Your Morning Routine

in the summer:
up at 5:30am and a quick 1st breakfast
90minute run, shower
Walk kids to school 7am.
Start work 7:15
2nd breakfast 8am
work until 6:30pm, dinner with family
play with kids until 7:30pm
work anothef 1-1.5hours
Read a book or watch a documentary for 30-45mins
Go to bed at 9-30pm to get 8hours sleep.

inmid winter and when the weather is bad i change the schedule a bit and early morning, running midday
Pre covid
800 - get up
801 - shower
815 - breakfast
820 - teeth brush
830 - walk to work
845 - start work

Post covid
850 - wake up
854 - brush teeth
900 - start work

In summer these times shift an hour earlier so I can go out on the evening to beach
At the moment i'm definitely one of the lazy ones.

7:45 - Wake up - Take the dogs out and feed them
8:15 - Start work
9:00 - Make coffee/breakfast
12:30 - Have some dinner
17:00 - Finish work
17:30 - Make tea
18:00 - Sit on sofa and watch tv
21:00 - Wife goes to bed, i sit and watch tv alone/xbox
23:00 - Go to bed

Most days i'll go for a run at some point, though this isn't at a predefined time. Could be before work, during dinner, after work or when my wife goes to bed.

What we have found is that we're bored around 8pm now as with me not commuting everything shifts ~1hr earlier and there's only so much you can watch on tv before it gets boring. We've started going for a walk when i finish work which has been great. Hopefully when the wife starts work again she'll still have the energy to do so (She has M.E so gets tired easily if she overdoes things)

To go along with the morning person thing. I also wish i was one of those, but like @Rroff if i need to be up for something i can jump out of bed instantly. Recently i've seen a personal trainer at 6am which involves getting up at 5:30, because it's booked in i can wake up, jump out of bed, get changed, eat and leave the house. Whereas if i was going to get up and go for a long solo run, there's a good chance i'd be a lazy git and just turn my alarm off and then wake up annoyed with myself later on.
old routine..

6:14 - Get up.
6:20 Breakfast
6:40 - get dressed
6:55 - The big Pish.. get the bike out and cycle to the station.
7:15 - lock the bike up and get 7:19 train to London
8:00 - Get off the train and find a Costa.
8-10 - sit down with coffee and watch the world go by.
8:45 - best go to the office.
8:55 - get changed
9.01 - Start work
9:30 - tough morning already, best get a cuppa.
1:1:30 - Gym

New routine:

6:30 - Get up.
6:40 - Switch PC on ready for work, check work emails
7:00 - Breakfast then wash
8:00 - Either go for a walk or start work early.
9:00 - Radio on and start work if I haven't already.
10:20 - Coffee ready for pop-master.

Wake up
Panic as I struggle to remember if I have an early call with Asia team
Either get up earlier and shower for early call or snooze a little
Late breakfast
Call with India team

Wake up
Panic as I struggle to remember if I have an early call with Asia team
Either get up earlier and shower for early call or snooze a little
Late breakfast
Call with India team

Haha the number of times i've woken up to an Asia meeting notification either starting imminently or that i've missed the start is crazy. Luckily i only tend to listen in so it's not too bad!
5:50 alarm
5:51 shower
6:00 get ready to leave
6:15 head to work (walk and train)
8:00 get to work

7:30 alarm
7:40 shower (lay in as no train times that need to be made for connections)
7:50 feed cats and make coffee
8:00 do dailies in Genshin Impact
8:30 start work

So 3 hours less commuting and 1.5 hours more sleep.


I mean, why do you think it's in a lot of soda drinks? It's cheap and gives you a bit of a perk, perfect for creating an addictive product = $$$. Coca Cola doesn't have to contain caffeine. These companies don't care about the negative effects of essentially pushing a drug.

Some people are lucky enough (I guess) to have the gene that means caffeine doesn't really effect them. However the majority of people don't and are either in denial about it's affects, or are full on dependant on it to simply function.

This was a good video:

My fiance laughs at me for being able to sleep after an 'ok' coffee.

She on the other hand has one 'ok' coffee and is jittery for the rest of the day!
So many coffee drinkers. Funny how normalised it has become to take drugs all day every day.

I wonder how perceptions would change if we replaced coffee in all these routines with "Popped caffeine pill".

Woke up
Popped a pill
Took a shower
Popped another pill
Lunch break, popped a few more pills
Sneaky pill in the evening.
Coffee can make me feel a bit jittery but I don't get the "wired" effect from it and can fall asleep no problem after drinking what has other people running up the walls :(

No jitters from tea but only gives me about 30 minutes of heightened alertness and that is it - again does nothing to wake me up or stop me from sleeping, etc.

I don't generally touch energy drinks but awhile back on a long train journey I knocked back like 3 cans of Red Bull trying to stay awake so I didn't miss my stop and it did absolutely nothing other than make my stomach feel a little off.
Are you sure you didn't just start the thread to have a go at coffee drinkers :p it's turned very weird in here.

Nah, I get it, I used to drink coffee a lot too. I already have an entire thread dedicated to caffeine detoxing. This thread just highlight how bad coffee consumption has become.
There is a lot more to coffee than just caffeine. That is like saying people drink wine just for the alcohol or chocolate just for the sugar.

I would have no issue drinking decaff but quite frankly I can taste the difference and I don't feel the need to.
Coffee can make me feel a bit jittery but I don't get the "wired" effect from it and can fall asleep no problem after drinking what has other people running up the walls :(

No jitters from tea but only gives me about 30 minutes of heightened alertness and that is it - again does nothing to wake me up or stop me from sleeping, etc.

I don't generally touch energy drinks but awhile back on a long train journey I knocked back like 3 cans of Red Bull trying to stay awake so I didn't miss my stop and it did absolutely nothing other than make my stomach feel a little off.

It effects people in different ways, many people get none of the positive effects but still get the down sides e.g. guts, heart rate, messing with hormones, blood pressure, etc.
There is a lot more to coffee than just caffeine. That is like saying people drink wine just for the alcohol or chocolate just for the sugar.

I would have no issue drinking decaff but quite frankly I can taste the difference and I don't feel the need to.

Sure, but it plays a part of the enjoyment. The caffeine is giving you a dopamine hit telling you that coffee is good, drink more coffee. Why do you think caffeine is in so many soda drinks.

I'd say the majority of people drink alcohol for the effect it has on them.
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