Your current Fish tank Setups!

That's a gorgeous set up mate..

I was wondering if I could ask a question.. I bought some new plants about 3 months ago.. and I've had a bloom of snails.. just can't defeat them. I've tried a water change and used a lettuce leaf to help collect them. I thought I had won at one stage but i've noticed hundreds of tiny ones last night.. I'm restricting fish feeding .. Any suggestions?

Copper based treatment, if you want a sledgehammer approach. They will all die within minutes. But this could render you tank forever incapable of holding snails/shrimps/etc. But it will work, just make sure you remove all the dead ones afterwards. I did this to a few small betta tanks a few years ago, and it was mental how fast they all just keeled over within seconds. Just check your existing fish species for copper medication tolerance.

Natural method would be to get a botia loach of some kind. They will have a lovely time munching away on them.

Or, just continually remove them manually, every day for a few weeks, you should get close in the end. However, they will come back slowly each time. So personally, I would go manual and then once down to almost none, add a botia loach as a permanent resident to keep on top of them. Oh, and reduce how much you feed forever, not just temporarily. Most people seem to really over-feed fish, and this causes so many problems. I am down to 2 - 3 small feeds a week in my main tank, with regular no feed weeks inbetween.
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Assassin snails, not that much for half a dozen from ebay and they'll go to town on the pest snails. Plus they're awesome :)

Will these in turn breed?

Copper based treatment, if you want a sledgehammer approach. They will all die within minutes. But this could render you tank forever incapable of holding snails/shrimps/etc. But it will work, just make sure you remove all the dead ones afterwards. I did this to a few small betta tanks a few years ago, and it was mental how fast they all just keeled over within seconds. Just check your existing fish species for copper medication tolerance.

Natural method would be to get a botia loach of some kind. They will have a lovely time munching away on them.

Or, just continually remove them manually, every day for a few weeks, you should get close in the end. However, they will come back slowly each time. So personally, I would go manual and then once down to almost none, add a botia loach as a permanent resident to keep on top of them. Oh, and reduce how much you feed forever, not just temporarily. Most people seem to really over-feed fish, and this causes so many problems. I am down to 2 - 3 small feeds a week in my main tank, with regular no feed weeks inbetween.

Thanks MV.

I am squashing a load daily.. I say squash because they are a bit hard to remove otherwise. I took out all the vegetation and rinsed it through last weekend and that alone got rid of a quite few but still they come. Must have been the last batch of plants I bought. I do have one genuine small snail I bought to help with the algae. He does a great job. Not sure what breed he he but he's a big ******* and i'd like to keep him. I like the idea of the botia loach.. might have a look this weekend if I can get one. I agree with the feeding.. I've been feeding them too much with food left over so lesson learnt. :(
I found them to a bit too slow in bringing down the population, they were breeding faster than the assassins could eat them. Still, as a control method once you have the population under control, should work well enough :)
Thought it was time for a little update!

Taking it slow as moving into the house at the same time!!! Very hard keeping a tank and not living there, thankgod for a webcam!

Dori the Powder Blue is eating like a beast!!

Starting Balling Lite as well today so good to control the levels however so far Cal/Mag been very stable but hardly any load!
Hmpfh. Got my new Eheim Classic 2217 filter delivered today, and unboxed it to find cracks / damage in the plastic tabs which hold the head together, and something rattling around inside :-(

Anyway, got email back from supplier today (all pond solutions). They are going to send out a replacement filter head FOC, and I can keep the damaged one for spares. :)
This is obvious no?
Your Pleco.
I can easily imagine that your wife has been underfeeding and they went for it when it got into its boundaries. They are passive fish yes, but if they are hungry they will happily launch into another fish.

No offence to your wife, but if shes a bit clueless on these things you'd be wise to get an auto timer.

My other half doesn't feed the plec or the ottos, I do at night. Tabs twice a week and lettuce/ cougette every couple of days, its fairly rare to see him out of his log and not once have I seen him take any notice of the corys or the ottos let alone the gouramis.

Either way it's been a few weeks and I've watched the tank like a hawk. I've seen nothing out of the ordinary. But have noticed the corys and barbs spawning again, unfortunately no Cory fry but we do have a surviving barn. Seems to be one out one in with our tank.

have a 400L tropical community tank setup running with a Tetratec EX1200 and a Tetratec EX700.
On Saturday went to LFS to get some new fish +plants (2 big clown loaches included), stuck them in a 50L quarantine tank with a Fluval U4, left them overnight, due to the U4 sitting in my shed dry for a few weeks all the bacteria had died so the ammonia and nitrite spiked, so I took the EX 700 from the main tank and put it on the quarantine tank, then put the U4 in the main tank.

My clown loaches that have been in hiding whenever lights are on suddenly spring to life, looks like all I needed was additional waterflow.

On the plus side it was a good excuse to order an FX6 :D
My Roma 240 few months old wanted it to be 100% natural.
Still in the brown Algae stage but plants are growing very well Co2 goes in for half the week as found no reason to pump more of it in, especially bc of the Manado + ferts.

Had a bit of a green algae infection recently which is slowly dieing down. Hard bloody work! Hopefully it settles in a few months time. Im at 60% capacity at the moment so kinda of looking for a a few more fish eventually.

Initial Setup and planting:


My stock is:
10 Danios
6 Panda Cory
6 Blue dwarf gourami
6 endlers
6 nanus Cory
6 Harlequin Rosbora
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My new Goldfish setup,Went from a 60L to a Fluval 125L.

Please excuse the mobile camera and my fantastic photography skillz. :p






Im concerned about that white "Fluffy" stuff that's appeared on the nose of 2 of the darker/smaller fishes..only noticed it when i come to transfer them to the new tank..Something that should be treated or is it okay?

The bigger fish does not have it on his nose.
Goldfish aactually require quite a large tank, but people think that putting them in bowls with no filtration is ok. It really isn't.

I used to keep 4 in a 110L tank, I gave them to my mate when I moved house along with a 200L tank and a filter to run it and they are huge now (apart from the couple that have die:( )

I have a Question:
What is the best combination of light tube colours to get the best colours out of your tank ? (it is a Juwel Rio 400 with the standard 2 tube light unit on it)

and another
I have just added some blue LEDs to the top of my tank held on with selotape.
Previous experience tells me this will not last long, but I wanted to see what it looked like before I started splashing money out on a more permanent method.
What can I used to stick them under the light unit ?
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