YouTube Content Creators

I'm going to sound like a d*ck, but better to be honest if it might help, you say this but just above it sounded like you were going to enter into a pyramid scheme? If I was a viewer, I would probably move on at that point.

Apologies if I'm getting the wrong end of the stick as I've not watched your videos. I just know how sceptical YT audiences can be.
Apologies if I'm getting the wrong end of the stick as I've not watched your videos. I just know how sceptical YT audiences can be.
Mate, never apologise and you don't at all.

The way affiliate marking works across all sectors is that you get a kick back for promoting their goods. Hell, I am a part of Nike's program. If anyone bought anything from my links (I never post them as they're not really inline with what I post generally anywhere) I'd make 7% back from the total sales. However, my favourite levels of partnerships are a bit more two way. I love to feedback information to the companies to help them make better products that I see my viewers asking about. I engage a lot with users on these things to see patterns and help them out with questions, if I don't have answers to help them I get them. In turn, for that time, I like to get rewarded for that time. At the same time, I would never recommend something I didn't use myself. If I didn't, or I didn't believe in it, I'd not cover it.

Like I said, it's a standard affiliate deal. I just get a closer insight into the business and what's going on inline with viewers questions
End of month check in.


Nice bump in Aug, which is typically a pretty slow month. I've now passed $75 a month mark on rev generation too. I make just over $50 a month through links, now up to a solid $23 here. Slowly!


It's definitely moving in the right direction. I did a couple of different videos as well. I mean the bread and butter all comes via search but some reacting to tiktok side hustles were fun, too. Rev just going up nicely as well over the months since started.

Funny to compare it to the other channel, when it comes to RPM etc.


Anyway, still plugging away!
Wait till you hit Christmas CPM, I used to have a youtube channel and at one point I had $40 CPM. I managed to work out the algorithm and got 300,000+ views on a video and then 200,000+ on another one after that my channel just dwindled as the algorithm had changed and I was only getting around 150-300 views a video.
Wait till you hit Christmas CPM, I used to have a youtube channel and at one point I had $40 CPM. I managed to work out the algorithm and got 300,000+ views on a video and then 200,000+ on another one after that my channel just dwindled as the algorithm had changed and I was only getting around 150-300 views a video.
haha that's absolutely mega. You not do it anymore?
haha that's absolutely mega. You not do it anymore?

I stopped earlier this year, I gave it a good go for 18 months. Technically my channel is still running and I do get about £5 a month.

Problem is that I didn't particularly enjoy that style of video, wasn't a very positive style of video. Anything that is informative or positive with no drama just didn't get views for me. So I called it a day.
Standard Monthly check in...



Kicked up some RPM in the middle there. Hoping it's more in line and I can maintain this sort of $ or increase the views.

I was watching a greta podcast and it was mentioning the new monetization for shorts and how it'll **** on tiktok a load, so doubling down on shorts and making sure I clip from videos to share them as short form content. YT is also promoting your longform content to you if you like their shorts, so it helps generally on the channel whereas it didn't before.

Anyway, September was a great month in total. I cleared $67 in Ad Rev and $272 in affiliates. Best month by a mile, so I'll take that!

Going for 1500 subs by the end of the year, that'd be wicked.
Yeah, nice progress! I was hearing about shorts and was thinking I might try making a couple and see what happens... I understand a view is much less valuable than long form, but I think they're also easier to come by so...
I understand a view is much less valuable than long form, but I think they're also easier to come by so...
Yea, on the face of it, they're less valuable, BUT they hit much harder when it comes to being seen. You can post a short and it hit 2.5k views in an hour and then it stops lol or it can carry on and you hit 10,20,30k or even more like my 96m view one... You very very rarely have a long form video hit in this way. Plus, now as I mentioned, they promote your long form content to those who watch your shorts, it helps your channel in general. You can pick up a decent number of subs through shorts, too.
Yes, but again, I think it's all related surely? You get more views because they're shorter so someone can view a few seconds, move on to the next one. You're not getting so much value from that view though...

I have had a long form go over a million (shame it was way back before monetisation!). I'd rather that than a short form hit 100m, if you get what I mean? I think MKBHD was discussing this with someone from YouTube on his recent podcast.
Totally, but like I said there will be some much better monetisation to shorts in Jan and a lot of work going on for it to make it valuable for creators, so it might balance out a bit... will see how they work it. Right now you get **** all for shorts. Some subs, which is nice, but $$? Nothing worth having. When/ if that changes to be more inline with the long form, it'll be very interesting
October check in!


Decent growth. Watch time slightly down, views OK but slightly down on last months monetized views

CPM is down slightly on last month, but Sept was just a very good month. Closing out the month on $55 is a good one from $22 just 2 months ago.


I hit $136 in affiliate payouts this month, so closed the month with $191, which isn't bad at all.

I have some goals to hit by the end of the year, which I'm not far off doing and hope with 2 months of the year left I'll manage on all fronts!


Need 18 more subs, 49 affiliates and 4 payouts which based on the year, I would hope would be possible but let's see how Nov/ Dec are in terms of this area of content.

I'm running a number of side hustles in the background at the moment which are for videos, which is great for me tbf ha and have started to really plan and structure my planning/ prioritization for content creation. See how that goes!

On to November, let's see what it brings!
November/ December check in and end of year reflections.

I am happy with where I am for the end of the year. Learnt a lot and have a lot to work on for next year and I know what those are, which I'll put in a bit.

I aimed to hit 1500 subs this year, 250 affiliate signups and 15 payouts.


I hit that in November and sailed passed it. I'd love to hit 1700 now as a stretch goal, but let's see how I go. I closed 6 affiliate deals last month which netted me $408 which was the best month yet. I have about 8 pending, but not sure they will close this month, but even still. Not too bad for 6 months of this year since looking to monetize this stuff.

Things to work on:

Things to do in Q1:
  • Book out slots each week to plan, record and edit and stick to it.
  • create 7-10 shorts / tiktok/ reels per long form video. Make that a part of the editing block or generally plan it and make sure it happens.
  • Consistently post across all 3 short form channels - schedule these
  • Plan short form content - is it the same as long form? Create generally more per week (10 - 20)
  • Schedule in interaction time for the above channels - interact with other content creators / people who comment
  • Continue to work on my editing style. Most engaging for my audience. This also goes back to time and planning.
  • Plan and create a more clear funnel from long form, short form, twitter, blog, linkedin - where am I trying to send people? What's the conversion I intend for each? Is that clear?
  • Go hard. Be Consistent.
I want to hit 10k next year. It's a massive goal but I believe if I go properly hard at it and commit, I can do it...

Shorts will gain monetization in Feb next year, so let's get that nailed.

  • TikTok - 137 followers
  • Instagram - 3 followers
  • YT - As above
Let's lock those in so I can measure against those in the future.

Here's to 2023 and some more fun and learning!
Its going in the right direction.

Have to say I dislike shorts on YouTube. I think creators often do it as filler when they don't have enough content or as ad for the channel I'm already subscribed to. Just feels like spam. I watch YouTube for long format videos and Instagram etc for shorter things. Some creators I watch have created a 2nd channel when its a offshoot or different format. Which is nice because then you have the choice to get them or not. But if someone drops a lot of shorts on their main youtube channel I often end up unsubbing entirely.
Have to say I dislike shorts on YouTube. I think creators often do it as filler when they don't have enough content or as ad for the channel I'm already subscribed to. Just feels like spam. I watch YouTube for long format videos and Instagram etc for shorter things. Some creators I watch have created a 2nd channel when its a offshoot or different format. Which is nice because then you have the choice to get them or not. But if someone drops a lot of shorts on their main youtube channel I often end up unsubbing entirely.
I do agree, too. But I think you are like me when it comes to what I use YT for, but a lot of people aren't and it's a great way to get more visibility to people, you'd never get organically through long form content.

I do totally agree with you though. I am aiming to create content out of my long form for shorts and then another 5-10 a week on completely short focused content. Just need to get planning so I can get to that level of efficiency. I was up until 11 last night knocking out 11 short form videos from this one. I will do another 9 so I have about 3 a day to push... it's all about the numbers apparently...
Suppose I should do December!

It was a pretty crappy month for CPM/RPM to be fair, but other means brought us back onto a decent close for the year.

I didn't post over Christmas as I have been off and enjoying that time as well as being crafty / DIYing at home.

Here are the Dec stats:


Ad rev was well down but closed out 4 deals which netted me a nice round $300 for the month, which is great.

Av % viewed increased and CTR wasn't so bad, so I'll take that for the end of the year. Views in general were down but looks up due to posting more short form content.

I broke my goal of 1500 and sailed past to break the 1700 stretch I set myself.

When I look at the year of 2022 since monetization, I took about 2k over the year. Plus 1k from the "side hustles" tested for videos it brings me to $3k for the year. I wasn't monetized all year, but say I look at it over the year, that's 250 a month back to me. Which, I don't think is too shabby at all for my first year out.

Will see where this year takes me. I have some ideas, will see how to make the happen but I'm enjoying the journey either way.
As a part of my planning and being more organised, I just filmed 3 videos and will edit them over the week evenings. I have one to get done for tomorrow, which is no problem. Then I can space the others out. I also have 6 more ideas I have researched. 2 I need to do more research on the products/ apps and break it all down but feel a lot more on top of things!
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