Your current Fish tank Setups!

My Beta fish has eaten them all straight away, didnt even have chance to hit the ground. oops.

Dunno why i ever take advice off of pet stores as it always tends to be utter **** lol... Internet straight away says Beta fish will eat smaller shrimp.

Every fish is different unfortunately, my Beta doesn't bat an eye lid at the shrimps or the baby mollies/ember tetra he currently shares his tank with, yet when we put a poorly bullied platy in there (in the hope it would get left alone) he became a whole different beast and the platy got quickly put in another tank.

Get some Nerite Snail or 2, there awesome for keeping a tank clear if you don't mind eggs!.... Now if you have a suggestion on something that will eat there eggs would be excellent! then it quickly becomes the women who swallowed a spider to catch the fly story! :D
Every fish is different unfortunately, my Beta doesn't bat an eye lid at the shrimps or the baby mollies/ember tetra he currently shares his tank with, yet when we put a poorly bullied platy in there (in the hope it would get left alone) he became a whole different beast and the platy got quickly put in another tank.

Get some Nerite Snail or 2, there awesome for keeping a tank clear if you don't mind eggs!.... Now if you have a suggestion on something that will eat there eggs would be excellent! then it quickly becomes the women who swallowed a spider to catch the fly story! :D

I'm not aware of anything that eats the eggs, they are as hard as nails. I have a small army of them in my 180L, they only tend to go on egg laying sprees if there is a lot stuff for them to eat.

Every time I go near a pets at home I tend to grab some. They will get out if you don't have tight fitting lids. Oddly enough PAH's snails are pretty good and a decent price, only one of my LFS's stock snails and they are pretty poor with most being empty shells.
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Just noticed this on one of the goldfish. I'm honestly not sure if it's always been that way or if it's happened recently though.

As you can see, the anal fin is bent forward so that it now rests in front of the lower caudal (?) fin. I've gently tried seeing if it'll go back to its normal position but it doesn't want to budge so I didn't force it. It doesn't seem to be causing any swimming problems though, so perhaps just a birth defect that had gone unnoticed?

Water parameters are 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites and 20 ppm nitrates.

My new sebae nem is still moving around the tank. Hiding in between the rocks at the moment however my female clown is hosting so happy days.
Chaps, I came home last night (it was dark, lights had been off for 4+ hours), switched the tank lights on and found a very thin, fine, thread type worm floating about. I'd say about 1-1.5" long, perhaps 0.5mm or less in diameter, white. Googling has been tough to find what it is.

All fish seem healthy, I am having green spot algae problems right now (otto's and amarno shrimp slacking) but waters showing good.

Any idea what it could be? Is it detrimental to my tank?

My LFS said I should be concerned by the colour of my Betta's poo, it's pretty white rather than brown or red and shows it could be a parasitic infection. He seems happy though, eats well and builds bubble nests regularly (only for me to destroy them weekly with a water change :( ). I have had no concern of his health at all.

Only Nerite snails touch green spot algae and even that's debatable.

The Betta certainly has issues with internal parasites/tape worms. Probably had them since the you got it from the shop. the problem is the medication you can buy in the UK is not worth he bottle its poured out of and costs more than the average Betta. You need to see a vet to get anything that will actually kill it.

My advice would be to keep the water clean and hope he can sort himself out.

The worm was likely the Betta's poop.
Bugger getting a vet involved for a fish, as attached to him as I am that's silly money territory.

He's hat white **** for months and he seems happy, I'll maintain the water and see how he gets on.
Someone else might weight in with an over the counter product that works but in my experience anything you can get ranges from very mild to complete hokum. There isn't really anything on the market in the UK designed to tackle internal parasites.

If your in the USA I'd say go down to any pet store any buy API general cure....
You could try panacur granules - we used it with our Betta when he had camallanus worms.

Mixed up a tiny amount with some tank water and soaked some bloodworms in it for 20 minutes before pouring the whole lot in for him eat

Seemed to get rid of them, but unfortunately think the damage had already been done and he died a few months later
My local Maidenhead (Fishkeeper Leith), who are normally very good and knowledgeable, did recommend something to deal with it, can't remember what, had copper in it. Though it seemed to be more of an invert killer, so I couldn't just put it in my tank as my snails and shrimp would perish faster than the worms probably. So because of this I'd have to buy a whole new tank as a incubation tank, which seems too expensive, space consuming and full of hassle.

I'll monitor and see how he gets on, I'm sure I'm overreacting and the tank is fine :p
My local Maidenhead (Fishkeeper Leith), who are normally very good and knowledgeable, did recommend something to deal with it, can't remember what, had copper in it. Though it seemed to be more of an invert killer, so I couldn't just put it in my tank as my snails and shrimp would perish faster than the worms probably. So because of this I'd have to buy a whole new tank as a incubation tank, which seems too expensive, space consuming and full of hassle.

I'll monitor and see how he gets on, I'm sure I'm overreacting and the tank is fine :p

Don't bother getting a new tank, just use a bucket and an air stone. They will also be fine this time of year without a heater, as we move into the Autumn and winter it will depend on how warm your house is.

As for filtration, remove some filter media from the current filter and put it on top of the air stone, job done.
So... had a very busy long weekend, and now our tropical tank has changed from this:





and this:


Just waiting for it to cycle now, and eyeing up a few goodies!

Just ordered a Jecod SW-4 programmable 500-4,000lph wavemaker to replace/supplement the one we got with the tank (which is a basic All Pond Solutions 3,000lph one which is pretty noisy :(). Any tips on positioning it (or both) along with the return outlet would be appreciated.

Also looking at grabbing a Tunze 9004 skimmer to replace the Fluval PS1 which came with the tank, as it makes the whole cabinet buzz!

For lighting, currently using a 160W full spectrum LED unit (again came with the tank). Should do the job for now, but really like the look of the Kessil a160we or AI Prime, prefer the Kessils, but it's a pain they need an external controller to get the full functionality. Either way, due to the size/shape of the tank, we'd need 2 of them, meaning £££ so that's going to have to wait!

Planning to go for a reef, so will be putting corals in at some point, but starting off with just fish, so far we're hoping to get:

2 Clowns (tank bred ocellaris)
Chalk goby
Sixline wrasse
Flame Angel

Along with the usual cleaner shrimp, turbo snails, hermit crabs etc.

My GF also really wants a starfish, but going to have to do a bit more research on the suitability first!
That's the one :) managed to pick it up for £150 including all the kit to go with it, been using it for freshwater until now, but decided to finally get round to switching over :)
Good to see haggisman, the kessils are excellent lights, you get a really nice shimmer off them, I have the radion pro Gen 3 but I am upgrading to the Gen 4 in the new year if your interested.

Six line wrasse are hit and miss, they can be a right pain to bully other fish, plenty of other wrasses, I recommend the fairy wrasse, exquisite wrasse, silver belly wrasse, beautiful fish.
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