Your current Fish tank Setups!

Hi everyone. I’ve been reading through a few pages of the thread and you guys have some great looking set ups. My two boys would like a fish (Finding Nemo influence!),what would you advise for a starter aquarium and what type of fish. Ideally I would like something big enough for the fish as some of the starter aquariums look small. Also I’d like something that aesthetically looks nice in the house too. Thanks.
I'm running a 110ltr tank in my living room atm and I don't think I'd go any smaller than that. It's getting replaced with a 4ft one (about 250ltrs) next year.
Hi everyone. I’ve been reading through a few pages of the thread and you guys have some great looking set ups. My two boys would like a fish (Finding Nemo influence!),what would you advise for a starter aquarium and what type of fish. Ideally I would like something big enough for the fish as some of the starter aquariums look small. Also I’d like something that aesthetically looks nice in the house too. Thanks.

Dont be drawn into the finding nemo trap.

How much effort/maintance are you wanting to put into a fishtank will be the deciding factor on whats recomended

Cold/fresh = lower end if maintance scale

Tropical = middle ground

Marine = top/highest (depends on fish only or coral and fish)
I want to have another go at a planted tank, going to avoid my tap water this time around and use RO instead.

Looking for a nice nano tank, 1 where the filter is hidden, seen 3 that I like the look of, but I could do with some opinions.

Fluval Flex 57
Fluval Spec 60L
Aqua One AquaNano 40

At the moment, I'm veering more towards the AquaNano 40.
Small tanks are harder to look after and 40L is to small for many fish. Shrimp would be ok in something that size, but no more than a few small fish.

The tap water won't be the reason for plants dying. Most plants will grow like crazy in tropical tanks with good lighting. Some need soil, but stem plants will grow in anything. Things like Java fern you can stick to wood or rocks.
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Start with the biggest tank you can fit where you want it to go.

Will always regret it afterwards and wind up upgrading, been there and done that!

I want to start small this time, just to see if I can get everything under control.
I Gave up on my last 3ft tank because of algae problems.
If everything goes well, then look into upgrading.

Small tanks are harder to look after and 40L is to small for many fish. Shrimp would be ok in something that size, but no more than a few small fish.

The tap water won't be the reason for plants dying. Most plants will grow like crazy in tropical tanks with good lighting. Some need soil, but stem plants will grow in anything. Things like Java fern you can stick to wood or rocks.

I'm aiming to keep more plants and shrimp, with maybe a few tetras, or just a betta.
I know my tap water is pretty poor and very hard, so I want to try with RO water to see if it helps with my algae problem.
Most of the tap water in the UK is hard, but it depends what is actually making it hard. I use about 1/4 RO water and it makes no noticeable difference to algae growth.

Algae won't be a problem with shrimp, snails and plants. There will always be some but it will get eaten.
NoobCannon how's the skimmer doing now? Did it quieten down?

Yeah its near silent now. Very pleased with it. (Altho its not happy at the moment as ive been painting and it doesn't seem to like the fumes even tho its water based paint)

Had some big changes in my tank, had to rip it Apart as had a couple of damsels become aggressive and had no luck catching them.

Got rid of them and replaced them with some
Wrasse, got a flasher wrasse, a silver belly/4 spot and a lime green wrasse

Only bad side is that it never ever goes back the same way and am having problems with my larger anemone occasionally touching my expensive elegance coral! So am in two minds of what to so with the elegance now, may move it to the sand bed.


Its impossible to take a good pic of a reef tank with my phone
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Damsels are on the never again list, evil things! I love your Flame Angel, its colours really pop under those blues. I think I would get one of them when I eventually set a tank up. I used to have a juvenile Emperor and it was simply stunning, but it had to go when it started changing in an adult and it ate my elegance!

I'm glad the skimmer is now quiet, I think any change in the atmosphere around the skimmer would effect the bubble consistency.

Nyos make aquariums now, AAC are setting one up, I think I'll go see what its like. As the idea of a Nyos tank, skimmer and reactor appeals.
Think I have got a right territorial angel fish. I started off with an angel fish, 2 shrimp and 5 clown barbs now it’s just an angel fish double the size.
Been in the tank on its own for about a month now and it’s been happy enough going back and fore until today I added a bristle nose and now it’s been swimming back and fore looking in amongst all the slate and hiding in the cave.

is this normal?
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