You're not a true OCUKer til you've done one of these

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Mister_Pister said:
Agreed very irresponsible. I think her constant lateness would have got to me eventually anyway, I cant stand late people

y'know she sounds kinda like my ex in that respect :rolleyes: (at them)

she hates talking on the phone (to anyone) and used to constantly let her mobile ring off. and then just txt straight after the call, and if i tried to ring right after recieving the txt she would cancel the call. she would always be late for everything, sometimes to the point of having to wait for the next of whatever it is we're doing - annoyed me to hell.

i know i'm better off without her, but i still miss her haha.

oh yer, and email in trust (just to follow trends mind ;))

VeNT said:
petition for UB/Don/etc to edit title to say "NOW WITH BOOBIES"
Mister_Pister said:
Tried, she didnt book in as there was actually no plane to get on :p

Oh lol!, then the whole thing was a fascade?. What a nutter!, and a total liar and wierdy beardy!.
philstanbridge said:
I must say you've handled this very well. I'm not sure I would be quite as calm! Unless she's decided to take someone else on holiday with her, it doesnt make a lot of sense to me.

to be honest im not sure if there even is a holiday. I have no idea what she is up to - who knows if she was even on the motorway! I wasnt calm last night it was just the not knowing that did my head in. Now i know and I also know i wasnt wrong in what i did. Shes just a retard
Mister_Pister said:
cheers mate. Im over the anger part now since she's made it clear shes a total twit, now im onto the wheres the beer stage
So she didnt get any tickets? I hope you haven't paid her any money for non-existant tickets? :eek:
Mister_Pister said:
to be honest im not sure if there even is a holiday. I have no idea what she is up to - who knows if she was even on the motorway! I wasnt calm last night it was just the not knowing that did my head in. Now i know and I also know i wasnt wrong in what i did. Shes just a retard
you shure that theres no flight?
maybe she got the airline wrong
or maybe she sold the tickets on ebay
Contactr needs to be made with the mother, you don't have a number but you could send flowers and say sorry for worrying her on the card.

This seems a bit MILF like, but on the card, have your number on it so her mother can call you. When you speak to her later, don't get to cheesy, be nice and "the ideal boyfriend", say you were just worried nad didn't mean to panic the Mum (not mam!!!), get her on your side, which would be easy as as a parent she would have probably done the same.

When the X turns up again, the hell she will go through from the mother about being stupid, irresponsible and upsetting everyone, wasting peoples times.

Also as there seems not to have been a flight at all, she might have been planning this, thats i'm sure not how her mother would want her daughter behaving, stringing nice people along.

Sit back with the smug feeling that when the mother gets on your side, the X's life will be hell for weeks if played correctly.
petition for UB/Don/etc to edit title to say "NOW WITH BOOBIES"
Zip. Its about time one of these arnt about me :p
callmeBadger said:
Contactr needs to be made with the mother, you don't have a number but you could send flowers and say sorry for worrying her on the card.

This seems a bit MILF like, but on the card, have your number on it so her mother can call you. When you speak to her later, don't get to cheesy, be nice and "the ideal boyfriend", say you were just worried nad didn't mean to panic the Mum (not mam!!!), get her on your side, which would be easy as as a parent she would have probably done the same.

When the X turns up again, the hell she will go through from the mother about being stupid, irresponsible and upsetting everyone, wasting peoples times.

Also as there seems not to have been a flight at all, she might have been planning this, thats i'm sure not how her mother would want her daughter behaving, stringing nice people along.

Sit back with the smug feeling that when the mother gets on your side, the X's life will be hell for weeks if played correctly.

Drive that mother/daughter wedge in deeeeeep! To be honest, I considered taking my "contact her mum" post to this level, but then I thought "what has the mum done to you? what right have you to destroy their relationship?" - hurt the girl - but not the mum.
callmeBadger said:
Contactr needs to be made with the mother, you don't have a number but you could send flowers and say sorry for worrying her on the card.

This seems a bit MILF like, but on the card, have your number on it so her mother can call you. When you speak to her later, don't get to cheesy, be nice and "the ideal boyfriend", say you were just worried nad didn't mean to panic the Mum (not mam!!!), get her on your side, which would be easy as as a parent she would have probably done the same.

When the X turns up again, the hell she will go through from the mother about being stupid, irresponsible and upsetting everyone, wasting peoples times.

Also as there seems not to have been a flight at all, she might have been planning this, thats i'm sure not how her mother would want her daughter behaving, stringing nice people along.

Sit back with the smug feeling that when the mother gets on your side, the X's life will be hell for weeks if played correctly.

Good plan I might just do that, or just write a letter or something. muhahaha
What did she say when you actually dumped her then?

...more boobies.


petition for UB/Don/etc to edit title to say "NOW WITH BOOBIES"
Zip. Its about time one of these arnt about me :p
Nix said:
What did she say when you actually dumped her then?

...more boobies.


petition for UB/Don/etc to edit title to say "NOW WITH BOOBIES"


She hasnt said anything yet, shame I wanted the satisfaction :P Where can I look up peoples adresses?
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