Your current Fish tank Setups!

That's what I was thinking, but it's very near the limit of its advertised capacity. The tank is somewhere between 180-195L so unsure if the 206 would be up to the job really.
They wouldn't supply them with those capacity tanks if it were an issue. Just don't overstock the tank.

By all means buy a 306 instead, but the 206 is a better option than the U4.
I thought about running both actually as the tank is overstocked too which doesn't help matters!

Where should I put the intake for the Fluval? At the same end as the U4 or the opposite side? I thought it would be better to have it on the opposite side, but then that would mean the outet would be near the U4 so the flow there would be massive from both of them!
What fish do you have? Some species prefer a faster flow, so you can perhaps use the 206 to increase flow in your existing direction, or use a spray bar if more flow would cause a problem.
Some of these look so cool. Always wanted to do something like this, just don't think I would be able to maintain everything. Nice to see people doing it though!
What fish do you have? Some species prefer a faster flow, so you can perhaps use the 206 to increase flow in your existing direction, or use a spray bar if more flow would cause a problem.

A right good mix, some of which I know are not suitable for the tank but they are all small at the moment. They came with the tank and have been ok for well over a year, though I'm surprised the move didn't kill some! I'll get some pics up when I'm back home.

Some of these prefer faster currents, some not. Spray bar is a good idea actually, but which side should I take water from?

6x Clown Loach, 3 are about 2.5-3" the others are juveniles
3x Black Tetras, probably fully grown at about 1.5"
2x Harlequin Rasboras, fully grown
2x Plecos, 1 about 10" the other maybe 7" ish
1x Smaller Pleco, forget the species, about 2" fully grown
3x Dwarf Gouramis (I think), fully grown about 3.5-4"
1x Bala Shark, about 4"
3x Angelfish, not sure which species, about 2-2.5"
1x Silver Zebra Angelfish, about 4-5"
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I got my tank at the weekend a ROMA 240, bigger than I was orignally wanting but really wanted an external filter so it kind of made sense, just fits under the stairs.

Q: I assume you have to use both the lights in the tank? Because I only got one pair of those screw bits that attach the lights to the unit...I presume this is an error?

Well after a month of melting hard, the crypts seem to be getting the hang of it :)

Still a bit patchy in places but lots of new growth coming through.

Dam you guys great setups! :cool:

I goto kill my fish he has had it! :(

Going tropical next time, but my goldfish has had it, so clove oil and freezer it is next week! ;)

For over a month now not eating and just sitting in one corner, tank is full of
food he has not eaten. I think he is blind and he has just goto go after 5 years! :(

We have a fluval edge and it looks like **** at the moment, so he is spoiling the look or decor I should say! :D
Dam you guys great setups! :cool:

I goto kill my fish he has had it! :(

Going tropical next time, but my goldfish has had it, so clove oil and freezer it is next week! ;)

For over a month now not eating and just sitting in one corner, tank is full of
food he has not eaten. I think he is blind and he has just goto go after 5 years! :(

We have a fluval edge and it looks like **** at the moment, so he is spoiling the look or decor I should say! :D

Sounds like he needs a proper size tank and some clean water.
Sounds like he needs a proper size tank and some clean water.

I have done everything mate, changed tank about 6 weeks ago, also got
anti fungal stuff and put that in.
I know he has had it, he was a crazy nice fish, at around 5pm everyday he would
swim up and down the tank as you walked past for food. But for around 2 months now he is just in the corner not eating or swiming.

My mate has said he will take him and has a much bigger tank, but I dont want him to infect his fish. So time is up for the old boy I am afraid to say. :(
Stupid Albino Cory got its head stuck in the hosepipe when i was doing a water change.... Curious little bugger won't do that again :p

Need 1 or 2 algae eaters to add to the tnk to help with the algae. Any recommendations? can't have anything that will grow big but i want something with colour to go with rest of the community.
I have done everything mate, changed tank about 6 weeks ago, also got
anti fungal stuff and put that in.
I know he has had it, he was a crazy nice fish, at around 5pm everyday he would
swim up and down the tank as you walked past for food. But for around 2 months now he is just in the corner not eating or swiming.

My mate has said he will take him and has a much bigger tank, but I dont want him to infect his fish. So time is up for the old boy I am afraid to say. :(

You could try asking these people :
Stupid Albino Cory got its head stuck in the hosepipe when i was doing a water change.... Curious little bugger won't do that again :p

Need 1 or 2 algae eaters to add to the tnk to help with the algae. Any recommendations? can't have anything that will grow big but i want something with colour to go with rest of the community.

I sucked a few baby Mollies up years ago. Some got into the filter too, they were still alive! Glad we don't have Mollies any more haha.

As for an algae eater, there are loads of different Plecos, many of which don't grow very big and some are really pretty. Maybe some Otos, they are cute little things and don't get any bigger than 2" so you could have a few of them.
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Stupid Albino Cory got its head stuck in the hosepipe when i was doing a water change.... Curious little bugger won't do that again :p

Need 1 or 2 algae eaters to add to the tnk to help with the algae. Any recommendations? can't have anything that will grow big but i want something with colour to go with rest of the community.

What sort of algae is it?
If its just green dust or other soft algae then otos are a good shout. They can be a bit delicate at first but feed them well and they should last for years. You'll probably need to feed them the odd supplementary blanched vegetable or algae wafer. Ramshorn snails are good at eating some other harder algae types, and nerites apparently will have a go at green spot although I've not kept them myself. A nice mix of snails and otos should be a good place to start. Amano shrimp are also effective against some algae assuming you don't have any overly predatory fish.
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