Dear Samantha,
It’s Chris, Marie’s boyfriend. I would like to apologise for sending the police round at that time but would like to explain myself. At about 5pm Marie said she would be at mine roundabout 6ish. I kept trying to call her/message her but her phone was off.
By about 3am, about 9 hours after she originally said she would be at mine. I was worried as to where she was, whether she had an accident or something bad had happened so I decided to call the police. I’m sure you would have done the same in my situation; I just wanted to see she was all right. All she needed to do was send me a text but her phone only seemed to work again when she came on msn while I was in bed to say I had upset you.
She still hasn’t told me where she was or what her reason for not coming was, I was just wondering if you knew?
I'm deeply sorry for waking you up, but I was sincerely worried about her.
Thats my attempt - reckon its ok?