Your current Fish tank Setups!

Love how neat your setup is.
That sounds like such a complete pain about the flat worms, I've heard horror stories about them. Glad your sticking with it though.

Nothing much exciting myself, really upped the flow in my tank and it seems to be having an effect on my GSP.
The left colony is really starting to come out now, the right, my 1st coral, has made a small improvement, but still quite disappointing.

Thanks. Coral eating pests are an absolute nightmare but a lesson to us all to ensure we thoroughly impact everything with a magnifying glass and have a good regime for dipping new additions.

Your tank still looks quite new so I would not worry too much about the GSP until it’s matured a little more.

Are you skimming?
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Yeah, think tank finished cycle about 7 weeks ago.

No skimmer. I have a canister filter. Took most of the sponges out and filled it with seachem bio and carbon media.
Yeah, think tank finished cycle about 7 weeks ago.

No skimmer. I have a canister filter. Took most of the sponges out and filled it with seachem bio and carbon media.

When I first started marines about 20 years ago now I ran skimmerless for a while and once I added a skimmer the response from my corals was pretty amazing so I’ve ran a skimmer ever since.

7 weeks is still new so I wouldn’t be overly worried about gsp. Just keep up with the water changes and plenty of flow
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