Your country needs YOU!

I think military service at 18 isn't a bad idea.
Obvs then you can conscript people later and they aren't all useless.

Can't see them wanting to send me into combat tbh, plenty of other things I'd be more valuable at.
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I'm probably too old for conscription, and I'm in what might be a protected profession. I'd definitely fail the physical (profound hearing loss in one ear). Maybe I could join the Home Guard? "They don't like it up 'em!" :D
Feels like a bit of posturing to drum up support for more investment in the armed forces - make people feel it's more of a priority if they think the alternative is that they might get marched into battle themselves one day instead.

I was pondering what the hidden motive was in this story since I saw it pop up from The Telegraph and this makes a lot of sense
I was pondering what the hidden motive was in this story since I saw it pop up from The Telegraph and this makes a lot of sense
Odds on that's exactly what it is. A bit of fear-mongering in order to minimise any backlash to an increase in funding.

If they really want to make a difference to recruitment levels, they could bin off Capita and bring the process back in house.
It is an interesting subject though as to who would ally with who?

Obvious you have Nato but you have all the different outlier countries like Iran, Pakistan, India etc. Once the dust had settled after the nukes it would be interesting to see who would come out top after.

In a total war I do feel that the West are far too soft to come out top.
I have often thought about who would ally with who and still do. Maybe I'm naïve but I cant see how most antagonists can even compete with NATO.
Says it all really lol

Looks like exerting public pressure on politicians who have cut the armed forces for decades now. Shameful really.

I don’t imagine Russia would want a war with the west, given how much difficulty they are facing in Ukraine.

Obviously if the nation was in peril then I would do whatever I could.

Doesn’t suprise me though that some people in this thread think themselves better than people who have a different opinion to themselves and likely look down on ‘flag wavers’ and the like, but they would be quite happy to enjoy the freedoms those very people would have to pay in blood to defend. How honourable.
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Yes because someone who has lost their job the cutbacks and is needing a bit of support to live while job searching is far more deserving of being cannon fodder than someone with a job. :rolleyes:
Yes because someone who has lost their job the cutbacks and is needing a bit of support to live while job searching is far more deserving of being cannon fodder than someone with a job. :rolleyes:
Only a joke, sorry you didn't see it that way. I don't really believe in the idea of national service at all, if you don't want to do it then you shouldn't be force to.
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