Track and Field
I didn't really mean the campaign, most FFs have short campaigns and can be beat in 15 hours or less.
What I meant is, FF IX has a lot of side content, lots of shops, big cities to explore, lots of areas to explore, lots of weapons and materia to level aswel as summons. Lots of character side quests. FF VII has some of this but no way as much as IX.
Throw up between Colin McRae Rally 2, Grand Tourism 2 and Toca Touring cars 2 all for the PS1. Couldn't give a definitive answer because it's been so long since I played any of them. Defo one of them though.
OK, if you had to choose JUST ONE game to say this was my all time favourite, which one would it be..
Now I appreciate there will be many, many that are currently running through your mind, but you are only allowed to say one and one only.
Gran Turismo
The gameplay, physics and graphics were all stunning for its time and the music is still great.
Seeing the intro still gives me goosebumps.