Your WORST 10 PC Games?

DayZ - (probably related to the above)
DayZ SA - (solely related to being what felt like a glorified scam)
H1Z1 - as per DayZ SA
R6 Siege - so wanted to like it but found it too contrived and slow.
WarZ - loved it originally, then the devs realised there was more money to be made selling hacks and banning legit players
COD - after MW3
BF - after Bad Company 2 (I think)
Fortnite - am I playing a FPS or base building game. Dunno, dross either way
Gears of War - loved the first one, enjoyed to the story in the second one. Hated the rest.
Honourable mention goes to any card game on a pc. Stick to table top for those sorts of shenanigans.
#1 (worst) - Condemned: Criminal Origins

Probably the worst game I've ever had the misfortune of playing, on any platform. Finished it because I'd been asked to review it. Was never asked to review another game because bad reviews aren't good business :p And it sucked something fierce.

Alan Wake is also up there with the worst games I've played.

I'm also going to put GTA:V in here. I'm a massive GTA fan. Played them all (I think). Enjoyed them all. Until V.

The driving is just the worst I can imagine any driving game could be. It's supposed to be "friendly and forgiving". It sucks because it's so boring when all challenge is removed. SA remains the pinnacle of the series.
#1 (worst) - Condemned: Criminal Origins

Probably the worst game I've ever had the misfortune of playing, on any platform. Finished it because I'd been asked to review it. Was never asked to review another game because bad reviews aren't good business :p And it sucked something fierce.

Alan Wake is also up there with the worst games I've played.

I think I first played that on the 360 which I enjoyed quite a lot, but when replaying on the PC, for some reason I found it to be a lackluster experience.
1. Just Cause 4 (major let down)
2. Mafia 3 (the bugs were funny though)
3. State of Decay 2 (Heartland DLC is only redeeming feature)
4. Aliens Colonial Marines (dont need to explain this one)
5. The Witcher 3 (tried it twice first time got stuck in tutorial loop 2nd time just boring just not for me type game)
6. FallOut Series (found it boring)
7. Mass Effect Series (found it boring)
8. GTA V (rage quit - boring missions)
9. Call of Duty (anything after Modern Warfare 3)
10. Any Battlefield game after Bad Company.
I'm interested to see what games you do actually like....
MTV Skateboarding
London Racer
Medal of Honour Reboot
Spirit of Speed on Dreamcast (think it came out on PC too).

A game has to do a lot for me to hate it. I hate games like Anthem because of what they stand for but haven't (and probably won't ever) play it so it isn't on the list.
Not sure everyone is answering the same question here - there is a big difference between your WORST ever games and those that just didn't live up to your expectations!
Not sure everyone is answering the same question here - there is a big difference between your WORST ever games and those that just didn't live up to your expectations!

Yea it would be hard for me to pick 10 games I hate since I would never play them that long to get to that stage, I think picking games that were the most disappointing is a fair replacement.
Hearts of Iron IV: Clearly looks like a massively dumbed down "Noddy" version of the classic HoI3. I know I would hate this with an absolute passion. Will never touch this game, even if discounted to £1.00 on steam.

Read my mind, never played it and I suspect I never will now. A few development videos were neough for me.
Just off the top of my head.

XCOM2. Smack talking Chosen aliens all mission just lame af.
SimCity. Paultry plots of land what a joke.
Bioshock. Weird.
SupCom2. Never played it but I heard it wasn't patch on SupCom
Fallout 4. Sandbox shooter with pointless basebuilding. Garbage. (Particularly dissapointed with this)
BF3~. Something about BF2
New Dues Ex. First one is better etc.
SPAZ 2. What is this abomination?
RA2. Went from an awesome military RTS theme to cartoon science fiction, complete with attack dophins and flying saucers...
MTW2~. Although I reserve judgment on the latest iteration.
Alan Wake is also up there with the worst games I've played.

Definitely appears to be one of those Marmite games this one. This is probably my #1 game most thoroughly disliked that I own and have forced myself to finish. Such a relief in the latter stages of the game when some helpers join you so you can just sit back and let them do the monotonous shooting mechanic instead of you, for a while at least. Such a boring game.
Much harder to do a top 10 of worst as I just forget about them. Someone mentioned Dragon Age 2. That was so disappointing as I recall.
I thought a top 10 worst games would be easy with today's cash grab style of game making, fake DLC, loot crates, In-Game currency & anything EA touch in general.
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