You know you're getting old when...

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Remember when the old folks used to say they need to spend a penny all the time and they can't wait? Remember when you looked at them as a kid and wondered why they couldn't just hold it in for a bit? Well now I know what they felt like when you've got to go, you've got to go. :(

I was in A&E last week for a total of 19 hours. I was laughing with the missus at the time but was in complete agony. My back was in spasm and I couldn't hold my weight. She had to dress and bowl wash me because I couldn't bend down plus I was wheeled about in a wheelchair and places checked where I didn't really want to.

A high dosage of diazepam did the trick but I still need further checks as I have pins and needles in my foot and what feels like cramp in my left calf all the time. A pinched nerve most likely. Hopefully muscle related as getting better day in day out. Worse case slipped disc.
I only turned 37 the other day but am a very active person, cycle and eat healthy but at the moment I am limping like a retired man! Have had nothing like this my entire life.
Jeebus this is the sort of trouble I get and I'm getting on for twice your age!
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That's great advice for health but in reality it's a boring lifestyle and a lot of hard work.
I enjoy good food, alcohol, and being a couch potato ;)
You might feel differently when you’re a dribbling mess in your 70s and unable to look after yourself. Decline is inevitable as you age but changes you make now will hugely impact your later quality of life.
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The 40 yr old attractive single lady who i worked with a while back said to me " listen, you've got loads going for you, your kind and good looking, its a shame my mum isn't a bit younger or i would set you up.
reality also sets in when i see photos of myself because my mirrors are straight from Harry Potter land and just let me see what i want to see
Jeebus this is the sort of trouble I get and I'm getting on for twice your age!

First time anything like that has happened to me though but I guess was a bit of a wake-up call. Was in the garage lifting wheels like they were nothing then felt something go. It is my own fault really. 6ft 3" makes it very easy to be lazy when manual handling. Let's just say I am bending at the knees now when picking up things!
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Nose and ear hair growth is exponential to age.

The ability to lie in bed and sleep in is a pipe dream, but you do like going to bed early.

Buzzlaymes suncream song is probably the most profound advice you have ever had but you ignored it for the most.
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