I actually started another channel. Well, I actually renamed a channel I wasn't using and it may seem mad, but it makes sense in my head and I tried to map out the long game in that vs. my like and interests and how to potentially monetize those opportunities.
Here is the basis of my interests:
You have interests at the top, channels below where I have audiences that transcend the interests. Purple ones are not monetized, but worth growing audiences for the fact that they cross these interests and subsequent activities. The two youtube channels are blue as they are channels, but have the potential to also generate revenue.
Going left to right, the orange are project cars etc. while they're potential "assets" we all know that project cars are seldom more than a money pit

so it's a liability, but as it feeds to potential generation of revenue, it's an expense.
Red/Pink you have investments. This is where I put my money each month. I have a split on where I put X% of my salary each month between all of them. These are not revenue generating, but future wealth, so to speak. Long term.
Yellow is direct products I am building, which is why it spans all spaces for both.
Green is potential revenue generation, which a lot can come from affliate through other activities and investments, through a big enough audience, hence the link and requirement of the audience.
Finally, you have digital products I have on offer/ in production (courses are in progress right now as it happens).
It may seem weird but for me structuring it out more helped to think about what's important and where to put most efforts when it comes to growth or "marketing" or growth of channels and what the impact of that would be.
I can't link the new channel, but it's called Real Talk Business and it's literally starting with 0 subs

but I plan on getting some more videos out each week in that sort of style which is totally different to my car vlog style stuff.
I'm pulling back to 1 video a week on the other channel too, it was 2 because I was getting the stuff done, but want to structure it more going forward and it'll be too hard to maintain a 2 per week with getting the work done on all the projects
The reason I cited both twitter and linkedin as channels is due to the following and the potential reach in certain spaces. I recently got back on twitter and have been enjoying the conversations and likeminded folk "building in public" which is great for marketing for your ventures, too. Talking about what you're doing and all your wins and **** ups haha
Engagement has been decent so far the last month anyway:
Although my audience is smaller here, only 941, I do think there is potential to plug away and grow this engaging with people and joining the conversation.
Likewise, I've been on Linkedin for years now. Longer than facebook I think. So my audience is pretty large, so would make sense to maximise the growth there, too.
So yea, that's how I spent my week off with COVID, I plotted out my personal strategy like a business and created priorities around it all. Annnnd now you know why I'm now single