Depends on what you want, what you have available locally and if you are willing to buy blind online.
For a planted tank I wouldn’t recommend anything other than a soil type substrate now but it is rather expensive. I’m using the tropica one but the ADA, JBL, Fluval etc versions are all fine. For a small tank I would get the smaller grain size for tropica it’s referred to as ‘powder’.
As for rocks/wood you really are limited to what’s available unless you want to buy online and this is typically blind so you don’t know what you are getting. In my experience most local stores are pretty poor when it comes to decent rock and wood.
Also if you are going planted I would suggest a rimless tank but again these are more expensive but the tank it’s self wont dominate the room as much because they don’t have thick bezels, lids and use clear silicone instead of black. They also make the content of the tank stand out much more.
I have a Denerle scapers tank which is nice. Aquarium Gardens also have a line of small rimless tanks which are rectangular rather than cubes.
I have this kit which is a good starter kit:
It comes with a basic light and filter which are fine for low demanding plants, you just need to add a small heater. It also has a lid but you don’t need to use it, if you run it without the lid you can get creative with bits of wood and plants coming out the top.
George farmer also just did a Fluval Flex setup with everything bought from pets at home, it’s worth a watch. Search George Farmer on YouTube.
Thank you for the informative reply.
Funnily enough I watched the George Farmer video last night before bed about the Flex and Pets at Home setup. I came across his channel in the last few days of research.
I also have the Dennerle 35L you have on the shortlist so my final two choices are between the Flex 34 and the Dennerle 35L. Either one will fit into the intended space in the Kitchen.
I wasn't too sure on the lid on the Dennerle as it had gaps. It did mean I could choose my own filter and light but the kit you have referenced was also a possibility. The other rimless tanks on aquarium gardens did not seem to have any lids so haven't put them on the list. I wanted to put a tank in the kitchen for the next 6 to 12 months before finding it's home in the lounge once it has been re-decorated. I assume a lid would be a necessity?
I take your point on the rocks, wood and plants being sourced online vs the local shops. I may have to try Maidenhead Aquatics or follow George Farmer ideas.
This new setup is more for fish (Neon Tetras and maybe some Betta, Shrimp and some snails) but I'd like to decorate it with naturals elements to make it more interesting and always changing.
Thanks for the tips so far.
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