Your bad driving encounters

not sure if bad driving or just toss pot driver but on way to swimming this morning.... i was late as usual as was stupid early in the morning before work....

driving down the road with cars parked on both sides (inc some on double yellows but that is always the case so i ignore that now). Mr White van man decided even tho i was committed and halfway down the hill coming towards him he would just block the road then stop and make me reverse. all he had to do was back up 6 feet (or just left the gap given he should have seen me way in advance) (i am not even exaggerating it was half a car length before the road cleared both sides and i could have gotten past but he just sat there and refused.... forcing me to reverse back up the hill about 75 metres and i had cars behind me as well.
an utter moron of a man. i do not understand the logic of some people. i was tempted to get out and tell him to reverse but that would likely just start an argument with him which i suspect him and his passenger mate were hoping for just that.

Dial 101 and get the police involved... Him and his passengers can kick off with them if they want. Capitulating to people like that simply enforces their arrogance.
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The thing is... would the police really do anything? given when my car was vandalised at my mates house and we knew who did it AND had bordering on exemplar levels of finger prints they said they were too busy to come out and just gave me a crime number for insurance.

so coming out to 2 people refusing to move in a road sounds like something which would just end up biting me on the ass. I would love twerps who act like that to be taken to task however. i have the other issue that my car is sort of recognisable so could well end up with a scratch down the side of it if i pushed it too hard.
i have had road rage incidents in the past which almost came to blows but i am older and (slightly) less easy to trigger now. ;)

(blue van man didnt like me telling him i felt sorry for his toddler in the van with a degenerate waste of oxygen father like she had) - he was asking for it after nearly ramming me up the ass but then threatening to punch me as it was my fault apparently, not his for trying to climb into my boot whilst driving and then me having the audacity to brake when something ran out in front of me.

and.......... breathe!. :D
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I turned into a narrow st a few weeks back. Parking on one side DBL yellows on the other. A car was reverse parking about half way down with nothing behind it so I stopped short to allow them to park and just before he was finished a car tried to jump past them but obviously i'm in the way. In a big van. He then starts to gesticulate that I should reverse all the way back and onto another road because he couldn't wait his turn. (Parking was on "his" side of the road, "My" side was clear) Quite a crowd gathered before he came up to my window and threatened to punch me... The Mrs was telling me to be nice up until that point, then was like "if he try's you can batter him"

Some people are just pillocks
Who determines the party at fault?

Maybe I'm just using Norfolk bus drivers as my frame of reference but I find it hard to believe it is a particularly common occurrence for a car to just drive into the side of a bus at a merge point. The bus driver reacting to someone "pushing in" on the other hand..

3rd party collision investigation.

3 of the merge collisions were at the same merge point. Blind left hand bend coming off a roundabout with brick wall central reservation right up to the merge point. Really got to have your wits about you as the local sport badged German auto renters try to race to get in front.
not sure if bad driving or just toss pot driver but on way to swimming this morning.... i was late as usual as was stupid early in the morning before work....

driving down the road with cars parked on both sides (inc some on double yellows but that is always the case so i ignore that now). Mr White van man decided even tho i was committed and halfway down the hill coming towards him he would just block the road then stop and make me reverse. all he had to do was back up 6 feet (or just left the gap given he should have seen me way in advance) (i am not even exaggerating it was half a car length before the road cleared both sides and i could have gotten past but he just sat there and refused.... forcing me to reverse back up the hill about 75 metres and i had cars behind me as well.
an utter moron of a man. i do not understand the logic of some people. i was tempted to get out and tell him to reverse but that would likely just start an argument with him which i suspect him and his passenger mate were hoping for just that.

You'd be surprised how often this happens with the buses. Numpties expecting the bus to reverse.

In that situation, keys out and on top of dash and wait.

Dial 101 and get the police involved... Him and his passengers can kick off with them if they want. Capitulating to people like that simply enforces their arrogance.

followed a car south on A10 this evening row of traffic doing 55-60 ... guy in front didn't want to go past car in front but couldn't maintain a steady speed
without brake-lights coming on briefly every 20s or so - are there some rubbish versions of ACC on cars, or can people not drive smoothly (must be hell for passengers)

was an suv with a continuous rear light bar with this kind of pattern left to right \\\\\\\\\\/////////// didn't get close enough to read the plate or brand - couldn't find an online database to id it ?
had thought of that, but regen is only meant to put on the lights if you decelerate quickly and, anyway, wouldn't the driver have some indication brake lights were on to avoid p*** off the following traffic.
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