Your current Fish tank Setups!

Can anyone give me some advice on how i should be caring for my goldfish setup?

How regularly should i be cleaning the external filters?
How regularly should i do a water change?..and how much?

I noticed wilko sell these "Aquarium Weekly Cleaner" & "Aquarium Chlorine Control" (which i assume is tap safe?)

Should i be using that "Aquarium Weekly Cleaner" or is it not the best to do?..the tank has only been setup a week so far,The fish seem to be very happy though. ;)


You should do a 25% water change weekly as it is the only way to get rid of nitrates in the water. For filters you just need to give the media a gentle clean once a month, just make sure you do it in the water you have taken out when doing the 25% water change that week.

Should I euthanize this fish or can he be saved ?

you see how his body is bent in this picture as if he is "turning a corner" well his body is permanently like that, for information the tank he is in is currently at 82oF with 10 teaspoons of aquarium salt per 10 litres of water.

My existing 125L Nano reef...


.... Although it won't be like that for long, I have an RSM250 to transfer to very shortly :D
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It is a Gourami.

Its most likely caused by dropsy or stress through poor water quality.

Dropsy can be cured if treated early but usually its fatal.

quarantine the fish asap to avoid infecting others.

Spine bending can also be caused by fish Tuberculosis though its rare in tropical aquariums. unfortunately once its got to a stage when you can visibly see the fish is deformed its fatal.

Fish TB can also be passed onto humans so be careful when handling the fish and wash every thing thoroughly.

Either way fish disease is usually caused by poor water quality which leads to fish stress which in turn drops the fishes immune system making them more vulnerable to disease.

Do large water changes every day for a week and add dechlorinator with stress relief, some thing like API stress coat.

After a week drop down to a water change every other day.

then after another week go to a regular large water change once a week.

Do NOT rely on water test kits, they are inaccurate and inconsistent and will only lead you up the garden path.

overfeeding is a common cause of poor water quality in conjunction with infrequent water changes. how often do you feed your fish and how much?

Deformed bodies can also be caused by a vitamin or mineral deficiency but if you're feeding a quality flake food this is unlikely.

It's also possible that the fish has always had this abnormality and its getting progressively worse, however if you've already lost a fish to the same symptoms I'd say its a disease.
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Its most likely caused by dropsy or stress through poor water quality.

Dropsy can be cured if treated early but usually its fatal.

quarantine the fish asap to avoid infecting others.

Spine bending can also be caused by fish Tuberculosis though its rare in tropical aquariums. unfortunately once its got to a stage when you can visibly see the fish is deformed its fatal.

Fish TB can also be passed onto humans so be careful when handling the fish and wash every thing thoroughly.

Either way fish disease is usually caused by poor water quality which leads to fish stress which in turn drops the fishes immune system making them more vulnerable to disease.

Do large water changes every day for a week and add dechlorinator with stress relief, some thing like API stress coat.

After a week drop down to a water change every other day.

then after another week go to a regular large water change once a week.

Do NOT rely on water test kits, they are inaccurate and inconsistent and will only lead you up the garden path.

overfeeding is a common cause of poor water quality in conjunction with infrequent water changes. how often do you feed your fish and how much?

Deformed bodies can also be caused by a vitamin or mineral deficiency but if you're feeding a quality flake food this is unlikely.

It's also possible that the fish has always had this abnormality and its getting progressively worse, however if you've already lost a fish to the same symptoms I'd say its a disease.

He has been in quarantine tank for 2 weeks, 1st week had daily water changes, this week has been every other day.
Just done a test using api test kit, ammonia = zero, nitrite = 0, nitrate approx 5 - 10ppm (this is an API test kit where you put water into little glass test tubes)

Food is anywhere from daily to every 2 or 3 days (never normally leave it longer than the 3rd day though)

I always use dechlorinator although it is not api stress coat, it is nutrafin aqua plus which says it has a stress reducing formula, which I guess is the same kind of thing.

I have only noticed bent spine over last 2 days.

Water quality had dropped in main tank as I had neglected it a bit, normally do fortnightly changes, but I think I left it 4 weeks this time.

did I miss anything ?
A bit of a tank update, I added base under my gravel and started cycling and its looking much healthier now.


Now I need to look at what I can stock it with when its ready. Most of the fish I have eyes up already are not compatible, so I need to fine some compromises somewhere.

I was originally dead set on having some shrimp, but then spotted some angel fish in the shops which the wife look a liking to, but the two are not compatible. Also saw a really nice Siamese fighting fish but I don't think that's going to be compatible with much at all.

what are the suggested things to house with angel fish or should I avoid those to begin with. The tank is 100x41x55 ~180L.
After a long break from fish keeping, I've begun the slow process of getting mine up and running today. I'm Looking forward to to adding some fish in a few weeks or so. If the water chemistry dictates, I'd like to add some kuhli loaches. I've had those before, and they make for a lovely addition to a fish tank imo.
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What is the best heater to buy these days?

Went away for 2 days and came back to a tank full of dead fish :( My heater had broken and was stuck on the water was roasting! Tank was great for almost 3 years no disease and the same fish until this happened.

Using the chance to upgrade but dont want the same thing to happen again!
I prefer Visitherm heaters myself, well calibrated setting to actual temp. I've had Rena Smartheaters die completely (stuck off thankfully) and another lose its calibration badly (18C setting continues to heat water to ~26C), while Juwels have needed maximum setting (32C?) to maintain ~24C.

But I have not had a heater running on any of my active five tanks since ~April, even during the winter I usually only had one active and that was for my temperate goodeids in the garage (so only maintaining 18C). Ambient room temperature is typically ~24C indoors and in the garage now.

Sorry for your loses, being "boiled alive" is not a good way to lose fish.
Well got my new resident today :)

Lovely....... however I brought a coral from the same tank he was in from my LFS.... he left all my corals EXCEPT the one I brought lol been nibbling all day!! I swear he waits though until I walk past the tank to do it then comes to the front to say "HAHA".
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