Wait you have a pickup?!
Would you like to know more?
Wait you have a pickup?!
No law as already said but it's common courtesy to pull in to allow a queue of vehicles behind you to pass, I often do this if I'm fully loaded in the truck on a slower road as such as and where there is somewhere to pull over although more often than not you still get abuse and hand gestures from drivers as they then pass you, leaving me wondering why I bother tbh!
No law as already said but it's common courtesy to pull in to allow a queue of vehicles behind you to pass, I often do this if I'm fully loaded in the truck on a slower road as such as and where there is somewhere to pull over although more often than not you still get abuse and hand gestures from drivers as they then pass you, leaving me wondering why I bother tbh!
Interesting, I wasn't aware of this tbh!A couple of years ago, Lincolnshire police were using unmarked and doing farmers for not pulling over using Rule 169 of the Highway Code and giving them a fine for due care & attention.
It went down like a lead balloon amongst farmers but they stopped doing it for a while.
169Do not hold up a long queue of traffic, especially if you are driving a large or slow-moving vehicle. Check your mirrors frequently, and if necessary, pull in where it is safe and let traffic pass.
Bit off topic, but can anyone spec me a car dash cam.
I feel I should get one as I see so much nonsense on my travels to work. Yesterday not bad driving but it really annoyed me, some **** in front of me in a fancy VW with blacked out windows and a lame ass personalised number plate that read "Who R U" casually threw a bag of rubbish out of his window at some traffic lights!
Can you report people like this if you catch it on camera? for littering like this? the number plate alone is enough for being some kind of knob! I was thinking yeah I know who I am, but your clearly a ******* ****.
Littering annoys me in general, but it really makes my blood boil when it's done from a car because it's completely unnecessary.
You can report it without a camera but yeah, a cam helps.
Stuff likes this makes me reconsider my stance on capital punishment. That and middle lane hoggers, and anyone not indicating left at roundabouts. Firing squad in a windowless courtyard for the lot of them.Bit off topic, but can anyone spec me a car dash cam.
I feel I should get one as I see so much nonsense on my travels to work. Yesterday not bad driving but it really annoyed me, some **** in front of me in a fancy VW with blacked out windows and a lame ass personalised number plate that read "Who R U" casually threw a bag of rubbish out of his window at some traffic lights!
Can you report people like this if you catch it on camera? for littering like this? the number plate alone is enough for being some kind of knob! I was thinking yeah I know who I am, but your clearly a ******* ****.
Littering annoys me in general, but it really makes my blood boil when it's done from a car because it's completely unnecessary.
Ha! Conscript for road policing minister... Or whoever it is that sets the punishmentsStuff likes this makes me reconsider my stance on capital punishment. That and middle lane hoggers, and anyone not indicating left at roundabouts. Firing squad in a windowless courtyard for the lot of them.
I am a stable and rational human being.
I pull into lane 2 to overtake him and as I draw level with the driver's window I look across and the driver is glaring down at his phone not giving two hoots about the chaos he has just caused.
Driving to a hotel night before last on the A12 and an artic was so close to my rear bumper that you couldn't even see their headlights. I'm not over exaggerating when I say that there must have been inches between us at times.
It was a 50 limit single carriageway and there was another truck in front so I have no idea what he was trying to achieve. Also, I thought trucks supposedly had really poor vision directly in front?!
Honestly if my wife and boy weren't in the car I'd have told him to sort himself out when I had to stop at a roundabout.
10 years ago (maybe more) I used to assume that truckers operated to a better standard on the roads. Now my assumption when I see a truck is that it's driven by an aggressive, distracted, socially inept individual with an incredibly low IQ. At least that way I'm on point to react to whatever random action they are about to perform. Sooner we can get ship stuff around the country autonomously the better.
The most ridiculous point was when the truck in front started braking. I darent brake as hard as them because of the thing stuck on my rear bumper so I feather the brakes and use up the gap I'd left thinking "*** head behind will see that everyone is slowing down and will back off". Nope. He stays right there. So now I've got a truck about 2 foot off my front bumper and another about a foot off my rear... With my 2 year old sleeping in the back.
I wish I was able to get their details but as soon as the road went to dual carriageway I made my escape.
Basically the vast majority of truck drivers still drive at 56mph through 50mph sections and they dont like using their brakes so they bully car drivers into speeding up and then go onto social media to complain at all the slow car drivers holding them up and "without us you wouldnt have food on the table" blah blah.
Yeah it is a hilarious argument. Like the one that is used to defend the multi mile non-overtakes on dual carriageways where that 0.25 mph speed differential "could mean the difference between me making my drop off time or not". Sure it doesAccording to our local A66 group, its all down to car speedos being wrong. You have truck drivers everyday defending trucks driving up a car's **** on the single carriageway bit of the A66 where the speed limit it 50 mph saying they are doing 50 and its the car only doing 46/47 etc.
Funnily enough though on Friday there must have been a police speed camera as every truck was flashing on coming trucks and they all slowed down.
Basically the vast majority of truck drivers still drive at 56mph through 50mph sections and they dont like using their brakes so they bully car drivers into speeding up and then go onto social media to complain at all the slow car drivers holding them up and "without us you wouldnt have food on the table" blah blah.
Long gone are the days of them being "professional".
Yeah it is a hilarious argument. Like the one that is used to defend the multi mile non-overtakes on dual carriageways where that 0.25 mph speed differential "could mean the difference between me making my drop off time or not". Sure it does
Even when I was trying to make my escape from Carey Loftin the other night I went from tailgater extraordinaire to a one flash insta-weave into the outside line by another truck. They sit in the outside lane for a mile then pull back in to where they were before. I get that they are on limiters which is why they can't make the overtake, but... why don't THEY get that as well?!
Yeah it is a hilarious argument. Like the one that is used to defend the multi mile non-overtakes on dual carriageways where that 0.25 mph speed differential "could mean the difference between me making my drop off time or not". Sure it does
Even when I was trying to make my escape from Carey Loftin the other night I went from tailgater extraordinaire to a one flash insta-weave into the outside line by another truck. They sit in the outside lane for a mile then pull back in to where they were before. I get that they are on limiters which is why they can't make the overtake, but... why don't THEY get that as well?!
I get that they are on limiters which is why they can't make the overtake, but... why don't THEY get that as well?!
Looked but nothing. They have a wing mirror but not the coloured casing. Saw a car the other day - SUV/people carrier. Car is blue but had a metallic mustard yellow wing mirror.You might find eBay a good option for a replacement.