Your current Fish tank Setups!

I only have guppies, 2 corys, a sword tail and a random Bloodfin Tetra. O and snail that makes an appearance every blue moon.

I was against shrimp as i thought they would nip the guppies when they rest on the bottom, when the lights go out.
No, Amano shrimp or any of the Cardidina/Neocaridina shrimp should be pretty much totally fish safe. Just don't buy any of the Machrobrachium species (you can spot these by the fact they have big grabby claws instead of little delicate ones).
Need 1 or 2 algae eaters to add to the tnk to help with the algae. Any recommendations? can't have anything that will grow big but i want something with colour to go with rest of the community.

Your left and right hand, holding a green scourer in each. ;)

Not much point getting an extra fish or two to deal with a problem, just like it would be foolish to buy a Clown Loach or two to deal with a snail infestation. You need to find out why you have an algae outbreak...
Lighting on for >6 hours per day?
Not enough fast growing plants for the intensity of lighting
High phospate levels
High nitrate levels
Fluctuating carbon dioxide levels
Fertiliser levels
I'd love a fish tank.
But for for the water light effect, and the little old ruins and things you can use rather than the actual fish.
Strange, I am sure I posted in this thread this morning, regarding external filter on my Juwel Rekord 700...

Anyway, at the moment I have an eheim ecco pro 200 running as an external filter in place of the internal filter. Both the intake and outlet are in the right hand rear corner of the tank. Would I be best to move the intake to one end, and the outlet to another to have a better flow across the tank? I'd need to fettle the tank hood so that I can get a gap in the hood for the outlet pipe in the left hand corner...

Or would my current set up be OK? However there isn't much movements of the plants at the left hand side of the tank...

I got one of these a few weeks ago, gonna hopefully be setting it up this week.

I'm downsizing from my cube setup.

Nealy a month now with my tank, still just sitting there. Had to buy 2 new light screws from ebay bc they werent in the box, then realised that the light fitting was buzzing.
Took it to the shop they replaced one of the bulbs that was flickering, fixture still buzzing was supposed to get a call form Fluval to confirm replacement as shop had none in stock, still no call after a week....

getting a bit sick and tired of it.
Job done! Tank was needing the weekly water change, so I thought I may as well take the time to move the inlet / outlet to the opposite ends of the tank, rather than being in the same corner.

Had to cut a slot in the left hand corner of the hood.

Seems to be a nicer flow in the tank as I can see bits of debris move from the right hand side by the outlet, across to the left by the inlet. :) My Corys seem to enjoy the improved flow too! :D
Did a dry run on the tank today. all seems to fit together nicely.


Its a bit taller than I had envisaged but I'm happy with the dimensions.


Using cable ties to get equal gaps.


and finally cleaned and masked up the glass ready for silicone tomorrow,"hopefully"

Well first set of scapes are in!

Not too impressed with EPO putty it doesn't seem to stick and adhear to the rock it goes rock solid, but then can just easily come away and separate from the rock :(.

Sump is

Filter Sock, Skimmer - Return from UV

Cheato/Algea/Rock - Reactor

Return Pump - Reactor/UV Pump

Still some work to do but pretty pleased so far :)
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