YouTube Content Creators

Still waiting... :D
I actually started another channel. Well, I actually renamed a channel I wasn't using and it may seem mad, but it makes sense in my head and I tried to map out the long game in that vs. my like and interests and how to potentially monetize those opportunities.

Here is the basis of my interests:


You have interests at the top, channels below where I have audiences that transcend the interests. Purple ones are not monetized, but worth growing audiences for the fact that they cross these interests and subsequent activities. The two youtube channels are blue as they are channels, but have the potential to also generate revenue.

Going left to right, the orange are project cars etc. while they're potential "assets" we all know that project cars are seldom more than a money pit :p so it's a liability, but as it feeds to potential generation of revenue, it's an expense.

Red/Pink you have investments. This is where I put my money each month. I have a split on where I put X% of my salary each month between all of them. These are not revenue generating, but future wealth, so to speak. Long term.

Yellow is direct products I am building, which is why it spans all spaces for both.

Green is potential revenue generation, which a lot can come from affliate through other activities and investments, through a big enough audience, hence the link and requirement of the audience.

Finally, you have digital products I have on offer/ in production (courses are in progress right now as it happens).

It may seem weird but for me structuring it out more helped to think about what's important and where to put most efforts when it comes to growth or "marketing" or growth of channels and what the impact of that would be.

I can't link the new channel, but it's called Real Talk Business and it's literally starting with 0 subs :D but I plan on getting some more videos out each week in that sort of style which is totally different to my car vlog style stuff.

I'm pulling back to 1 video a week on the other channel too, it was 2 because I was getting the stuff done, but want to structure it more going forward and it'll be too hard to maintain a 2 per week with getting the work done on all the projects :p

The reason I cited both twitter and linkedin as channels is due to the following and the potential reach in certain spaces. I recently got back on twitter and have been enjoying the conversations and likeminded folk "building in public" which is great for marketing for your ventures, too. Talking about what you're doing and all your wins and **** ups haha

Engagement has been decent so far the last month anyway:

Although my audience is smaller here, only 941, I do think there is potential to plug away and grow this engaging with people and joining the conversation.

Likewise, I've been on Linkedin for years now. Longer than facebook I think. So my audience is pretty large, so would make sense to maximise the growth there, too.


So yea, that's how I spent my week off with COVID, I plotted out my personal strategy like a business and created priorities around it all. Annnnd now you know why I'm now single :p

Yea, so this is going. I wanted to come back and post on progress on the above diagram really. I still need to work on a strategy for Linkedin growth, but not growth as in numbers of people, but engagement and content strategy, so it's on my list but I have been focusing on the other parts. Which I feel have been going OK so far...

From the top of the diagram my twitter engagement and growth has been great.

I had a couple of tweets get mega impressions, hence a 12% minus on impressions, but you can see it's still double what it was previous period, too. Growing my following. Generally very pleased with this progress on this channel.

I rebranded the BFT YT channel to MotaFund Projects for the future line up with the new product side of things as noted on the picture. The channel is fine. I haven't given it huge love but views are averagely OK, but YT demonetized me so I was a bit like meh, FU, I'll get that sorted first and pull things more inline. I resubmitted that request today and projects will continue and will start to align more as I go. On 53,640 subs at present.

New channel Real Talk Business has 5 videos out now. It's about 5-6 weeks old, I have been using the strategy I went in with. The investing/crypto/finance/business niches on YT command a much higher RPM ad revenue in general (auto stuff is like $7, but these can be like $18 at the top end), but really that doesn't matter too much at present as I'm so far away from monetization.
However, with only double digit subs (I have them hidden anyway to not put people off) I'm generating very good views (currently surpassing my other channel ha) and my tactic was using products that I genuinely used, things I found useful and creating videos that I would find useful. No expert but if I can share things from a normal person's point of view. Some of the apps I use have affiliate links. This is where on the diagram above I wanted to capitalise, too. YT Ad rev. is one thing, but it's actually often only about 25% of most big YTer revenue. A big 50% often is affiliate links.
In the last 24hrs I've had 3 people sign up for one link, and received free shares from another link... I mean, it was a good day, but it was always a part of the plan long term and I didn't think it would happen quite yet.

The share was worth $7 for one, which is great! A $7 affiliate click? I'd have to get 500 monetized views for that return at a good rate, when monetized!

The other 3 sign ups were for another investment product. If those 3 signups invest (they haven't yet, but they've signed up, I was notified) I get 250EUR per person. Yep. That's right.

I have already had another product reach out to me asking if I want to work with them as well for another investing app for affiliate linking, too. Which is another new one, which could be interesting.

So this one is actually moving quite well at the moment and it's actually nice to see happen, even starting from nothing. Especially as it is slowly moving a little bit as my diagram'd plan set out for it to.

I won't go into the activities in the two businesses below that, but things are moving well there, too. This is focusing on the content creation and YT though.

I'd 100% say to @AndyCr15 you could setup a similar thing with Tech and affiliate links. I'm sure there are options out there for things like that and programs for it.
I've noticed quite a few YouTubers I follow have moved away from chasing monetization on YouTube to direct funding from Patreon or Mech or links.

YouTubes objective is to drive the creation of lots of content for little cost to themselves. Whereas the content creator simply needs to be profitable.

YouTube is pushing content it wants you to see at you, not the content you want to see. As a result making it harder to find the content you want to see. Hence a lot of smaller YouTubers ask their viewers to share links as a means of getting around this.
Yea, and it's just so changeable as well. I haven't had the best experience in dealing with YT as well. And don't even bother trying to contact anyone for anything, ever. So you know, there are other ways to make money with your audience. I find the whole affiliate link thing most suited. I like the stuff I'm talking about or I wouldn't do them, and people watching came for a reason, so they would/could be interested in them too. I prefer this to a patreon and things like that but get why creators do it.
I'm wondering about pivoting my content to more cycling based content. As I've gotten into cycling, I do quite enjoy watching other cyclists videos be they about technique, tips, races or just a bit of a chat while cycling round interesting areas. I like the idea as it would be cheaper than reviewing phones and tech and would mean I could maybe kick out more consistent content, although I might need to think up some decent themes to keep the content interesting. I think I'd look to sign up to various events and make myself challenges like 'Climb 10,000 feet in one ride' or 'Riding the Top 10 UK Climbs in a week' or 'Breaking the 20mph ride barrier' or something along those lines.

I don't think I would drop tech completely. I would still review phones and other gadgets, but they would almost be bonus type content. How easy is it to rebrand a channel? I assume I can just change my channel name and upload new images. Any ideas for a name that encompasses both cycling and tech? 'Technocyclist', 'The Cycling Tech Guy'. 'Technology on Two Wheels' erm... I dunno...? Maybe even just switch to my name rather than something fancy and clever?

I did a video yesterday (while out cycling) and talked about this thought and so far there have been some positive comments, which is encouraging. What do you guys think?
I don't think I would drop tech completely. I would still review phones and other gadgets, but they would almost be bonus type content. How easy is it to rebrand a channel? I assume I can just change my channel name and upload new images. Any ideas for a name that encompasses both cycling and tech? 'Technocyclist', 'The Cycling Tech Guy'. 'Technology on Two Wheels' erm... I dunno...? Maybe even just switch to my name rather than something fancy and clever?
Piece of cake to do it, but from my experience in mixing things... _most_ people will come to a channel for one niche. I tried with the old channel to be pretty mixed and was like nah you're wrong... but it's true!

My new channel is going OK at the moment. Steady growth. Not mega, but steady. I need to be patient and so think it's great for the age of it. I have 10 live videos and 2 scheduled coming up. I am 100% adopting the business model I set out to above. I am very much a magpie chasing the shiny, so trying hard to be disciplined here.

I have created a site where I can share articles and the videos as well, which is easier to be google indexed and also means I can share things as pure articles and not just videos. It's 50% complete. I do a bit each few days on it. My plan is that it can be used for more affiliate linked articles as well as to use in my videos.

I have just passed 12,500 followers on Linkedin, which is nice.

When creating my latest videos I have focused a lot more on being more like me. For good or for bad lol but that's the most important part to me I think and it's a weird one to get fully comfortable with. I have created mini clips out of each one to use on social channels to as promos.

Twitter has increased now up to 1039, which isn't loads, but it's growing and I'm happy with that growth. It actually steers traffic to the videos, as does Linkedin.

I have now made more in affiliate money through this channel than I ever did on the other channel. My other channel is still bringing in more views (mainly older videos tbh) but that channel has about 190 vids on it, vs. the 10 I have.

I've got a spreadsheet with all my future video ideas and plans on there. I'll be doing more and more on there as I think of them and add them.

Just a little update on things this side.
Being disabled and being pretty much housebound, I've often wondered if starting my own channel. There's some interesting stuff in this thread and some food for thought.

Could anyone recommend a beginners course for video editing etc?
Ben Halsall has good content on Final Cut Pro. I took his course on SkillShare over a couple of evenings and learnt a lot.
Loads of videos on youtube for advice on editing tbh! A huge amount. No matter what program you choose for editing, there will be so many free resources to help you, but really it's super easy to pick up @Vidar for the basics anyway.

The slog from the bottom is real! haha Although I can't help but feel excited by the challenge, but I think that's because I obviously like inflicting pain on myself

Still slogging away. Week by week, little improvements as I go. I need some sound deadening in my office to counter the solid surfaces. I'll sort that this month.
Either way, nearly up to $10 a month - life changing ;)


I've earned about 500 in affiliates since then as well, which is obviously worth way more than the YT ad rev. so not totally rubbish.
In the new forum, how do I send you a message @randomshenans ? I was going to send a video about audio and acoustic panels that I did. (I'm not allowed to post my own vids of course)

**EDIT** I tried to start a conversation, but it said I'm not allowed? :(

**EDIT2** It looks like default is to not allow people to message, so let me know if you want this video I guess :)
Still slogging away. Week by week, little improvements as I go. I need some sound deadening in my office to counter the solid surfaces. I'll sort that this month.
Either way, nearly up to $10 a month - life changing ;)


I've earned about 500 in affiliates since then as well, which is obviously worth way more than the YT ad rev. so not totally rubbish.

Woo! Broke the $10 mark per month... next stop $1k? :D

Just need 100x more, we're all good.

Thanks to @AndyCr15 I've ordered some accoustic panels which will arrive tomorrow, so I can get some better deadening in here. I have a nice video to do for next week on alternative investments. I've reached out to all the companies I am looking at for affiliate links if I don't already have them, so hopefully set that up before next week.
I can't share links to show the difference in sound, but my goodness it has helped no end and my paneling for the weekend.

I went mad on it as I know my room has zero soft furnishing and it's my office, so I can do as I please...




I have also tidied my desk now :P Ignore the cables, you can't see them from any other angle, so stfu

Recorded and edited a video this morning for Weds and the sounds is 1000x better, which I wasn't sure when editing it was, but on comparing the others to this it is so much better. I am pleased.

I spoke with a company called Vint who do investments in wine, last week. Arranged an affiliate agreement with them for $25 per user. I have them as a part of this video for Weds (it's alternate investment types) and will do a full video on them soon, too. Really like what they're doing and they're still super young as a company, so my fav place to get in at.

Woo! Broke the $10 mark per month... next stop $1k? :D

Just need 100x more, we're all good.

Thanks to @AndyCr15 I've ordered some accoustic panels which will arrive tomorrow, so I can get some better deadening in here. I have a nice video to do for next week on alternative investments. I've reached out to all the companies I am looking at for affiliate links if I don't already have them, so hopefully set that up before next week.

I'll take it for a week. There is a definitely up trend in June for views which has helped, it's not massive as you can see but hoping it'll keep on this sort of trend where it grows and I get the odd YT assisted push in rankings and recommendations.


Can see where it kicked up. I assume it was YT based? Who knows. 76% of views came through search in that same period, which at least means content ranks pretty well in search.

Mini update anyway for the week. Carry on.
I've been thinking about this a lot recently as people (staff,non-exec mostly) keep telling me to start producing snippets of educational/advice content for instagram ads etc.. in this instance the purpose is of course to drive enquiries and get them into the retargeting cycle.

However, I'm wondering if taking it a step further and starting a YouTube channel that focuses on growing an ecommerce business(from someone who helps retailers do this), general business struggles and how to overcome them, fitness/diet advice(and how people massively overcomplicate it) for the working professional etc etc...

The prospect of getting on camera seems overwhelming, though and it will require some level of persistence if you have any hope of achieving a decent view count.
The prospect of getting on camera seems overwhelming, though and it will require some level of persistence if you have any hope of achieving a decent view count.
I hated it. Really wasn't comfortable at all but then figure **** it, who actually cares tbh? After a bit, I think you just get to embrace it. You always have to be open to the fact that anything you put online will open you to someone calling you a *******, but hey! haha

I think the persistence and consistency is a thing though, and something so many neglect. You have millions of videos being uploaded everyday, you have to 1. make sure people actually care about your subject (i.e. is there the search volume?) and are you doing what you can to be seen amongst your competition? I need to get better, and will keep trying on anything such as titles, thumbnails, descriptions and see if it helps as well as content and editing tweaks. I think people just give up if they don't see results super fast though. I mean, I'm aware of what it's like and so getting like 70 views for my last video I'm like yea, that's not bad considering haha but I then have videos that rank well in search and get 20-100 views a day.
I need to try and convert them to subs now, which I am trying to work on to get returning viewers.

I think it's always a good idea to do. I think it can do a lot with personal branding as well as teach a lot. Plus, I enjoy the process.
@randomshenans that Vint stuff looks interesting. Will try and watch when poss but definitely not convinced from a quick look at their site.

E.g. they're looking to sell the 2015 petrus (shares sold at $29k) approx 2024-2027 when it's only just starting its drinking window. Given it was released in 2016 for approx. $12500 it may grow a bit more depending on the whole market but the majority of the price growth is done for now (imo) until it's much older and becoming rarer. Lots of questions in mind about other bits too!
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