You're not a true OCUKer til you've done one of these

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Mister_Pister said:
She hasnt said anything yet, shame I wanted the satisfaction :P Where can I look up peoples adresses?

In there profile.
You will see something called a trust. Click on that.
the little trust button at the bottom of their posts.

mines there too, although sling em along to my msn contact one, as if they aren't safe for here, they probably fall into NSFW.

And good on you. I've known people as bad, who string you along for a while. Get rid of them, tbh.

EDIT for the postal address, if you're prepared to pay aliitle, try somewhere like
VeNT said:
what if the mothers like that too?

Mother like daughter, i'm sure i've seen films like that, but i won't go into them on a family forum.

By the reaction of the X, sounds like her Mother has had a go at her already, that is why she is so peeved.

/Trisha speak
Don't see it as driving a wedge between them, more as an oppertunity to learn, you would be doing the X a favour by making her see how she is affecting people around her
/end Trisha speak
Mister_Pister said:
Where can I look up peoples adresses?
Hahah, I read that as:
Mister_Pister said:
Where can I look up peoples dresses?
And thought "Wow, he moves on fast, eh!"

I totally don't get the girl. How in hell could *she* be angry with *you* when she says she'll be an hour then doesn't even turn up on the same day... nay, she never turns up at all! Freak.

You're definitely better off rid. :D
sara said:
Hahah, I read that as:

And thought "Wow, he moves on fast, eh!"

I totally don't get the girl. How in hell could *she* be angry with *you* when she says she'll be an hour then doesn't even turn up on the same day... nay, she never turns up at all! Freak.

You're definitely better off rid. :D

I have no idea, clearly a closet mentallist. Frankly im too good for her :p
Mister_Pister said:
yea I want her mums. The only one I can find (b4usearch) has out of date info

ive got 1 free search left on if you dont mind giving out info on the forums give me the name/ rough location and i'll see if i can find out :)

if you dont want to give it out on the fourms email in sig :)
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