Originally posted by burns_2k
The only unmentioned one is when in a car (not whilst driving ) I'll find a bit of dirt or drop of rain on the windscreen and then line it up with the gutter or lines in the centre of the road, then try and keep it there. Great fun, untill people notice your head waggling all over the place.
Oh God, I do this so much, even occasionally when I'm driving! It got to the point where my parents thought I had something wrong with my eyes as I'd keep closing one and opening the other to see where the raindrop had moved to, then move my head to get it in the right place. Sometimes I try and 'bounce' a raindrop so that it goes over the top of every lampost, tend to get quite annoyed with myself (and the raindrop) if I don't make it. Sometimes I'll put on the wipers to teach it a lesson.
When I'm driving I'll often talk myself through everything I do, ie sounds like it needs to change up a gear, foot off the accelerator, clutch down, change gear, foot off the clutch, down with the accelerator. Congratulations, now do it again etc. Must look like I have a hands free kit. When I'm with someone else I just mumble.
When coming out of sleep while travelling I'll often mumble something quite strange. Coming home the other day I woke up and quite clearly remember saying: 'Did anyone have to stop for the man on the train with the plane and the crane? Crane? Hah, that's actually very funny. Crane... Hah' Still get odd looks on that bus.
We've got a fire poker in a cylindrical holder at home and every night for some stupidily long amount of time I try and move it around the holder without it coming away from the edge, with my foot.
I find it very difficult to walk down stairs without jumping the last three or four steps, likewise I cannot walk up stairs slowly, but I only ever double step on staircases that I know well. I know that almost falling down the stairs feeling as well, feels strangely 'right'.
Whenever a car passes me in the opposite direction, I try and get a look inside it, and see the people etc. I then act out in my head what's going on in the car and what people are saying to each other etc. Can get some quite interesting situations going on.
I don't so much plan conversations, but work through everything I'm going to say. For instance, before I go to a lesson I'll figure out what I want to say and to who. I'll get incredibly annoyed if I don't get to say it. Strange thing is, I'm good at thinking on my feet and don't struggle to make conversation, so I don't know why I do it.
I love cracking my fingers and toes. First thing I do in the morning, and the last thing I do at night. I can click them in oh so many ways, and each feels better on different finders. I can't stop doing it, my fingers just don't feel right unless they've been clicked. Strangely, I do this with my elbow as well, only the left one mind, and only in the shower in the mornings.
I like putting one leg out from under the duvet at night, but I can't sleep like it, so I have to go to sleep feeling slightly uncomfortable.
I chew the inside of my mouth as well, in fact I've just realised that I'm doing it now while jogging my right leg up and down into the desk violently. I'll quit often just swivel 360 degrees on my chair for no apparent reason and then just carry on with whatever I was doing as if nothing had happened.
I can start listening to what someone is saying, and get distracted by something very tiny, like a hair out of place on their head, and miss everything they say despite the fact that I'm looking at them. In the same way I start to think how I'm going to reply before they finish speaking, so I miss what they say. Quite often I'll just stop listening to people as I think I know what they are going to say, realise that they've stopped talking and are waiting for a responce, and not be able to give one. Normally just nod.
I can think about things for hours, be they important or useless, but as soon as I think about something else, I forget what I thought about for so long. I then spend ages trying to think what it was I was thinking about, despite the fact that I know it wasn't worth thinking about in the first place. Normally I'll wake up in the middle of the night with the answer, and then I'll have forgotten it again in the morning.
I'll itch when I'm not itching. I'll cough when I don't need to cough. I'm ask someone to repeat something when I heard it perfectly. I'll give an answer even when I know I've got another better one.
Perhaps most strangely though, I twirl the hair on my sideburns!