Your Political Compass

Cancer at least is a difficult and varied disease that deserves that level of funding, it would appear to be finally making headway for cures at the moment.
I consider myself left wing, but I have some authoritarian thoughts although frankly I just consider them to be common sense.
I find @humbugs reasoning to vote for Reese Mogg very worrying although I would love Mogg to be PM. The Tories would become irrelevant for a longtime afterwards.
I don't think it's a huge surprise that most people are winding up as Left Libertarians/Social Anarchists. The questions are short, simple. The answers that put people in the bottom left quadrant are ones that many would agree with, in isolation. Trying to create a coherent and functional political plan from those basic ideals is considerably more challenging.

Libertarian Left ideologies involve a lot of trust. Ultimately, justified or not, most of us don't trust each other, the state, or corporations. So it shouldn't be any surprise that we instead look to Authoritarian political powers when casting our votes.
Cancer at least is a difficult and varied disease that deserves that level of funding, it would appear to be finally making headway for cures at the moment.

If you care about number of lives saved per $ then other diseases should have an increase in research funding relative to cancer.
I got this, which paints me as far more Lefty-Liberal than I thought I was.


Govt needs to stop telling people how to live.
It's not like many of them listen anyway....
It's funny how much different what people think they want is from what they actually want, once you break it down into bitesize chunks
I am a left leaning, right wing Nazi.

The state should provide help for those less fortunate than us, so unless your ill, disabled you get a good 5 years of support. After that it dwindles down to nothing. If at any point you end up in prison more than 3 times you get shot, which just so happens to be by people who are on their 3rd and final jail time (2nd timers make the bullets. Of course we are not heartless, this does not start until you are 18, So to help this poor children we create a specific military units to install some much needed moral fibre and a sense of pride. (hell maybe even make them fireman)

Ok its a little North Korean but some people are just bad and we are better off without them.
Weird necro but i just got the urge to do this again after the pruning of the New news channel thread...

Still says im a center left communist even tho id send them all back in a heartbeat :p

funny thing is, I just did the political compass test out of curiosity and came out as a slightly left authoritarian. I didn't even think there was such a thing. I was very close to smack bang in the centre of everything though.

Maybe I’m a centrist and the centrist of today is seen as more right wing than in the past.

I got this result lol
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