management Game

Shigeki Lee chose training instead of fetching his children from day care. That choice resulted in a nasty bruise from a rolling pin. He will however be able to play football but will not be able to head the ball and he loses a bit of form.

I know it's a bit late, but any chance of joining this? Seems quite fun from what I can see :)

Edit: Never mind, I see the league is full. I'll join when there's some space :)
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Ok, well I see that there are four teams that haven't logged in for four weeks or more. I'm going to send reminders to these teams:

Team For A Laugh
Metatarsal Utd.

If they don't respond or log in during the next 5 days then I will make them vacant and people in the waiting list can take over them if they wish.
I think Linoge (metatarsal utd) said a while back that he didn't have enough time to keep checking this and was dropping out.
Hey Clark Nova,

Can I retire from my team. I just don't have time and I keep forgetting to set teams. It would be wrong of me to keep this team and deny someone more worthy the chance of running the team.

Maybbe we should start another thread with "Xpert11 signup - for dropped out teams" so you can drum up a bit more interest from ppl who can play?
Ok, well I've removed Linoge (Metataral Utd) and also MarcLister (Salford). The two people at the top of the list have been offered the teams. They are:


Those are their XpertEleven user names, not sure what they are on here though.
lol at Salford drawing with LP14.... woohoo I won a tough game today against Spicy and take the top spot in the league! Cracking!!

Also won manager of the week again which means that's 5/8 weeks I've won ;) woohoo

Also Ryan White my wonder striker is top player in the league by goals and points :D

come on Ascension FC!
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