Yessssss! Now it's good news about the Vulcan..

A Vulcan made me cry when i was but a toddler. Don't know which airshow it was but the noise and general ribcage-shaking was too much for me.

Then quite a few years later when I could appreciate it I was lucky enough to experience another show display. I've seen and heard both a B-52 and B-1B at close quarters but nothing will beat the big V.
My guy worked on the Vulcan many times during his RAF days, he knows that beautiful bird inside out. One of the supervisors of the project called him a couple of months ago asking him to join the team but he's already on a contract that pays more so he reluctantly turned him down.:(
I have fond childhood memories of looking around that fine aircraft with my Uncle who'd be checking all was in order before each Waddington Airshow.
Theres something on Sky news right now, talking about restoring a Vulcan at Bruntingthorpe. They are appealing for £250million :eek:

or was that 2.5 million hmmm [me strokes chin]


From link mentioned on Sky news,

See XH558 On SKY NEWS LIVE 8am till 2pm Bank Holiday Monday !!!
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There was a cracking programme on the Vulcan and Victor on Discovery Wings last night (I only got to see the end of it when mrs fatiain was in the bath).
fatiain said:
There was a cracking programme on the Vulcan and Victor on Discovery Wings last night (I only got to see the end of it when mrs fatiain was in the bath).

I watched that, it was really good.

Vulcan, Victor and Cuba was the title, it'll no doubt be shown again on wings in the near future :)
Dolph said:
I watched that, it was really good.

Vulcan, Victor and Cuba was the title, it'll no doubt be shown again on wings in the near future :)
That was it, I'm sure by the end of the month it'll have been repeated about 50 times!

The run through of the retaliatory nuclear strike was quite chilling. Especially when the pilots were talking about the return journey having dropped off the Yellow Sun. Coming back to no airfield or even no country. :(
Well - 3 days until we find out if the Vulc will fly or not...

August 31st is roll-out day too.

Aircraft is structrually complete and just needs the avionics and engines fitted afaik.

I'll be there to see it emerge, blinking into the sunlight for the first time as an airworthy airframe in years. Camera will be on duty as well and I'll try to get some images *and maybe soem video* up that night.

As well as the news of the future of the Vulcan.

What news, I will say it again because no ones listening. The engineers working on the project have returned back to their 'proper' workplace. The money has gone and they are not anticipating going back. Lots of them have been messed about so much they aren't all that interested in finishing the project. Those that left our company to seek permanent employment on the project, returned to my workplace last week. Returning as permanent members of staff, not contractors.

So they are not looking at going back.

People keep talking about a million here and there, they obviously have no idea what it costs to get an aircraft of this type back onto the register and fit for flight. Let alone the continued maintenance costs.
Mickey_D said:
Bah!! You look at all the silly things that have vast amounts of money just wasted on them and something like this is dropped. Sad day. Very sad day. :(
Indeed. Why they can't throw a bit of lottery money at something worthwhile like this rather than the usual crap is beyond me.
Flibster said:
OH YES!!!!


Hmmm Strange.

Im guessing some one forked pout a lot of cash. My guess it could be Richard Branson like i said in my earlyer post?
Zip said:
Hmmm, uve lost me :(

Did you never listen to DLT's classic, snooker on the radio, also darts on the radio. :cool:

Back to the point: come on Flibster we need to know what was *** YES all about
Entai said:
Did you never listen to DLT's classic, snooker on the radio, also darts on the radio. :cool:

Back to the point: come on Flibster we need to know what was *** YES all about

He is an Aussie so you can't hold it against him. ;)

Been trying to keep my trap shut for the past few days, there's definately some cash coming, over a million from an "unknown source". :D

Whether or not it's enough is another matter!
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