Your top ten youtube channels?

Don't watch all that much live tv these days, always using catch up.
Love YouTube though, find a video about anything or learn anything on there.

Jeff Gerrling
Car Throttle
Undecided with Matt Ferrell
Tom Scott
in no order:
  • Dave's Garage - A retired Software tech who worked for Microsoft in the MS DOS days.
  • BigClivedotcom - Electronics, teardowns etc
  • Cleetus Mcfarland - Bunch of US car nuts who own their own race track.
  • Critical Drinker - Super sarcastic Film / Tv reviews.
  • Jonathan Pie - Political satire.
  • Linus Tech Tips - I dont care what people say, it's good light entertainment.
  • TechTechPotato - Ian cutress, Anand's senior editor gets in to the detail with the latest from Intel, AMD etc.
  • TheSpiffingBrit - hilarious Game exploits, he shows just how broken some games really are (ie, the 'beat skyrim with a fork' challange).
  • Barevids - Audio amplifier repair. Knowledgably guy.
  • ElectroBoom - funny electronics vids
  • Hexibass - Peter Kulicki, tech adviser for Audio Dynamics. I doubt many people know more than him about subwoofer design and acoustics in general. Very clever guy.
  • Engineering Explained - Car stuff. Explained.
  • PhotonicInduction - Blowing stuff up with electricity.
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I find random channels and binge.

JCS - Criminal Psychology is the latest, interesting to watch all the amateur's :)

I've watched all his videos and they are so extremely fascinating! He doesn't upload nearly as frequently as I would like so I constantly look for other channels that do the same analysis.

"That Chapter", while not even remotely as good does scratch the itch though..
No particular order

1 LTT and it’s side channels like Tech linked
2 Abroad in Japan
3 CarWow
4 Doug Demuro and a couple car channels like Full Throttle
6 Kara & Nate
7 Strictly Dumpling/Mike Chen
8 BT Sport
9 Cari Cakes and a couple of Korean and Japan vloggers
10 Trash Taste (and all the presenters’ own channels)

Also into lots of food channels like Tasty, Josh Weissman, Japan By Food, Best Ever Food Review. Movies channels like Chris Stuckman, Kermode and Mayo, some Trailers channels. Also a few guitars and piano channels like Andertons TV, Emerald City Guitars.
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Wow someone posted LTT or should I say LTT store dot com as that's what every video seems to be about these days.

Then topped it with mkbhd who IMO is even worse as he genuinely doesn't have a clue about anything. I remember he was shilling ath m50's as the best headphones ever made when they aren't even the best in the under £100 price bracket. But I understand their price has gone stupid over the years.
Decided to pick a random few from my sub box that i don't think anyones mentioned.

Mauler/Mooler - If you opened up a dictionary to look up the definition of "long form content" you would find these guys. They go through movies frame by frame.
Ashville - I have no interest in starting a construction business but it is interesting to watch. Seen his trucks on my commute a few times.
Kiana Docherty - Good content on health stuff. Worth taking a look.
Summoning Salt - I have no interest in speed running games but this man can craft an engaging story about them.
Half as interesting/Wendover Production - this man loves his planes also does videos on other topics
Practical Engineering - Engineering channel if you couldn't guess ;)
Cold Fusion - No it's not about fusion technology :D. Talks about various topics usually tech related.
The Bioneer - How to train to achieve to enhance certain parts of the body or achieve certain goals
Calebcity - Funny skits
Gnomon - School for 3D arts. They have interviews with artist from Movies product design and video games. (Fun fact in Godzilla vs kong the individual smoke simulation had a size of around 3TB. There are multiple per scene)
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CGP Grey - It's Grey, every knows Grey. Been subscribed from the start and also Patreon supporter.
Kurzgesagt - Like Grey just very informative and interesting content.
The Tim Traveller - Tim makes videos of interesting things, most of the time transport related usually around Europe.
Tom Scott - Another informative channel about anything and everything really.
Hao Tang - Hao is a luxury travel agent who I use for bookings, he usually posts thoughts and reviews on Instagram but recently started doing proper reviews for YouTube.
kermodeandmayo - Film reviews from Mark Kermode and film interviews with Simon Mayo taken from the BBC podcast Kermode and Mayo’s Film Review
Autogefühl - Car reviews by Thomas in full HD, full screen and full length.
HighPeakAutos - 'everyday' car reviews from Matt who's a used car dealer. Always very whitty reviews.
Fully Charged - Electric car reviews (and some times other things) from Robert Llewellyn of Red Dwarf and Scrapheap Challenge fame.
First We Feast - All things food, you know Hot Ones, The Burger Show and Gochi Gang which hopefully comes back for another series.
In no particular order

David Bombal
Network Chuck
John Hammond
Laurence Systems
Offically Gassed
Digital Foundry
Civie 11
I tried to watch Linus and the guy from the Verge build a system but it was just toooo...someone fill it in for me
I was the same!! I got about 1/3 in and turned it off when Linus said that line about "the reason you have an expert here, like they should have, is to stop you from saying and doing dumb things!" and the look on the other dudes face lol I was like oh damn the cringe is real.
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