Your current Fish tank Setups!

Not made much headway this week.
Been looking at decor, what some rocks to make a little cave, but it's hard to know how much to order since it's all done by weight.
Might go out for a drive on the weekend and look at a few more shops.

Thinking of upgrading the lights, since these are what I'm working with.


Looking at 45cm version of this. Since I should be able to screw it into my hood.
never had a beta myself, it always put me off seeing them in the shop in those tiny tanks. Do they mix with anything else in a community setup or are they basically ones to keep alone?
From what I've been reading bettas and tank mates are a contested subject.
Some people say you can keep them with a small selection of fish, others say you can't. I think ultimately, it comes down to the personality of the fish.

I won't be taking any chances, when I finally do get a betta, it'll be kept in a tank alone.
Used to have some female dumbo bettas in a dedicated tank, quite cool fish! And a half moon in his own little 25l tank.

Got some of these in our 250l community tank, quite placid for Betta's but not as fancy
They keep them in those small thanks because they will go after their own kind - you can usually only have one.

I had a Betta in a mixed community tank. You do just need to be careful to avoid tank makes which are nippy as they’ll go after the Betta’s fins or anything with long flowing fins which a betta may consider to be a another male betta.
Recently got a second 80 litre tank, so now looking for some kind of electric pump to do water changes, as using the manual pump is getting a bit tedious now lol! What sort of thing do I need? Not looking to spend a fortune, it's just for pumping water out, or more specifically, back into the tank (gravity does the other bit lol!)
Any suggestions? Ta :)
I use a Python syphon hose into the nearest toilet and refill using the our thermostatic shower.

I’ve got the standard python kit plus an extension.

You can use the valve to ‘suck’ the water out of the tank but I don’t bother, the toilet is lower than the tank so syphon plus gravity does the job.
Recently got a second 80 litre tank, so now looking for some kind of electric pump to do water changes, as using the manual pump is getting a bit tedious now lol! What sort of thing do I need? Not looking to spend a fortune, it's just for pumping water out, or more specifically, back into the tank (gravity does the other bit lol!)
Any suggestions? Ta :)

Refill manually, but do so over the week, providing the filter can run ok?
Recently got a second 80 litre tank, so now looking for some kind of electric pump to do water changes, as using the manual pump is getting a bit tedious now lol! What sort of thing do I need? Not looking to spend a fortune, it's just for pumping water out, or more specifically, back into the tank (gravity does the other bit lol!)
Any suggestions? Ta :)
i just use a small pond pump and some vinyl tubing for doing water changes. Pump the water out into the water butt on the garden and then fill it from a bucket in the sink adding some dechlorinator.

On my bigger tanks i use a 3000lph pump

small one

larger one
Still slowly buying stuff for the tank and looking at plants, but I'm wondering how to tackle my water.

I know my water is very hard, when I had my shrimp tank, I bought RO water and used a shrimp product to remineralize it.
I'm not sure whether to use a similar product for the new tank, or cut it 50/50 with tap water.

I tested my water the other night an API kit and both the GH and KH were off the scale.
They only go up to 12 drops, which means 12ºdKH, or 214 ppm. Where as my water took 18 drops to change the GH test colour, I think the KH test, took 16/17.

I know that plants like hard water, but I'm concerned about my future betta.

By the way, how does this look? Does it look too busy?

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Still slowly buying stuff for the tank and looking at plants, but I'm wondering how to tackle my water.

I know my water is very hard, when I had my shrimp tank, I bought RO water and used a shrimp product to remineralize it.
I'm not sure whether to use a similar product for the new tank, or cut it 50/50 with tap water.

I tested my water the other night an API kit and both the GH and KH were off the scale.
They only go up to 12 drops, which means 12ºdKH, or 214 ppm. Where as my water took 18 drops to change the GH test colour, I think the KH test, took 16/17.

I know that plants like hard water, but I'm concerned about my future betta.

By the way, how does this look? Does it look too busy?


No substrate on the bottom or is that being added next?

Our water lettuce is growing like crazy, so we've already been able to add some to the turtle tank. Turtles arriving next week :D
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Still slowly buying stuff for the tank and looking at plants, but I'm wondering how to tackle my water.

By the way, how does this look? Does it look too busy?

To me, the focal piece (bogwood) is too central, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder! They used to say place focal point around 2/3rds to one side.

I'd try the bogwood rear-right on the diagonal, tall single rock in middle on diagonal, flowing into the three smaller rock pieces front-left.
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