You know you're getting old when...

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I'm 46 and completed my second triathlon in June, so am fairly fit and active.

However, I've really got into wearing sandals lately and what's worse, I don't even care what people think any more.

I'm still resisting getting one of those cords to hang my glasses around my neck, but I feel that it would be very handy.

Must resist!
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Actually what you need is more fresh fruit and vegetables.

I'm 40 this year and working in construction has left me knackered bad back knackered knee had an operation on it about 10 years left me in constant pain since especially in winter foot kills me as I've got a bunion also

Was listening to my dad speak to my aunty a while ago and they were going on about what pills they have to take as they get older left me thinking jesus this what I got look forward to

You don't have to get old. It's just generally considered to be preferable to the alternative.

This, I'm now really struggle to carry my 5 year old son anywhere. Three years ago I had a much easier time lifting him.

Is the problem you putting on weight or your son?
I was in A&E last week for a total of 19 hours. I was laughing with the missus at the time but was in complete agony. My back was in spasm and I couldn't hold my weight. She had to dress and bowl wash me because I couldn't bend down plus I was wheeled about in a wheelchair and places checked where I didn't really want to.

A high dosage of diazepam did the trick but I still need further checks as I have pins and needles in my foot and what feels like cramp in my left calf all the time. A pinched nerve most likely. Hopefully muscle related as getting better day in day out. Worse case slipped disc.
I only turned 37 the other day but am a very active person, cycle and eat healthy but at the moment I am limping like a retired man! Have had nothing like this my entire life.
I've felt old from about 18 when I pulled muscles in back lifting up an old oil tank. More and more health issues and tablets as I've got older.
Well I've certainly almost reached the last hole........47 years of age, lost about 6 stone/40kgs in the last two years :p:p:p


Well done for the weight loss. I've spent my entire life trying to get bigger so me and you are on opposite ends of the spectrum. It's only recently that I've noticed my weight gain is out of control and I need to make changes.
Yeh that's spot on, i've noticed if i sit or lie down a certain way or lifts things holding the weight away from my body, my back will play up. since having some pretty intense pain a few months ago i no longer sit in a certain way and it's helped. i need a new mattress too.

An orthopaedic mattress will help you for sure but in day to day life you should also focus on keeping your back straight/rigid and avoid slouching for long periods.
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