Your Morning Routine

I can't believe it took 158 posts, this place is slipping :D

I thought someone did earlier in the thread, maybe they just plagiarized it, rather than quoting verbatim.

EDIT - Nope, just had a quick scan and can't see anything. I must've imagined it!
Morning routine - sleep and try not to wake up due to bad dreams as I work shifts. (Had a really wierd one this morning involving the Chuckie doll and I havn't even watched the movie. That was odd.)
- Scottish Shower - the idea here is to go for a lukewarm shower and finish off with cold water. Feels amazing and has many benefits. Straight up cold showers are better but I figured this is more sustainable long term.

But is this a Nicola Sturgeon approved shower though?
Wake up around 7.30,
Put on previous days clothes that are on the floor by bed,
Walk downstairs,
Grab glass of water & cereal bar,
Unlock work PC in office,
Start work at 7.32.
I must admin I've gone from getting up early for a run 3 times a week to only 2 and that's squeezed in before lunch so not ideal. Also been getting up much later, around 8:00 usually as well as having breakfast around 10:00.

Change of plan time...
It's changed slightly in the last week as I've started rowing but the key points would be below.

I've always found once I wake up, I'm awake. And it takes a couple hours before I start to fall asleep again, normally right at the time I need to start moving. Water drunk throughout the day and used to have a few drinks in the evening but have cut back on those being so regular a while back.

0800: Try to sleep until now or later
0530-0630: Wake up around now instead and stay in bed trying to sleep or reading
0820: Start to finally fall asleep again
0830: Dress, bathroom and move to the other room and login to work
1100: Approx time; 500cal of Huel slowly drunk before lunch
1300: (+- an hour) Rowing session (Starting slow as I've done nothing in lockdown), lunch, browse stuff on the computer.
1700: Rice into the cooker
1730: Finish work, eat dinner in front of computer. Gaming / YT / Movies etc.
2300: Approx time; Bathroom and bed.
0000: (+- an hour) Lie in bed reading
@LiE, I want to thank you for giving me the inspiration to cut down on my caffeine intake. Slowly but surely my dependence/habit/whatever you want to call it has grown over the last few years, and it's really definitely not good for me at all. This thread made me think about it, and the more I thought about it the less I was able to laugh it off. As you say, having to rely on a substance to get my day started and - I cringe to admit it - the fact that I indulged the feeling that I needed to have caffeine before doing anything that involved even slight mental or physical effort is something that I find embarrassing. It's not something I could accept any longer, and although I haven't gone full cold turkey, I'm on the way to reducing it in a meaningful way now. The other day I even had the "oh, I haven't had any coffee today...." moment, and it wasn't a headache, lethargy or my temper that reminded me! So yeah, thanks.
6:45: Wake up and moan at tiredness. Stumble about.
6:50: Get the percolator going. And to all the naysayers, that's with cream and sugar!
6:55: Check wind. If it's windy, moan some more. Other boring stuff like teeth.
7:00: Cycle to work.
8:00: Shower.
8:30: Log on and pray the email gods are merciful.
@LiE, I want to thank you for giving me the inspiration to cut down on my caffeine intake. Slowly but surely my dependence/habit/whatever you want to call it has grown over the last few years, and it's really definitely not good for me at all. This thread made me think about it, and the more I thought about it the less I was able to laugh it off. As you say, having to rely on a substance to get my day started and - I cringe to admit it - the fact that I indulged the feeling that I needed to have caffeine before doing anything that involved even slight mental or physical effort is something that I find embarrassing. It's not something I could accept any longer, and although I haven't gone full cold turkey, I'm on the way to reducing it in a meaningful way now. The other day I even had the "oh, I haven't had any coffee today...." moment, and it wasn't a headache, lethargy or my temper that reminded me! So yeah, thanks.

That’s good to hear :) it can be hard sometimes, your brain is a devious thing. After a while you’ll forget why you stopped, you’ll start convincing yourself that it wasn’t so bad. So you have a coffee, and it feels amazing. Why did I ever give this up, you’ll think. Thus the slippery slope begins again.

Humans don’t need constant substance dosage to function, we do very well without it.
I work nights, I'm unsure when morning is for me, Evening or actual morning :D

  • Wake up about 6 - 6.30 PM
  • Straight downstairs make a coffee & put Tea in the oven.
  • Have my tea around 7 - 7.30 (non breakfast related)
  • Chill till around 9pm then i start getting ready for work.
  • 10.15pm off to work until 6am.
  • Come back from work have breakfast & shower.
  • Stay up till around 12 - 1pm doing whatever / chores / Do errands
  • Go to bed.

Its not good, And over the years definitely effects your health I've noticed that, I don't plan on doing this forever.
Humans don’t need constant substance dosage to function, we do very well without it.

mmmm substances

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