Yamakasi Catleap 27" 100mhz IPS

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Yeah id say anything between £70-100 should be fine.

I asked for $150 to be put on mine which is about £95 at current rate and it sailed through no problems at all!
The last two digits on the serial number are either 2B or 2C?


I had a look last night, saying that it was a quick glance whilst leaning over my desk at the S/N and couldn't see the 2B or 2C at the end.

I will have a look tonight when I get home from work and let you know
I'm curious now how my 560Ti will cope with the resolution... will 1GB memory cause problems?

I guess turning down the res to 1080 in games wont be a problem for me unless it causes issues with the monitor. I think I read somewhere that 720 is more appropriate for scaling at 1440 since it's double the resolution as opposed to 3/4.
1Gb cards should be okay but you will only be able to run on low/med settings i would guess. My eyefinity on a 6850 runs med/high in most older games and low on new ones.

Can't choose which to get Crossover or Catleap
Can you mount these monitors on a bracket? do they have VESA compatible mounting holes to go on a different stand or wall bracket?
Between 3-4 days, its a bank holiday soon though.

Or longer depending on how well it gets on through the system:

Just got my CATLEAP Q270 SE, and its amazing, can't find any dead or stuck pixels, picture quality is lovely, seems things have come along way since my Dell 2405 (which ill add, is still going strong). Bright sharp and clear image, love it.

It wasn't delayed in customs here in france, and haven't noticed any request for money, but could be as was shipped via fedex, who if i remember, invoice you directly.

Anyway, think ill calibrate it and try some games.

^^^ I'm looking to order one sometime need week.

Could you tell me who did you get it from by trust? dont want to get you in trouble.

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