Your current Fish tank Setups!

Well picked up my bargain today, had to go to Hull for it though. I picked up an Aqua medic percula 90 all in one tank with 2 koralia powerheads on a wave system. An Arcadia series 3 pendant (150w halide + 2x T8), a spare Deltec MCE300 skimmer, another couple of spare power heads, a full set of Salifert test kits, spare bucket of salt, 2 heaters, 35kg live rock, a regal tang, scooter blennie, chalk goby, torpedo goby, peppermint shrimp, cleaner shrimp and a few crabs and snails. All for the princely sum of £250. I've just finished filling it up and getting it back up to temp for the fish, i'll have to scape tomorrow now then i'll add pics :)

Good deal, very nice! looking forward to the pics:)
Started keeping fish about 4 months ago.
Got a Juwel rekord 110L second hand, took out the internal filter and added an Eheim Ecco pro 300.
Just got a JBL proflora co2 system and dose it with seachem flourish weekly. Is this enough?

Have 4 Angel fish, 3 Congo Tetras, 2 Silver sharks and a couple of Kuhli loach.

Do a 25% water change weekly.

All the fish seem happy but any advice would be appreciated if Im doing anything wrong

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Seems like you helping your mum is like the blind leading the blind! :D
Best really to read up as much as possible before going anywhere near an aquarium. Learning as you go is often at the expense of the fish, as you've found out!

Most tetras aren't the best for new tanks, not that hardy but you know that now.
Don't just rely on what a fish shop tells you. IME, they often give poor advice.
Don't buy anything on impulse and on the shop staff's "Yeah, it'll be fine" attitude.

It is just surprising how many people get new setups and haven't got a clue what to do and end up coming on to fish forums wondering why all their fish have died.

Tell me about it! Lol. If I'd left her to it she'd have filled it with tap water and threw 20 assorted fish in there and then!

As you say, the 'pet shop man' said it'll be fine to add fish after 1 week of 'cycling', which just happened to be when the water was at its cloudiest. No mention of adding ammonia, only filter start and tap safe (nor in the 'manual' that came with kit - tank, heater, pump/filter, tap safe and filter start/bacteria). Took another 2 weeks of regular changes to clear up. 3 weeks total.
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Seems like you helping your mum is like the blind leading the blind! :D
Best really to read up as much as possible before going anywhere near an aquarium. Learning as you go is often at the expense of the fish, as you've found out!

Most tetras aren't the best for new tanks, not that hardy but you know that now.
Don't just rely on what a fish shop tells you. IME, they often give poor advice.
Don't buy anything on impulse and on the shop staff's "Yeah, it'll be fine" attitude.

It is just surprising how many people get new setups and haven't got a clue what to do and end up coming on to fish forums wondering why all their fish have died.

This. +1

@ Sativa - picture looks fantastic.
@ Sativa - picture looks fantastic.[/QUOTE]


Bit bigger picture can see the tetra better.

Has anyone got experience of these?

I spent most of yesterday poking around fish shops with my flat mate who was after a few bits and a couple of shops had these. They looked great but the idea of a 15L marine tank sounds like a whole world of pain. Would you expect a tank to be ok with just corals and a shrimp or something?

They are generally more difficult to maintain than a larger system as parameters can change so quickly in a nano setup. Whereas in a larger tank, they stay more stable.
Yeah, I guess my main concern was whether the fish shaped whole in the eco system would cause problems beyond the issues caused by a small volume of water?
That looks amazing, how much time + money did that setup cost you? I'd love something like that near my desk at home... Is it noisy?

Erm, rough cost breakdown...

Tank - £29 from Pets at home. Comes with a dodgy filter that I replaced with a...
Dennerle Eckfilter - £16
Light - £20
25W shatterproof heater - £8
ADA Amazonia Substrate - £12
Plants - £24
Fish - £12

So looking at about £120 in total, could easily save money on a few things though. Took two or three hours to set up, maintenance is just a few minutes here and there. The little Dennerle filters are really good, very close to silent, just a slight hum if I put my ear right up to it - I have four tanks in my bedroom so need to keep them quiet!

All clear now, going to start adding coral v. soon, trying to source some local frags from local reef keepers
I agree you got a good buy, but the live rock isnt looking very live for an established tank, would be tempted to say its just reef bones.
had perc 90 tank, they arent easy tank to look after to be honest. the 150w MH came with the tank arent powerful enough for coral in my experience. i upgraded to ati 6 x 39w unit which was much better.

also make sure you got cooling system, water will heat up from this MH up to 30c in summer!!!

edit: just read your post 4 days ago, did you used fresh salted water?
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guys give me some advice here please.

I have a small ish tank (tropical) NOT added anything in months to it, ie fish, ornaments, plants etc. But suddenly I am getting a hell of a lot of snails, tiny round ones, cone shaped ones.

and how do I sort this problem out, there seems to be getting more and more each day I think.

thank you
I they are algae eating ones, I've left them. I've got two snails in my tank that are algae eaters, Bill and Ben :) and they do a great job of keeping the glass clean.
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