Your current Fish tank Setups!

No problem mate. Was actually just looking for some advice on the tang. But obv times passed now! Sorry to hear about your ich, inported from somewhere or dormant you think? Hope the rest of the stock recover

Yeah i think i got a bad fish that wasn't quarantined, straight out of shipping straight into my tank, my tank looks bare now with half of the fish dead:(
Is a separate small tank not a possible especially. You should raise it with the supplier, they probably already know if it was an issue, whether they confirm or not is another matter
Hi guys, the siphon intake strainer fell off, with the output still flowing water, I put part of the strainer and checker ball back to where it was and the output pipe stopped and no flow. I'm struggling to get it to prime now for some reason. It is a Fluval 206 and self prime doesn't do much Any help? Thanks

Make sure the ball moves freely and is free of all debris. The self prime doesn't work without the ball working correctly. If all else fails you can manually prime it by filling (to the top) the canister with water before putting it back together.

Sorry to hear about your Yellow Tang NoobCannon :(

Question for the planted tropical keepers. I've just bought some eleocharis acicularis for when I plan to re-scape my tank. I don't have time to do it until Wednesday, so how do I keep the plants safe and alive until then?

I would put them in the tank until the time comes.
Make sure the ball moves freely and is free of all debris. The self prime doesn't work without the ball working correctly. If all else fails you can manually prime it by filling (to the top) the canister with water before putting it back together.

I would put them in the tank until the time comes.
Thanks for response m8, ball seems to be moving fine when I'm self priming it but still no water from output. It was because of a leak in the aquastop then I bought replacement and new o ring which stopped the leaking and now this. I have now cleaned the impeller inside and still nothing. Gonna take it all out now and try.
Is your tank suitable for a goldfish?

Remember they are supposed to be in ponds. Grow the size of a small carp.

Dont mean to preach as im not innocent and kept a couple myself in a smallish tank. Put them in parents pond as they grew huge. Now they gotta be 4/5lb

Sorry, only just seen this. They were my mum's originally, and she like many others decided to buy them without prior research. There were about 6 fancy goldfish in a tiny tank and inevitably 4 ended up dying. So I banned her from doing anything fish related, took the two survivors and stuck them in this 120l tank. They're only small at the moment (they've been about this size for a year), but they appear to be healthy and of course the water is tested weekly, etc. I understand they produce quite a lot of waste so I'm running two filters (Fluval external and an Interpet power filter). If they grow too big for this then they will be moved, but hopefully that won't be for a long time!

Tank has looked pretty bare for a while as I've been busy, but I plan to add more plants and perhaps a few ornaments. Back needs tidying up and covering too. Apart from that, it'll just be these two fish and no more. :)

A 120 will be fine for 2 fancy goldfish but you'll need to do the work (water changes) for life. Quite frankly that is luxury compared to what 99% get.

Don't worry about running 2 filters, just run the bigger one. They don't need a lot of flow and there is no value in over filtering.

If your looking at plants go for stuff with thicker leaves such as Java Fern, Anubias, Bucephalandra, Crinum etc. Once the goldfish get a bit bigger they are likely to try and put them in their mouth.
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A 120 will be fine for 2 fancy goldfish but you'll need to do the work (water changes) for life. Quite frankly that is luxury compared to what 99% get.

Don't worry about running 2 filters, just run the bigger one. They don't need a lot of flow and there is no value in over filtering.

If your looking at plants go for stuff with thicker leaves such as Java Fern, Anubias, Bucephalandra, Crinum etc. Once the goldfish get a bit bigger they are likely to try and put them in their mouth.

Yeah I'm strict with the water testing and changes so no problem there.

Should I stick the filter media from the smaller one into the bigger filter then? I think there's room in there.

As for plants, I've just had a look on eBay and someone is selling the Java Ferns - 5 for £4.29 - so I'll stick a load of them in then. Cheers. :)
Yes, stick the media in the other filter.

They will need to be attached to wood or rocks but they are really hard to kill. Just don't bury the rhizome. 5 or £4.29, not sure how they manage that, 5 leaves perhaps but not 5 plants. They are normally £4-6 each for a decent sized plant.
Guys, where is a good place to sell a tank? I've got a Fluval Edge (the bigger one) with a programmable LED upgrade, but no idea where to shift it!
Guys, where is a good place to sell a tank? I've got a Fluval Edge (the bigger one) with a programmable LED upgrade, but no idea where to shift it!

recently joined a few scottish reef pages on facebook with plenty of tanks and equipment being sold. i will check the names and post back
I've seen them in Maindenhead Aquatics. They seem solid but I don't own one.

Feels a bit expensive for just 310L. Have you had a look at what you can get from the custom tank places?


Just had a look at ND Aquatics and you can get a 500L in pine for £1075. They don't do real oak but I am sure other places would.
A surprising update on my 80 litre / 20 gal tank from Maidenhead Aquatics. A brief summary for those who (understandably with such a big and busy thread) forgot:

24" x 12" x 18" (roughly), set up with heavy blackwater for south American species. This is achieved with Indian Almond leaves and driftwood.
5 x Black Phantom / Columbian Tetras
7 x Glowlight Tetras
7 x Neon Tetras
1 x Bristlenose Plec / catfish

I seem to have lost a few of the little fish during cycling (never found any bodies, mind) but the rest are thriving now.

With the original setup as supplied by Maidenhead (a tiny Superfish AquaFlow 100 internal filter), ammonia was always around 1-2ppm and nitrites were borderline dangerous to the point of using API salt to help the fish survive the effects. After persevering for a few months I did a 100% water change and bought an Aquamanta EFX 1000 external filter about three months ago. Overkill, but better than the opposite. I set it up following PondGuru's video, with ceramic rings in the base then three foams (coarse, medium, fine) topped by a polishing pad / filter floss in the bottom tray, and 2KG of Biohome Ultimate split between the top two trays. Overkill, but again why not? I also used PondGuru's gel bacteria balls in the filter itself, as well as a dose of Seachem Pristine to be safe. There followed an almighty bacterial bloom which took a week to settle, but the water was down to safe levels almost immediately afterwards.

I have been busy (and ill) for a month or so, and not really done much except feed the usual tiny pinch of New Life Spectrum every couple of days. As such I was expecting a water nightmare today now I've finally gotten around to the cleaning the poor little buggers. They haven't even had a water change in all that time. So I tested the water (API master test kit) and got:

pH: 7.2
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
Nitrate: 0ppm :eek:


(Sorry for the crappy quality, they're hard to photograph especially on a phone. Left to right: pH, nitrite, ammonia, nitrate).

WTH. That BioHome Ultimate stuff really does work as advertised. I've never even been able to get this little tank to 0 ammonia before with crappy internal filters, but to see nitrate also at zero thanks to the anaerobic bacteria having already colonised the dense inner core of the BHU? Amazing. I wouldn't have believed if I hadn't seen it myself. In fact I did the test twice thinking I'd messed up lol. So aside from needing a substrate hoover the water is actually pretty bloody pristine, and really validates my decision to go overkill external. Winrar. \:D/ Towards the end of the year once the water has gotten 'old' I want to add a pair of blue rams to complete the setup.
I only have a 25ltr tank now which has a few live plants and a Beta in there.

Thought i would add some shrimp to help clean the tank. Told the fish guy i wanted a few armoured shrimp but he advised me against it due to my tank only being 25ltr. Talked me into buying 4 smaller see through shrimp, around 1cm in size as they will be better in the tank and wont harm the Beta fish.

Ok so i bought 4 of them, £16. Took them home, did the usual bag in water and add bits of water to help climatise them. Then went ahead and added them to the tank.

My Beta fish has eaten them all straight away, didnt even have chance to hit the ground. oops.

Dunno why i ever take advice off of pet stores as it always tends to be utter **** lol... Internet straight away says Beta fish will eat smaller shrimp.
Do you mean amano shrimo. Not armour?

Any fish could/will eat anything that will fit in its mouth.

Shrimp add almost 0 bio load to a tank add as many amanos as you want. They cant breed in freshwater so you will be fine. (Obv dont go stupid and add 1000 shrimp)
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