Your controversial gaming opinions?

1 Aug 2017
Everyone has different opinions regarding games. What are your controversial gaming opinions and why?

- The Syndicate remake by Starbreeze was a good game. From a FPS perspective, it was a decent shooter.

- Every Sonic game ever produced was ****. Platforming was average and it contained some of the most annoying characters in gaming.

- Crysis: A mediocre game that was more of a **** measuring benchmark for PC enthusiasts. Hence the can it run Crysis nonsense.

- The Monkey Island games were terrible. I wanted the pirates to chop the head off Guybrush Threepwood.

- The Steam Controller is the best controller ever made. Period. Totally misunderstood and hated because ****witted Youtubers/Console driven websites clearly didn't get it (or know how to use it) and because it wasn't like a PS4/Xbox controller. It's customisation for a controller is unparalleled.

Don't hate me. :)
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- The Monkey Island games were terrible. I wanted the pirates to chop the head off Guybrush Threepwood.

While I don't disagree with the last part - I largely enjoyed those games, there was a reasonable enjoyment from an escapism perspective.

One I suspect won't be generally shared but I still consider Quake 2 the best game ever made - to date. (Not particularly controversial as such but I suspect I'm in a minority that hold it in as high esteem rather than just thought it was good at the time).
Controversial gaming opinion - The vast majority of Japanese story driven games are convoluted, contrived, self-indulgent garbage.
- Call of Duty games, for the most part, are genuinely good games.
- Resident Evil 5 was more enjoyable than 4.
- Valve and Blizzard are just as culpable for the lootbox debacle as EA.
My wife is *wrong*!

Gaming on my lounge PC *is* more important than ironing the kids' school uniforms for the upcoming week.
Life is Strange is an edgy snoozefest, it's like they took a look at the kind of people who still use MySpace and made a character based on them, cloned it and gave some of them boobs. I also find it's use of the main character being gay as a blatant attempt to cash in on the LBGT's obsessive need for validation and representation.

Fite me.
Controversial gaming opinion - The vast majority of Japanese story driven games are convoluted, contrived, self-indulgent garbage.

This i agree with 100%.

I think developers have forgotten how to make games fun.
99.99% of games are not fun in any way.

Sturgeon's_law. :-)

A lot of games can feel more like a job now, rather than something that's mean't to be fun.

For example: It's one of the reasons i prefer arcade racers as opposed to racing sims. I can have great fun playing Outrun 2: Coast 2 Coast on PC, meanwhile i'm snoring playing games like Forza, GT, etc.
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I preferred Final Fantasy 8 over 7 because I preferred the battle/magic system under 8. Also, you could play in God mode by having 9999 health because you had ultima / meteor / full cure etc junctioned even though you were still only at level 7-10. I will say that the storyline is better in 7. 8 had more replay value because of the aforementioned battle system.

WoW remained popular until around 2010/11 before the subs started to decline, but for me it died in late 2008 after TBC ended. Guild politics was a lot to blame though.

Age of Empires II is the spiritual sequel to Warcraft II because Blizz took so long to release Warcraft III.
Pubg is one of the most over rated games in years. Whilst the concept is good, it plays average, looks average and runs average. The presentation of the whole package is dire.
I think developers have forgotten how to make games fun.
99.99% of games are not fun in any way.
Meanwhile they're getting expensive.

Yes. Many games are basically a power fantasy where you do unrealistic things but we’ve gone too far the other way with people saying, “Hurr, that’s not realistic enough!”. Well, yes, it’s a game.

That’s why I enjoyed Crysis. Not realistic but you have fun and feel like a super soldier.
Bf3 and bf4 were are step backwards regarding features and how they worked in the game compared to bf2. Its so bad that it killed the franchise for seasoned bf veterans.
Pubg is one of the most over rated games in years. Whilst the concept is good, it plays average, looks average and runs average. The presentation of the whole package is dire.
Totally agree, I played and asked for a refund. It’s like Dayz but without zombies and without complete free roam.
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