Your current Fish tank Setups!

Does anyone know if you can get a tank say 4ft long by 2 feet deep and about 4ft high so its tall if that makes sense
Does anyone know if you can get a tank say 4ft long by 2 feet deep and about 4ft high so its tall if that makes sense

Yes go to your local fish shop ask if they build custom tanks, if not ask who in the area does. The tank itselfs will need to be built of much thicker glass than normal due to the high, other than that it can be done. It will be a pain to look after unless your arms are 4ft long. :)
Oh ok, that would be lame though and I doubt i'd trust plywood to hold back 100 gallons of water

Thats my point.

in theory it could be pretty cool but I would doubt its ability to seal properly and what would you use to seal it.
Thats my point.

in theory it could be pretty cool but I would doubt its ability to seal properly and what would you use to seal it.

It does work, is done very often, and there are products designed for the purpose....

Why is this so hard to believe?

Oh ok, that would be lame though and I doubt i'd trust plywood to hold back 100 gallons of water

Why would it be lame? Have you ever seen a plywood tank?
it does sound a bit like a joke... but a well sealed plywood tank is as good as a glass one - although you have to get properly big before it gets cheaper than glass from what i can see.
My nano reef tank, only been running for 6 months now, have a Royal Gramma called Graham, a Percula Clown called Fred and a Green Chromis called Freda lol. There's also a peppermint shrimp in there somewhere!

took my community fish back to the shop at the weekend and currently have some malawi chichlids making themselves at home :)

will post a pic later.

i'd love a big tank like that, someone on the website has a massive one that he can swim, he has some lovely rays.
my critters and corals arrive later :D pics to follow

alos got a mis bar clown waiting for me at a shop, the guy is off to TMC again on thurs to pick me out a black misbar to go with him.

Need to think of some names!
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