Your bizarre quirks/traits

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Originally posted by Augmented

= I sit at my desk at home cross-legged, I'm uncomfortable any other way.
Wow someone else too! I can't be comfortable otherwise.

Another one of mine which is highly frustraiting is that I constantly hum or tap wierd rhythms which can annoy the people around me.

When I am working from home, my workspace has to be perfectly tidy before I can work. :o
No-one else can be in the kitchen when I'm cooking. I don't know why but it just irritates the hell out of me.

I do the running though converstaions/scenarios in my mind things. I don't think that there is any thing wrong with that, it's the sign of a normal healthy mind just filling time. Kinda like mental doodling.

I test my observatonal skills all the time. If I'm sat in the office I'll look at my screen (I'm doing it now) and try to remember exactly what is on my colleages desk. I also do this whan I'm walking down the street. Who knows I could be a star witness one day of a major crime.

Those of you who count things all the time, you're all madder than a bag of hatters.
I'm developing OCD. Last week I stopped the car at the end of my road, turned around and drove back to my house to check I'd locked the door - I knew I'd done it but I still had to check.

I tend to analyse previous conversations at the first opportunity I get. I agonise over how I think I could possibly have offended whoever I was talking to.

Every morning I religiously plan my day in my head. 10 minutes later I've forgotten the plan and have to start over.

I hear voices*

* that one was a joke ;).
Originally posted by Adz
I hear voices*

* that one was a joke ;).

<insert obscure Tom Holt reference>

I hear voices too! Only.. they tell me to buy washing up liquid. And soap. And vacuum cleaners.

I don't know what to do with them all, so I just buried them in a field, waiting for the day the voices tell me what to do with them all.

</end obscure Tom Holt reference>
I get overly obsessed with things very easily. Currently, I'm obsessed with FreeCell, that little windows game. There are 1,000,000 games, all different, and I'm going through them 1 by 1. It says in the help file that it hasn't been proved that every game is winnable, so I've started at 1, and I'm going through them all. I'm up to 278, and I can't bloody do it. I know I'm not going to make it to 1 million, but I still can't stop. I've been going for about 4 weeks, on and off, I got stuck for 9 days on game 106.

I also once unbraided a speaker cable, and tried to braid it back together again, same deal, I spent about 2 months on it.
I hate turning round when I'm walking along. Like if I remember I was meant to be going down a road I've missed, I won't turn back. Usually I end up walking round a block to end up going back the other way. I also hate waiting somewhere alone (usually at college/uni). If I get there early, I'll walk round to use up the time, but because I walk fast this usually results in multiple laps of the campus.

When I'm falling asleep (in bed, not on a bus or anywhere), I'll sometimes get the sensation of actually falling, and jerk myself awake again as I 'hit the ground', then look confused for a few seconds before I realise what I've done. Also I hate getting up on odd numbers. Numbers ending in a 5 are ok, but otherwise I'll wait til the nearest 5 minutes to get up.

When I'm in a car as a passenger (in the front), I'll always put my foot down in an effort to press the brake pedal, usually pushing really hard on the floor of the car because it's not responding. I'm fully aware of myself doing it, just can't stop.

Whenever I go out, I have to have things in set pockets. Mobile in right pocket, palmtop in left, keys in left.

Finally, I hate people being able to see my monitor. At uni this is a particular problem as they're in rows, so I have to try to sit in the back corner. It's not that I'm doing anything bad, just don't like people snooping.

Oh, and my girlfriend (who's a member on here) is studying psychology. Might point her in this direction :P
The sensation of falling is common to all of us I think, I've certainly had it quite a few times. It's horrible :(

A minor trait of mine is an irrational aversion to cotton wool. I hate the stuff! Just thinking about it makes me shudder and go all tingly.
The one thing that instantly springs to mind is heights and edges. And I find it quite scarey sometimes but not in the way you'd noramlly think.

If there's quite a drop below me and I'm near the edge I get this urge to jump. Not in a morbid sense to end my life. Just to see what happens. It's normally on a harbour side of a boat. The strange thing is I qauite like it. I'll walk close right up to the edge, get the urge, then walk away.

People I'm with at the time think I have to walk away because I'm scared of heights, but when I explain that it's because I have the urge to jump they think I'm nuts :(

Originally posted by Sp00n

hhmm.... the most weirdest thing is when im in a car, and the windscreen wipers are going, they have to 'bounce' inbetween a lampost, so i go past a lampost and its down, inbetween one and they are up, but if its up and i go past the lampost i get quite disgruntled then forget about watching them... until a few minutes later where i find myself doing it again!!!! its a never ending thing.

Dear god I do that :eek:
I do the skateboard on a bus thing but not with a skateboard its spiderman for me swinging from lampost etc.

I hate people with bad memories i ask them about a film and they dont know it really annoys me or i ask what a question was in an exam and they say i dont know: mad:

i would love to get all you people who like your back against the wall or be in a corner in 1 room with only 1 corner that would be class
Originally posted by Desmo
The one thing that instantly springs to mind is heights and edges. And I find it quite scarey sometimes but not in the way you'd noramlly think.

If there's quite a drop below me and I'm near the edge I get this urge to jump. Not in a morbid sense to end my life. Just to see what happens. It's normally on a harbour side of a boat. The strange thing is I qauite like it. I'll walk close right up to the edge, get the urge, then walk away.

People I'm with at the time think I have to walk away because I'm scared of heights, but when I explain that it's because I have the urge to jump they think I'm nuts :(


I've done this on occasions, I think 'If I jump now, I wonder what would happen'. It actually scares me silly, cos it'd only take a second of crazyness to actually jump :eek:
I think I muct actually be quite ill....

I always do the clock numbers thing 23:59 - stare at it until it changes, or shut eyes and try to open them as soon after it's changed as possible...if i'm wrong, I lose.

The volume even, or 5 numbers - I actually mentioned this to a mate the other day, and he does it as well.

The missing the catseyes when lane changing on the dual carriageway.

I always used to imagine there was a big lightsaber stuck out the side of my dads car when he was driving, and would imagine it cutting through trees and other roadside objects!!

Counting everything, stairs included...and the whole 2 at a time, but must finish on 2, so sometimes just one step at the bottom routine.

I won't U turn when walking, I'll carry on walking and do something else before heading back, in case there's people watching and they think i'm stupid!

I do the whole rehearsing conversations with people to death in my head, playing out different courses the conversation could take if i said different things - like a rewind function.

Also, don't think this has been mentioned, but if I'm dreaming and walking along in the dream and trip up or fall over, I'll have a momentary thrash about in the bed and wake up...!!
OMG - reading this lot and smiling at 90% of them I suddenly feel much less wierd and freaky, I guess a lot of them are the kind of thing that you think is perticular to yourself and something everyone else would think was very strange..

Same ones:

- Reherse conversations (seems to be very common) - check

- Stuff in pocket hankey+Mobile in left , keys+change in right.

- Double stair jump, + jump & grab at the bottom

- Thinking about the what would happen if you jumped when near heights/edges - check

- Don't need alarm to wake up at certain time - always wake up 5 minutes before I need to - check

- Scuff one thing have to scuff the other foot/arm - (used to do it but got really annoying) - check

- hold breath walking past butchers/fish mongers - check

- Bounce leg/stick tongue out when concentrating - check

- Hate long sleeve tops - always roll them up - check

- Not touching the cats eyes when changing lanes - check

oh god does this make me the freakiest here since I do so many of them....


New Ones:

- When getting in the car I have to spend like 5 minutes getting comfortable, trying to get my clothes not twisted and crumpled up under the seat belt... drives the GF mad!

- Can't **** in a urinal if there is a guy using the one next to it, I just keep seeing stuff out the corner of my eye, have to close my eyes if they come and stand next to me, especially when their shaking it.... shudder.....
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