Your motoring irritations

People who complain about other people using a merge in lane correctly.

The **** of a van driver this morning forcing me to brake hard on an icy road because he was coming round a corner in the middle.
Absolutely agreed, it is bloody annoying when people stop miles from the car in front and then slowly creep forward until they stop a normal distance front the car in front. If you stay put you end up looking like the pillock with the big gap in front of you.

Crawling away from lights after they turn green, usually combined with taking 15 seconds to realise it's green followed by faffing around with gears and handbrakes deserves nothing less than lethal injection. Hesitant and unobservant drivers in general make congestion problems much worse.

Also: People who stop in a queue at lights on a road that crosses a T-junction, and don't leave a gap for others to get in and out at said junction.
Crawling up Whiteladies road in Bristol just now. Some guy in front of my let some pedestrians cross the road, and then shortly turned into a side street so there was quite a gap. I chose to accelerate slowly as I saw the traffic lights turning orange ahead - I mean what is the point of hitting 30 then slamming the brakes on. Had a bus who seemed to want to make the accelerator meet the floor as he accelerated then braked a few times followed by him flashing his lights at me and then going through a red light. Is there something wrong with my driving economically? Why should I need to accelerate like a rocket??!
Impatient people who creep out when you're passing them at side junctions. They make you nervous so you slow down in anticpation of them jumping in front of you which means you take longer to pass them than you ordinarily would have done.
Impatient people who creep out when you're passing them at side junctions. They make you nervous so you slow down in anticpation of them jumping in front of you which means you take longer to pass them than you ordinarily would have done.

The wife really goes nuts about that, especially on roundabouts. I have to remind her that smacking the breaks when someone starts rolling out early like that is not a good idea. Such an idiot obviously thinks they've got timing down to a tee, and are more likely to just roll into the side of you if you don't keep up pace.
Woman at mini roundabouts that just sit and look at everyone when it's their right of way.

Every day. EVERY SINGLE ******* DAY i come across one of these on the way back from work!!!.

Well, maybe not every single day, but may as well be.
people not indicating on round abouts and then cut you and blow their horn as if they own the place.

flickering lights (self leveling auto lights?) which make the car look like they are flashing even tho they are not.

chavs in corsa's.

car behind not leaving room behind you in traffic (perticularly on a hill start) - number 1 pet hate.

and finally. (not saying you if you are one. but some where i live)


one tried to pull me over the other day after he nearlly hit the car in front of me.

god knows why he wanted me to pull over.
I DO use my front fog lights outside fog conditions, I drive a lot on powys, and you always have the option of having a pheasant/sheep/hare/rabbit on the side of the road ready to pounce at you. The foggies help quite a lot showing these off in the bends. I do try to be polite and turn them off in traffic of course, but my typical journey is in the middle of the night, and trust me, a stray mammal is NOT something you want to meet at 1am on a hill road.

Now, annoyances:
+ Middle lane huggers, as mentioned before. In france it's actually a traffic offense and you can get a ticket for doing it. I wish it was the case here too..

+ Accordion middle lane huggers. Worst kind of ^^ they slow down. You pass them, go quietly in the slow lane... and then they accelerate gradually until they sit prettily in your mirror dead spot until you reach the next lorry you want to pass, and then flash you angrily because you have to pull out on them, despite signaling. GIMME THAT missile launcher, darling.

+ Mr 42. You KNOW Mr 42, it's been described quite a few times before. It's the usually older person who does 42, regardless. Can't pass them in town as then do 42 and you, 30. and then they'll make themselves large in the next 60 zone. Do check carefully your speedometer next time you see one. it's FOURTY TWO. not 5, not 0. I can't explain why.

+ Signals. My pet theory is that if you own an Audi, they check the computer at service time and will take away the audi and give you something else if you used your signals too much. Must be that.
But can't be of course, it's not JUST the audis, it's the very clever people who think they know a LOT better than anyone else, and the road is theirs, and they have permanent 36o vision anyway. That mean that they obviously are aware of everything, even fast moving motorbikes, or other people changing lane at the same time they do.

My opinion is that a large percentage of accidents are due to people not signaling. If ever you drive in the Paris ring road, you will see an amazing dance of really, really fast moving cars. And ALL OF THEM SIGNAL. Basically the only thing preventing a permanent, giant car crash is that you trust the other loonies oh the road to signal so you CAN pass them at 30mph more than their lane without having to worry too much about them pulling out.

My opinion is that people not signaling as a /reflex/ even if they are frigging alone on the road should have their legs borken as an object lesson. Jeremy Clarkson style :-)

+ "Little princess on board" obscuring 40% of their back window.
Had a good one today. A women stopped right on a roundabout to let her kids out for school. I was just about to exit behind her and she stopped dead, put her hazards on and out got her two kids. One of those moments where you are too shocked to even beep. Oh and then as she pulls away again the classic hand up to "thank" me for obviously eating my own dashboard. Un-be-leivable.
Chavs who lower their car so much that they need to go over speed bumps sideways and then they wonder why I have overtaken them after they reach the next one!
People who slow for traffic officers.
People who cannot keep left.
People who ignore NSL signs.
People who flash me when I overtake.

Oh.... My biggest hate.... The **** who speeds up to close a gap.
I had a nutter in a 4x4 trying to stop me on an NSL coutry road last week after i caught him up.

Total mentalist, i actually thought he was out to get me.
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