YouTube Content Creators

I don't want to put words in @Steedie mouth (but wanted to make sure he saw this thread!), but I believe he's taking content creation a little more seriously now, in what I believe to be a niche market.

Yea man, I have seen. I love his setup and subscribed the other day haha Good on him!

Ah guys, thanks for the mention, I didn't know this thread existed. Will definitely keep a close eye, always looking to get some ideas and tips. Also, always happy to support smaller channels get some traction. Your channel @randomshenans is crazy how big it's got, just had a look, didn't realise you had those kind of numbers, that's absolutely mad, congrats!

I started it just because I bloody love sim racing and thought....why not as it seemed to be a growing market and I'm spending so much time at home anyway these days. I've always wanted to learn how to get in to video editing as well and this was the perfect excuse. It's quite mad how my first video was compared to the most recent. First video is horrible in terms of production quality/editing but I've learnt so much already that the latest video, I was actually quite pleased with.

One thing I'm terrible at is promoting the channel, I just don't get how to promote on social media without coming across as "spammy" or annoying. So any tips there are always welcome

If you like sim racing and wanted to check out the channel :)
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Your channel @randomshenans is crazy how big it's got, just had a look, didn't realise you had those kind of numbers, that's absolutely mad, congrats!
Like I said in this thread. I wish it translated to revenue and not just through shorts views :cry: I'd be putting some serious effort in if it was! ****, I'd probably consider dropping down to 80% at work :P but no. For now, I'll keep trying...
So I want to rename the channel... I was contemplating the randomshenans name, as it's my username on most places, but then I'm not sure many people get it/ would be able to pronounce it (randomSHE-NAN is what I get a lot) - So could go with something "RS" related - would be easy to do the RS in the logo in a simple classy way. But what do people think? Don't think simply RS as a channel name would work?

Welcome people's suggestions and feedback!
So I want to rename the channel... I was contemplating the randomshenans name, as it's my username on most places, but then I'm not sure many people get it/ would be able to pronounce it (randomSHE-NAN is what I get a lot) - So could go with something "RS" related - would be easy to do the RS in the logo in a simple classy way. But what do people think? Don't think simply RS as a channel name would work?

Welcome people's suggestions and feedback!

I always change your name in my head to Random Shenanigans, not sure whether this is right or wrong?! But it does seem to fit with the amount of businesses/hobbies etc you have. So what about that as a channel name?

I do enjoy watching your videos and you come across very natural on camera, good luck with your channel.
I always change your name in my head to Random Shenanigans
Ha! That's where it's come from. Back before apps were so big, and I was still using a Blackberry along with most other people, a friend and I had an idea for an app (called randomshenans) which was like last minute / hyper local. You could be out and about in London and you'd be able to see things hyper-local to your location offering things on at that minute. For the spontaneous of people wanting to just go out and see what was on offer :P that's where it came from and kinda stuck ever since. Like you said, it kind of went with how frickin random all the things I do... :cry:

I do enjoy watching your videos and you come across very natural on camera, good luck with your channel.
Ah thanks man, I used to hate it but you kinda get used to it. I am basically just talking to myself now :D Stops you putting too much thought into any fear of what people will think etc.

On this, I just actually deleted the video with 95 million views from the channel. It was doing more harm than good to any stats really. Click through rates were super low, as it was being shown to subs who came from that video, but my car related stuff is not their bag, so 1000s of impressions for the subs and very low % CTR. This and also low engagement, because if they do click thinking, what's this? It's not their genre of preference and click off, so it's harder to get decent stats, or at least stats that would make it better for YT to promote your main channel content. So yea, I just deleted my one and only "viral video" - At least I can say I had one and now I can focus on the main channel content and shorts and getting the content tied up.
Just some constructive feedback after watching a few of your latest vids.

Your microphone seems to pan to the left occasionally.

You like to whisper a lot.

Random Shenanigans would be what i'd go with. You could always refer to yourself as randomshenans in your intro or something.

Whats up shenan army - or something completely cliché like that all do hehe.
One thing I'm terrible at is promoting the channel, I just don't get how to promote on social media without coming across as "spammy" or annoying. So any tips there are always welcome

Since you asked, I would say try and add value with quality content, tips and tricks, e.g. simple tips to improve your sim racing experience. People love a "5 simple tips to ..." type video.

I would also say see if you can pair up with other sim racers and do "grudge match" style race videos, try and make an event of it, a bit of pre-race banter.

Put an emphasis on the cars, as there are so many car nuts out there. Try and leverage new car releases if you can, e.g. if a new Porsche comes out try and make some content around that.

Here are some headline writing tips to help you get attention.

Technology review videos, e.g. latest sim race steering wheel or whatever, will also have a good audience.
With likely redundancy impending, I did briefly wonder if I could give it a go properly, to become a full time job, but for what I do it's a risk as I would need to 'invest' in buying the tech that I would then review.

Initially, you don't need to buy the tech, because you can just to "round up" videos of what has been released.
Normally there is a dip in earnings from Dec to Jan, but some people have been reporting a larger than normal dip in earnings so far this period. I wonder if it's something you guys have seen too?

You got $30 for 15M views? Wow. That's $2 per million views. I really don't know what to say other than that seems pathetic. There are big channels with fewer views. Presumably they have a far greater income. How much is actually monetised.

A lot will depend on the content itself, the length, and where the audience is located. Some larger YT channels have an audience primarily in India and Pakistan and of course then see revenues much smaller than those with a primarily European or North American audiance.
Initially, you don't need to buy the tech, because you can just to "round up" videos of what has been released.

I have wondered about a similar type of video. I listen to quite a few tech podcasts and could do a weekly summary of the news and tech. If I end up jobless, it's not like I wouldn't have the time!
Your microphone seems to pan to the left occasionally.
Thanks man! That's really good to know. I have my RODE mic on for tonight's video (explaining the deletion of the 95m video) so let me know if that makes any difference. Really appreciate feedback like that.

You like to whisper a lot.

I will make sure I improve gain in spaces where I whisper, or avoid it! Thank you!

Random Shenanigans would be what i'd go with. You could always refer to yourself as randomshenans in your intro or something.

Whats up shenan army - or something completely cliché like that all do hehe.
Haha again, thank you! That's a good one!
Do pranks. Put on the old man mask, go down to the gym and pretend your an old man pumping iron sort of thing.
Thanks man! That's really good to know. I have my RODE mic on for tonight's video (explaining the deletion of the 95m video) so let me know if that makes any difference. Really appreciate feedback like that.

I will make sure I improve gain in spaces where I whisper, or avoid it! Thank you!

Haha again, thank you! That's a good one!


Just a thought and if this works I expect you will do your greatest to ensure I am compensated.... :)

You know the type of video that turns opportunity into fortune right - get into YouTube shorts, clip famous videos (consistently), montages, stock stuff etc etc.

How about turning and documenting your opportunity (gaining 50k subs because of a single short) into something a bit more special?

Perhaps Mr Beast (UK version) style. Charitable things or whatever...

Car stuff... yeah but its a bit meh IMO.
Been learning my way around DaVinci Resolve (which is bloody ace for a freebie btw). I know my way around still photography, but video is something I've never taken the time to do. Been really impressed with what I've been able to put together in a day or so.

I've been getting into solo mountaineering and climbing the last year, and there's a real lack of good content around the actual process. Got a DJI OM5 on the way which should smooth out my footage and I'm hoping work well tracking me when I'm solo climbing. Got a weekend in the cairngorms coming up to test things out.

What's your channel @randomshenans again? I don't think you need to be shy about sharing the link on here :P
Davinci Resolve is great fun to mess around with, not as many free templates etc as Premiere but I've no doubt it'll increase.

Fun tinkering with stuff in fusion.

Wouldn't suggest upgrading to the full package, I did as I'd previously been paying for Sony Vegas and Premiere but it's not really worth it for 99.99% of people making vids.
Dude I've been slapped here more times here than an unwanted step child :cry::cry::cry:

My whole cheezus thread I've had to remove links etc. I'm not promoting for things like that, more sharing a journey but links etc. seen as promotion. Even if people ask! I get it, when you set a rule etc. it's outside of that, so whatever lol I don't want to get told off anymore haha

I tried to sort a video on the S4 this last weekend, but it went terribly. I put my back out, 2 bolts are totally going to snap and cause me no doubt to take off the whole set of front arms... so I bought new arms and droplinks to change the whole lot. I failed to achieve anything, and at the same time now have a much bigger task. Which is a massive tit. On the plus side, it means the car will be much better (no idea when the arms and bushes were actually changed last, I've had it for 8yrs and never done them lol) and as my back is buggered, it's meant I am stuck in my seat, so got out the sewing machine out. I had always had in mind I'd get a friend of mine to retrim the seats in the taxi, but I have issues and started cutting all the pieces out and unstitching the old ones to make the new replacements. Then I thought yesterday I'd try and teach myself to sew... so I did! :D


Came out really well! I have literally never done this before at all. Ever.

Excuse my ******* floor, the dog just went and dug through the garden and dragged it all through the house and I've been in meetings all ******* day.

I'll try the other seat base tonight, and then maybe see if I can get the seat back done by monday for next week's video...

Bit more of a challenge though! God knows how that'll come out but I'll give it a bash!


This is one thing I really like about doing the videos and it being car related stuff. It just makes me try things. I love to learn and be able to do more. I have on my list to learn how to weld too. That would be fun and very damn useful lol

My ultimate dream would be that YT could pay for my hobby on cars and stuff like that. I'm looking at houses at the moment to buy and I've seen a really cool commercial property, which is essentially a massive 500m2 workshop with lifts in and some offices. It's on 3500m2 of land with potential outline planning for a house. That's my dream haha

I'd have a car side of things, but then a workshop with welding, CNC, plasma cutter and stuff and would just build cool **** :D

I can dream! :D :cry:
I've been getting into solo mountaineering and climbing the last year, and there's a real lack of good content around the actual process. Got a DJI OM5 on the way which should smooth out my footage and I'm hoping work well tracking me when I'm solo climbing. Got a weekend in the cairngorms coming up to test things out.
That sounds really cool. I watch so many different genres of stuff to be honest now. I definitely consume way more YT content than I do netflix. I'd say about 80/20 split.
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