Your bizarre quirks/traits

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I regularly have long and compilcated words bouncing around my head. They'll bounce around for ages, even if I don't know what they mean, driving me bonkers. I look them up in a dictionary, or on, and then set myself the challenge of dropping them normally into conversation. The last success was peripatetic, when I described the students as peripatetic in their logging in to the network :D
I dont do any wierd things the only one is that when I'm walking somewhere usually like a mile or two I gradually get more and more angry, at anything! lol

So when I get in from uni, I'm always in a mood! I am such a moody person tho!

1) Hate people on my computer, sends me mad and I have to be watching if they do use it.

2) When I do things I have to keep checking that ive done them, ie press the car lock button on the remote several times and often as im walking past later just double/triple check.

3) When im walking along I set myself tasks that I say to myself for example I will get a pay raise this month if so and so happens or I don't do something.

4) I have to sleep against a wall, I need the security of it being there, not so picky about which was I face.

5) Absent minded, spent too much time thinking about things in a really long winded way and I will forget/leave things in stupid places.

6) People not wearing seatbelts in my car, really winds me up to the point I start to shout, yet when I get in other peoples cars I always put them on in the front but dont bother in the back.

7) Suck pen lids all the time, I dont know why but I do.

8) THe clock thing, If im lying in bed and see the time 2:58 I have to shut my eyes and not open them again until I am confident its past 3am otherwise I will die or something pre determined in my head will happen.

9) I see the future, very often I will go somewhere and do something that I have never done before but it will seem familiar from somewhere and its really freaky.

10) I hate mess in general and I am really picky and perfectionist if im setting something up or dealing with a customer at work yet my desk at home is a tip and so is my bag.

11) Can't stand on cracked pavements in the certain street in Burton on Trent.

12) Walk the wrong way a lot, and suddenly do a U-turn but im really paronoid about what people think so I either say something loudly or make out im doing something.

13) Cant stand the feel of a glass thats been in the dishwasher, hand me too glasses and I can tell you which has been washed how just by feel.

14) When I did my paper round a long time ago, I used to seem to transport to places instantly, I would be walking out the shop then suddenly appear in my own estate, was really freaky but it must have been because I was a deep thinker.

15) Nearly everything here I can relate too, and its really scared me :) Ive written 15 points which Is what I said I would do in my head otherwise I won't get any tea.
Originally posted by Binary
12) Walk the wrong way a lot, and suddenly do a U-turn but im really paronoid about what people think so I either say something loudly or make out im doing something.
Oh yes, I always do this when I go to my local Spar. It's on the right, I know it's on the right but I'll always turn left. What's wrong with me?

I've just thought of another. Toilet roll must go over and down the front, rather than down from behind. That's just plain wrong. I'll change it over if it's in the wrong configuration.
Originally posted by Seraphim

I've just thought of another. Toilet roll must go over and down the front, rather than down from behind. That's just plain wrong. I'll change it over if it's in the wrong configuration.

People who leave the single ply last sheet on the cardboard roll need to be hunted down, along with the pavement hogs. Lets face it, if you're going to be doing your buisness, you've got a few moments spare. Why not be nice, and leave the next person something they can actually use to wipe themselves with?!
When I finish a meal I MUST place my knife in between the middle prongs on my fork so they are neatly interlocked, I've done this for as long as I've been allowed sharp objects.

I always wait for the other person to say "Bye" in a telephone conversation, I dont mean to, but it always happens. It's as if they have to remind me how to end the conversation.

When travelling on a train or bus, I always seperate the passing scenery into layers of parralax scrolling.

I'll start tapping my fingers and progress onto complicated rhythms, if I screw it up I get rather annoyed.
Originally posted by Binary
9) I see the future, very often I will go somewhere and do something that I have never done before but it will seem familiar from somewhere and its really freaky.

Thats called Deja-Vu. Virtually everyone experiences at some stage or another, some more frequently than others.

Theories abound as to the actual cause of DeJa Vu, from straight premonition, through to it being an odd trick with the short and long term memory like a sort of feedback loop, through to whacked out theories like this one I found (but then you probably knew I was goint to post this ;))

Do you have the feeling that you've read this page before? Well, you have. And that's exactly the point of this page, to point out that whenever you experience the feeling of Deja Vu, the feeling that you've been through this exact moment of time and space before, the truth is that you really have been here before, perhaps many times.

To make it short, this is all caused by time travellers from our future going backwards in time to our past and mucking with events. This causes us to sometimes shift from one time line to another. Either they discover that the things that they mucked with didn't turn out exactly as planned or they just have more mucking to do, and then they do more mucking and occasionally we wind up converging back on the original time line.

The shift off of a time line and back on to the original causes the feeling of Deja Vu. That is, you were already through one point in space and time, then they forced you onto a different time line with some mucking, then they forced you back to a convergence with the original time line. The convergence points are Deja Vu events. You have truly been there more than once.

Exactly why they're doing all of this mucking is highly speculative. Probably there are power and control elements involved and possibly the future is so fouled up that they are desperate to try to set things right again. At least it indicates that something is going on in the future. But it doesn't necessarily prove that humans will make it to the future. Most likely it's another species trying to prevent humans from doing whatever galactic-scale damage they may be destined for, possibly by preventing humans from getting to that point.

Whatever, I know I would like to write more about this and I think that I have more to write, but every time I try to do it, something else happens and I can't quite seem to get done with it. Then I get this feeling of Deja Vu, like I've tried to do exactly the same thing before and I can never remember exactly what it was I was going to write. Gotta cut it off now, something else critical just came up out of nowhere...
So are these, ah, habits actually normal or confined to computer-type people?

You guys keep reminding me of more:

The whole CPU thing irritates me no end as well. I have a friend who will insist on calling his tower a CPU - I always end up getting mad as hell when he calls it that. Admittedly, though, 'hard drive' would be worse...

Also, the time thing - if I look at a clock at 2:58, I *must* shut my eyes and not open them until it says 3:00. Even if I do, it is fine unless I actually see the transition - then I will die. Same with my cellphone - at night, I *must not* see the backlight go off; I will bury my face under the blanket until it is gone!

And the lamppost thing - I have been known to reduce/speed up wipers for no apparent reason. While someone else is driving. Sitting at the back.

Also, if there is a spot on the windscreen, I will find a moving car, and keep the spot within the area enclosed by the car's windscreen - if I can't move my head enough and it goes out, I lose!

And I have also 'raced against the flush' while peeing.

I also compulsively clean my phone screens. I was quite unhappy with the T610 because the plastic cover was coloured and I had to remove it.
Originally posted by VDO

Also, the time thing - if I look at a clock at 2:58, I *must* shut my eyes and not open them until it says 3:00. Even if I do, it is fine unless I actually see the transition - then I will die. Same with my cellphone - at night, I *must not* see the backlight go off; I will bury my face under the blanket until it is gone!

Yeah I do that too, particulary with the phone backlighting, how strange are we when you think about it :)
Originally posted by Seraphim
Oh God, I can't stop.

I walk quite fast, and as a consequence of this I tend to catch people up quite often. When I end up following someone, say in an alleyway or some such narrow passageway, I become acutely worried about what they're thinking. Do they think I'm a rapist? Do they think I'm about to mug them? I end up trying to walk quietly so as not to scare them, although in reality this just probably scares them even more.

I too tend to walk very fast but it doesn't end there. I also choose various object as i pass by them, e.g. a lampost, car etc. and imagine there is a bomb attatched to it. I then give it a count down of perhaps 20 strides, and see how far away from the particular object i am when the time runs out. I then assess what my chances of survival would have been, had there actually been a bomb. A little strange, but it gets me where i'm going pretty quick.

Actually, this is all rather worrying...perhaps i am insane! :eek:
LMAO this thread made me laugh have 5 stars:D, I can relate to a few thing but this one in particular:

"I check things i know i've switched off 2 or 3 times."
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Originally posted by neil-ste
Left handed people enrage me, if i see someone writing with there left hand it makes me mad.

-just cos we're better then you...and when i was boxing it buggered most people up, that was always dead funny :D

-i imagine giving some people a slap when they try to talk to me about something they know nothing about e.g. my mate said "we should go paintballing, we can do all these ambushes" and i said "u know how to carry out an ambush?" and he said "yeah, skirmish lines blah blah blah" and i'm seething when he criticises what i say, cos i know about cut-outs, killing zones etc cos i got taught in the OTC. by real soldiers.

-i always read whenever i go to the toilet.

-i often go into supermarkets and imagine taking over the tannoy and shouting something totally idea of my sense of humour, "freddie got fingered" with tom green i thought was dead funny.

-when i'm out running i punish myself and call myself all sorts, tell myself "come on then you ******, push!".

-i can look into somebody's eyes and see if they have any bad intentions, even one of my mates i can tell that i have to keep an eye on him because if i had an argument he'd try to stab me.

can't think of any more, i think i'm a bit paranoid and i have some issues with getting angry with people but the problem is i can control it and resist the urge to go round smacking people when they talk to me as though i'm thick.
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whereever i o, i always try and figure out where the best place to go if there was a nuclear explosion...:o

e.g if i go to a new city, i have to find the best place. i genreally pick pubs that server meals because they will have a cellar and canned food....

sometime i have to settle for a supermarket, which is not good because of all the windows..:(
Ben, I do the toilet roll thing. It's just not right.
I find I keep making myself cups of tea then forgetting about them. If I make a cup of tea/coffee and drink some then forget i have it I will always drink the rest cold. Even though it's rank.

I hate you seraphim, you're making my analyse my life. :)
Originally posted by Mat
I will tap out rythms by knocking my teeth together and rubbing the front teeth together up and down(!?!) This way I can do it without anyone else hearing and getting annoyed.
hehehe, i do this All the Time tooooo ;)
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