Your current Fish tank Setups!

It really is as simple as manual removal, I had a horrendous Pond Snail infestation a few years back in one of my tanks, I was manually removing as many snails as I could for ~10mins per day for over two weeks. Something like ~50 snails removed per day, literally hundreds of them removed from the tank. But it worked, not a single Pond Snail in any of my five tanks these days.

Buying a fish to solve a snail problem or an algae problem is never a good reason to buy a fish and what's more, you are not getting to the root cause of the problem...
If you have a snail infestation, you are usually overfeeding.
If you have an algae outbreak, you are probably providing too long a lighting period (six hours is ample) and/or excess nutrients for the algae to feed on.

How much did the nano tank alond with the rest of the setup set you back?

The tank itself was probably the cheapest bit :p

I shopped around, pricematched, bought second hand, re-used some old kit and get a staff discount and free RO and water tests. Current tally is something like...

Tank - 40
Light - 70
Heater - 12
Powerhead - 15
Fuge light - 9
Live rock - 70
Sand - 6
Snails - 18
Shrimp - 18
Crabs - 16
Salt - 14
Corals - 65

So looking at about £350 so far and I still need loads more corals and some fish at some point. Gulp!
It really is as simple as manual removal, I had a horrendous Pond Snail infestation a few years back in one of my tanks, I was manually removing as many snails as I could for ~10mins per day for over two weeks. Something like ~50 snails removed per day, literally hundreds of them removed from the tank. But it worked, not a single Pond Snail in any of my five tanks these days.

Buying a fish to solve a snail problem or an algae problem is never a good reason to buy a fish and what's more, you are not getting to the root cause of the problem...
If you have a snail infestation, you are usually overfeeding.
If you have an algae outbreak, you are probably providing too long a lighting period (six hours is ample) and/or excess nutrients for the algae to feed on.

Or its because hes introduced a plant or fish with snails on?
I am about to move house again (twice!) Firstly back to my Parents for a month of so, till my house sale completes.
So, I have to rig up a fish transportation system.

What I have done previously, is drain the tank into a large 80 litre plastic box (usually about 60 litres), and then add the fish, some fake plants and add in the base of my external filter with the lid off, to keep it warm/aerated. I also then add in a small 50w heater, with my moving bed air filter, both ofwhich I can power in the car from a 300w mains inverter.

Close the lid,over the cables, and add some bubblewrap under the lid to help the seal. Then wrap this in a big towel (to collect any seepage) and then drive very slowly to the my destination :D

I like doing it this way, as it keeps all my filter media happy, and allows me to keep a larger amount of the original water. I might even get some big water cans and put some more in there too.
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In my experience snail outbreaks are usually indicative of another problem, and most people over-feed, so that usually causes the problem.
A well balanced tank will naturally even out with a few snails if the source problem is tackled. I had it recently in a nano tank I set up in my man-cave. I had a single Clown Killifish that I rescued from pets at home that was labelled as an endler.
I did some manual removal, and dropped back on the feeding to 1-2 times a week, with less food, and the tank settled down nicely, algae cleaning dropped back to nothing, and its much happier now a few months down the line, I think I have seen 1-2 small snails, and thats it :)
Work in progress.:)


I ordered a powerhead as i feel the tank circulation is poor. Iv gone for an Eheim Aquaball as it really does look amazing tbh full range of movement, Might add a sponge filter to the inlet also cant hurt :)
Hi all,

Could do with some advice here... on last week's water test I discovered that my nitrates and phosphate had crept up a bit, probably as a result of adding a handful of chaeto to the back compartment, of which 90% promptly melted. Results were -

Nitrate - 5-10
Phosphate - 0.36
KH - 10.2
Ca - 450
Mg - 1350
SG - 1.026

I did a 15% water change, added 25g of Rowaphos (using the bag) and left it to it. Everything in the tank seems fine except for the last couple of days where one zoa colony is 50% closed (I can't see anything that might be irritating it), and my M. undata has developed a white edge. Is this die-off, new growth or something else?


I have a superman monti which seems to be doing fine still, closer to the light.

Hi mate how is the coral doing now? The only test result that's high is the phosphate, which the rowa should take care of. The nitrate could do with being below 5 but you're not far off that, so I would not have thought it's that. Other things to effect them could be temperature swings, too much light or too little light.
Hi mate how is the coral doing now? The only test result that's high is the phosphate, which the rowa should take care of. The nitrate could do with being below 5 but you're not far off that, so I would not have thought it's that. Other things to effect them could be temperature swings, too much light or too little light.

Much the same to be honest.... the white patches are very slightly greater in area than they were before but I honestly can't tell if it's the coral receding or putting out growth. I'll get some tests done tomorrow and see how the P is looking. Hopefully it's just a bit of a wobble from the instability and things will settle down, but we'll see. I still have one small zoa colony that is closed up as well(the others seem fine).
Hi all

With my 65ltr, what would you say is the Max number of fish I should be putting in? I assume it depends on the fish size also
My current 36x12x15

Currently houses

A pair of kribensis
4 x neons
4x golden harlequins
3 x danios
2 x albinio corys

Looking to add more neons/danios and a few hatchet fish.

^Get some more water in it. That gap would bug the hell out of me :p

King4aday, not cheap then! Would love a marine tank but not the costs.
Set up a little AquaNano 40 for my Girlfriend recently for her bedroom. It's going perfect so far, more corals to be added tomorrow. :)




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