Your WORST 10 PC Games?

I'm sure there are more, these are the ones that come to mind.

Assassins Creed Unity After Black Flag, it was going to be hard to top, this was very poor
For Honor - Couldn't get into it.
FarCry Primal - repetitive nonsense, a stop gap for something better
WatchDogs 2 - promised so much, failed to deliver
Call of Juarez: Cartel - boring
BioShock Infinite - first 2 were amazing, this one was just about cashing in, poor version.
Elite: Dangerous - Couldn't get into it.
Middle Earth: Shadow of War - high hopes from first game, really let down
The Evil Within - Couldn't get into it.
L.A Noire - boring repetitive game
1. Subnautica
2. Arma 3
3. Nier:Automata
4. Final Fantasy XV
5. Planet Coaster
6. Deus Ex Human Revolution
7. Deus Ex Mankind Retarded
8. Deus Ex Invisible War
9. Not Tonight
10. Civilization 5

No particular order. The Deus Ex game's crime's were mostly due to not being anywhere near Deus Ex the original, and therefore shouldn't have even attempted to have existed.
1. Subnautica

For all its faults it ended up a fairly decent effort I thought albeit the last half of the game seemed rushed and there were plenty of bugs/graphic issues. The premise and atmosphere for the first half of the game was very well done.
For all its faults it ended up a fairly decent effort I thought albeit the last half of the game seemed rushed and there were plenty of bugs/graphic issues. The premise and atmosphere for the first half of the game was very well done.

Perhaps I didn't give it a fair chance. I got irradiated getting near the mothership crash site or whatever, so took to the sea, and found myself grabbing fish and coral or whatever, before returning to my pod/surfacing before I ran out of breath. In the meantime, my FreeSync/GSync was going ballistic because the game is one of those borderless fullscreen ones (which I had issues with).

Either I missed a massive arrow pointing to the beginning of the game, or I just didn't get it in the short period of time I tried it out.
Perhaps I didn't give it a fair chance. I got irradiated getting near the mothership crash site or whatever, so took to the sea, and found myself grabbing fish and coral or whatever, before returning to my pod/surfacing before I ran out of breath. In the meantime, my FreeSync/GSync was going ballistic because the game is one of those borderless fullscreen ones (which I had issues with).

Either I missed a massive arrow pointing to the beginning of the game, or I just didn't get it in the short period of time I tried it out.

That was one of my complaints with the game it was very inconsistent when it clued you into what you needed to do next or not. I had no problems with G-Sync personally - FreeSync never had proper support for a lot of borderless fullscreen games.
That was one of my complaints with the game it was very inconsistent when it clued you into what you needed to do next or not. I had no problems with G-Sync personally - FreeSync never had proper support for a lot of borderless fullscreen games.

From my reading on the subject, borderless full screen issues exist only with GSync/NVidia, and FreeSync on AMD cards works fine no matter if borderless full screen or exclusive full screen (my placeholder RX 550 seems to have no problem being left on FreeSync mode no matter which of the two modes games use, unlike my 1070Ti).

Maybe I'll revisit Subnautica another time, though from my limited experience I'm failing to understand what genre/interest it's supposed to invoke, other than swimming around and seeing pointless fish, which are just as pointless when you grab them [me = almost certainly not getting this game].
From my reading on the subject, borderless full screen issues exist only with GSync/NVidia, and FreeSync on AMD cards works fine no matter if borderless full screen or exclusive full screen (my placeholder RX 550 seems to have no problem being left on FreeSync mode no matter which of the two modes games use, unlike my 1070Ti).

Maybe I'll revisit Subnautica another time, though from my limited experience I'm failing to understand what genre/interest it's supposed to invoke, other than swimming around and seeing pointless fish, which are just as pointless when you grab them [me = almost certainly not getting this game].

G-Sync has better borderless/windowed mode support, FreeSync they started work on it but have mostly left it unfinished - neither is trouble free. Without big changes to WDDM and/or extra buffers on the display it is difficult to support.

Subnautica is a survival game but has a fairly linear but reasonably interesting story as well - fish have a number of uses as food or fuel if you play on the hardest settings (survival or hardcore) but personally I don't have time for that and in freedom mode they are little more than decoration.
G-Sync has better borderless/windowed mode support, FreeSync they started work on it but have mostly left it unfinished - neither is trouble free. Without big changes to WDDM and/or extra buffers on the display it is difficult to support.

Subnautica is a survival game but has a fairly linear but reasonably interesting story as well - fish have a number of uses as food or fuel if you play on the hardest settings (survival or hardcore) but personally I don't have time for that and in freedom mode they are little more than decoration.

I'll try to give Subnautica the benefit of the doubt if I revisit it. As for GSync / Borderless windowed issues, I'm with these guys:
Except with a FreeSync monitor, but either way, night and day between exclusive and borderless. I suspect it won't be an issue for much longer as with my works PC about to hog my monitor's displayport, I will be forced to go HDMI and therefore AMD. So for better or worse, my time with Nvidia is at an end.
It's hard to think of the worst PC games as there are so many Indie games I bought from Humble etc back in the day that were 99% awful and went straight to my 'bin' folder on Steam. Some that I played and didn't like from memory though:

Serious Sam games - Just can't stand them for some reason.
Broken Sword 3-5 - Never got close to the first two
Fallout 76 - Haven't bought it, but from what i have seen it's a disaster and completely goes against everything I liked about Fallout
Team Fortress 2 - Tried to play it and hated everything about it.
Darksiders - Not a fan of button mashing games and this quickly got boring.
It's rare I'd buy a game that turned out to be a stinker, as I usually wait for reviews, but going from my Steam list (which I categorize by my rating I gave them from 1-100) then the worst ones are:

Brink: Released unfinished/buggy
Lara Croft at the Temple of Osiris: Buggy mess
Aion: No end-game/buggy/grindfest (even worse, I have the CE)
Defiance: You had to grind the same stuff over and over due to lack of content.
7 Days to Die: This was early days when it came out, and it was terrible.
Dawn of War 3: Massive let down, one of the most disappointing releases for me in the last few years.
Might & Magic X: Horrible game on a horrible engine. Made me feel sick to play it.
Kings Bounty: Warriors of the North: Next iteration in the series after Crossworlds, and has zero (literally) changes. Waste of money.
Arkham Origins Blackgate: You basically want more Arkham games, and this gives you nothing even close.
Deus Ex: The Fall: Horrible mobile port

No doubt games like ME: Andromeda, Fallout76 and No Man's Sky would be on this list if I bought them, but thankfully didn't due to reviews :)

Must say some choices in this thread are surprising. BioShock Infinite? Civ 5? Deux Ex HR? Mass Effect? Witcher 3? RDR? DA: Origins? ... wat :P
Swtor. Had hopes of a modernised SWG but it was a wow clone.

Wow. I came to it after the swg nge debacle and hated to graphical style and the sign posted quests and lack of consequence in pvp. I quit after 3 days.

Dragon Age 2. Bioware had lost it's magic by this point and it showed.

Sim City. The last EA one. Awful game thank god for Cities Skylines.

Steel Division. Just didn't click with and yet I loved wargame.
I have to add the one that sticks with me:

- Team Factor

I dont know if many others hear came across this one, but I remember getting all hyped up about a new special forces game to be so disappointed. I couldnt believe the amount of bugs and the AI just being the worst.
For all its faults it ended up a fairly decent effort I thought albeit the last half of the game seemed rushed and there were plenty of bugs/graphic issues. The premise and atmosphere for the first half of the game was very well done.

I hated subnautica when I bought it just after it was available on early access. Was over a year before I tried again and I was utterly hooked, they'd sorted so much out. Great game.

Not really got a top 10 but two that would be in it if I had would be:

X- Rebirth. First game I refunded on steam, was so early in the steam refund thing that they actually forgot to remove the game so it's still on my list since 2013.

PubG - Got this free and still feel ripped off. I'm putting this more down to not enjoying that style of game rather than it being a bad game however.

Hyped to hell, marketed as an RPG. Expensive at release.

Turned about to be a linear, below average FPS shooter that padded out the game reusing the same levels over and over.

And the driving section I mean, relevent?

Awful game.
Dragons Age Origins on a worst games list? Probably the best 3D RPG ever made and the end of an era, as most RPGs made after this were dumbed down console ports (see Dragon Age II and Inquisition).
I'd put DA:O on my worst list.

Compared to BG it played like a bad MMO.

Also their in-house magic/spell system was a massive downgrade from D&D. Again it was like a cheap MMO.

Sorry, but I hated DA:O.
Quake 4 - I just didn't like it - felt too familiar to Doom 3 and MP wasn't as good as Quake 2 and 3.

CSGO - liked the first version that came out in 2012 and direction they first went in, but I haven't liked any of the changes after that. It has kinda ruined CS for me. Prefer CS 1.6 and CSS.

Duke Nukem Forever - huge let down after so many years waiting. The game became nothing like the E3 trailer after so many changes. Overall final game was mildly entertaining.

Thief - the 2014 game had nothing on the original games. Disappointing.

Those are ones just of the top of my head, but there are plenty more, but I just try not to dwell on the disappointments too much anymore. There are still plenty of other decent games to play instead.:cool:
Quake 4 - I just didn't like it - felt too familiar to Doom 3 and MP wasn't as good as Quake 2 and 3.

I thought the single player wasn't bad in its own right but it didn't feel like a great follow up to Quake 2 - more like Invisible War was to Deus Ex 1 and that is probably being generous. The MP just felt like it was missing too much of the fluidity, etc. that made Quake 2/3 so good.
Can’t think of too many, but:

1. Red Orchestra 2 - so bad on release that even though people say it’s improved I have no desire to give it another try
2. Colonial Marines - no explanation required
3. Rust - hot garbage
4. CS after 1.6 - don’t know why I even tried GO they’ve never managed to recreate what made CS1 so good. Source is straight up spongy trash
5. BFV - completely destroyed the franchise
6. Titanfall 2 - perhaps a bit harsh this one as I don’t feel I gave it enough of a chance, but the few rounds I did play felt awful
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