YouTube Content Creators

E.g. they're looking to sell the 2015 petrus (shares sold at $29k) approx 2024-2027 when it's only just starting its drinking window. Given it was released in 2016 for approx. $12500 it may grow a bit more depending on the whole market but the majority of the price growth is done for now (imo) until it's much older and becoming rarer. Lots of questions in mind about other bits too!
Yea, I think they're very young in age. Only started about a year ago, but their aim is to grow in the space and for me bringing on more wine people will be massively helpful in that way. I suppose it's also a real toss up between market wants (lockup periods) and what's best for wine. I think a lot of people at the lower price point of entry also have issues about longer lockup periods. That's my assumption based on Qs I have had on other videos about lockups. I do very much see what you're saying though, too. Will see where it goes. Maybe the UK needs similar ;) as this is a US / SEC registered thing, so for me to do it means I need to go via something like tribevest to be able to access it. But a UK version... ;) hahaha
Yea, I think they're very young in age. Only started about a year ago, but their aim is to grow in the space and for me bringing on more wine people will be massively helpful in that way. I suppose it's also a real toss up between market wants (lockup periods) and what's best for wine. I think a lot of people at the lower price point of entry also have issues about longer lockup periods. That's my assumption based on Qs I have had on other videos about lockups. I do very much see what you're saying though, too. Will see where it goes. Maybe the UK needs similar ;) as this is a US / SEC registered thing, so for me to do it means I need to go via something like tribevest to be able to access it. But a UK version... ;) hahaha

The SEC thing is interesting and I don't know much about it. Hopefully it provides some security for investors though. There's certainly no regulation UK side for the numerous wine "investment" offerings. How thorough are they on provenance? E.g. would they provide the bottle numbers of the drc if requested. Wilson Daniels are sole US importer of that so would hope it's come directly from them. If not I'd have concerns. I'd also be interested in how they're then selling the wines on; broker, auction, etc. All take a cut.

The funniest one I've seen is this: Cheval Blanc, Ausone and Angélus have all bailed out of the classification because it was becoming diluted (one of the criteria was a certain level of social media presence I believe) and at the top end it's looking fairly weak as a body for the moment.
I then have videos that rank well in search and get 20-100 views a day.
I can't lie, I initially thought that didn't sound a lot, but looking at my own channel (which is a long way past its peak tbh, so probably not that worthy to be compared against) I only have a handful of videos in that range :(

Have you tried doing some searches in an incognito browser, not logged in etc to see where you get listed against things you search? I tried one recent video that's only getting 3 or 4 views a day now and I was listed 42nd. My best 'recent' video came out 8th and it's a reasonably widely used product (searched 'wahoo elemnt bolt v2') in fact it's 6th if I search 'bolt v2 review'. In both cases, it's surrounded by videos with 5 and 6 figure viewing numbers! I'm still only getting about 20 views a day on that at the moment, so I'm curious where yours are listed on a fairly common search term?

My entire channel has about 25k views in 28 days, which is a long way down on 3 or 4 years back. I think I was 80-90k a month back then...
so I'm curious where yours are listed on a fairly common search term?
My search terms are not that common, but common enough to still get decent (for me lol) enough numbers coming in, so they're pretty niche. I rank pretty well, here are some private browser shots on search:


A paypal update on crypto withdrawals.


Konvi app I rank right at the top, only second to the verified French dude. This one ebbs and flows depending on the amount of marketing the company does and that's all good with me! £10 per referral on that one, which has made me a great 30 so far, but more than the video, so...! ha


This is probably the best. It's a pretty good search term, but niche...! This means though, again with the ebb and flow of their own marketing, but I get decent traffic daily on this one. They used to offer $270 per referral, but I got 2 and they dropped it to $70 haha so already made 540 off this one and have 35 others signed up. If they ever invest over $500 in the app, I'll get my $70.


Even this one ranks pretty well up against some big guys. It's less of a push on the search but still.

I like to try and find things that competition is pretty good, but it's not always possible in a space like this! Loads of people in the same spaces these days but I am doing a video on a couple of different apps in the next couple of weeks too. One sMiles you earn BTC for walking and stuff like that. Another is one where you earn tokens listening to music? I keep a list of things I'm planning, and try and do a couple in the week I don't have the kids to make my life easier on that next week, so will try that tomorrow, too as I am in the UK Fri - Monday.

25k for 28 days is decent lol I'm on about 10% of that so :P just passed $15 for those 2500, so RPM at $7.50? You must still get about $75 a month? The way I've looked at things and tried to break it down is less about the ad money, as it's not a lot, but more about the number of potential eyes to convert to get me some $ in some other way! :P
Yeah, I'm averaging about £85 a month at the moment. There was a time this was up around £200 a month, but I guess I'm not consistent enough and have had a few dry patches.

That's good search ranking. I guess like you say though, a decent slice, but a small pie, so to speak?
Yeah, I'm averaging about £85 a month at the moment. There was a time this was up around £200 a month, but I guess I'm not consistent enough and have had a few dry patches.
That's not bad at 200 a month! I really thought about this model and so 200 for me completely be more about the views and possibility to convert to referral.
Channel started in Feb first video. Monetised in April ($2.28 that month!) - Total YT ad rev to date: $27.50 - Total referral money though: $1,290. So total a touch over $1300 from April to June, which is about $400 a month! In my future hopeful projections, YT ad rev only accounts for 25% of the total revenue I plan, and in reality it might be less, will see, but that's how I have structured it anyway.

That's good search ranking. I guess like you say though, a decent slice, but a small pie, so to speak?
It's niche on those products, but with the $$ offered on each of them for referrals, it's worth it for good ranking and a smaller pie as the conversion rate is much higher, too. The stake conversion is 1/90 from views to sign up at the moment and 1/19 invest rate on top of that. (38 signed up out of 3253 views, 2 invested out of 38 signed up) So this is all the stuff I think about when planning **** out when it comes to videos and then sometimes I do them just because I want to and have no other monetization involved in it.

I really enjoy giving it this structure though.
Sorry in advance for a rambling post :p

Well i have been having this itch about starting a movie review channel for the past year and it's pretty much set up, ready to go and will be posting my very first video in the next couple of weeks.

I have absolutely no idea about promoting, analytics, or how to grow my sub-base. I've been into movies since I was a kid and seeing I've been uploading written reviews I thought why not just record my voice and set it to video and post them on YouTube, I've seen 10,000's it'd be a good way to track what I watch! :D

So I bought I decent mic (Blue Yeti) and have been learning Davince Resolve (great program!) and I'm almost done. Unfortunately, I'm a bit of an architect rather than a doer so I've been planning out (maybe over-planning) how my video will look, I want to look as professional as I can right out of the gate. Once the first video is out then the process is established and I can churn them out quicker. I'm hoping to do 1 or 2 per week and maybe a Classic movie on a Sunday.

I first I didn't intended to make any money from it but money is tight so any earnings from it would be very welcome. But I'm also very aware that I'm starting on YouTube very late in the game, maybe too late :(

I'm not going to show my face, I have a face for radio :D but I can put on a very professional-sounding voiceover. I know I can't promote my channel here but I'd really like some opinions once my first video is out
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That's not bad at 200 a month! I really thought about this model and so 200 for me completely be more about the views and possibility to convert to referral.
Channel started in Feb first video. Monetised in April ($2.28 that month!) - Total YT ad rev to date: $27.50 - Total referral money though: $1,290. So total a touch over $1300 from April to June, which is about $400 a month! In my future hopeful projections, YT ad rev only accounts for 25% of the total revenue I plan, and in reality it might be less, will see, but that's how I have structured it anyway.

It's niche on those products, but with the $$ offered on each of them for referrals, it's worth it for good ranking and a smaller pie as the conversion rate is much higher, too. The stake conversion is 1/90 from views to sign up at the moment and 1/19 invest rate on top of that. (38 signed up out of 3253 views, 2 invested out of 38 signed up) So this is all the stuff I think about when planning **** out when it comes to videos and then sometimes I do them just because I want to and have no other monetization involved in it.

I really enjoy giving it this structure though.

I might have to hit you up on some advice on how all the money thing works, at first I thought you get money through ads and number of views, and correct me if I'm wrong but you can't Monetise until you get at least a 1000 subs? That seems like such a mountain to climb! :eek:
Can't stand videos that are not straight the point. Not interested in an intro, stop blathering on, just stfu and get to the reason I clicked your video already.

That's what i'm trying to do, my indent is 3 seconds long and then I'm straight into it. I'll give a little info on the movie for about 30 seconds to establish what the movie is and what it's about then I go into my thoughts, overall unless I have a lot to say I don't intend any of my videos to be longer than say 5-7 mins.
Hmm, I normally go pretty.... 'normal' on video names, you know 'Product X Full Review' but I went with a slightly more clickbait style 'Why my Product X is Going Back' and it had the most views of any video I've done in some time over the first 8 hours or so. Seems to have dropped off a cliff shortly after though.
I use a Sony ZV-1 - it's a great "vlogging" camera, which was the idea before I started this channel, but equally think it's great for the money at about 700quid. I use Adobe suite, as I have that for all things, so Premiere Pro is my go to.
I look at weird and different ways people can earn money online and that and one company has just asked me to review their play to earn crypto game for a fee. It's a 10 SOL fee (currently valued at $40 a piece, so $400) and 1 SOL for every user signup that they get... which is potentially very nice. If SOL ever gets back to $500 a piece, it's awesome to collect as many as possible when it's cheap. Will see what comes of it.
I use a Sony ZV-1 - it's a great "vlogging" camera, which was the idea before I started this channel, but equally think it's great for the money at about 700quid. I use Adobe suite, as I have that for all things, so Premiere Pro is my go to.
Saw the Sony ZV-1 on sale yesterday. Was tempted to buy it but wasn't sure how good it was.

Update: Ah, its still on sale. Might grab it so thanks!
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For all you experienced content creators in here :) Which cameras do you all use and software to edit videos ?
I'm starting on the ground floor so I'm leaning Davinci Resolve for editing as it seems to be almost as powerful as Adobe but it's free for the basic program. I'm doing some nice looking work and i'm very impressed. If i start to earn some money from this i might plump for the full package for $250

Woo! Broke the $10 mark per month... next stop $1k? :D

Just need 100x more, we're all good.

Thanks to @AndyCr15 I've ordered some accoustic panels which will arrive tomorrow, so I can get some better deadening in here. I have a nice video to do for next week on alternative investments. I've reached out to all the companies I am looking at for affiliate links if I don't already have them, so hopefully set that up before next week.

July check in. 28 day rev peaked at $18.50 but dropped as July views were lower in holiday season. Subs are still going up though. Watch time is, too. I'm not worried about stats of new videos. I just keep plugging away! I have scheduled another one for next week as I'm in the UK. I have a couple lined up to record when I'm back, too.

Konvi who I did a video about reached out to me and asked to work more closely with me and will double their referral amount from 10EUR to 20EUR per user, which is nice.
It's a 10 SOL fee (currently valued at $40 a piece, so $400) and 1 SOL for every user signup that they get... which is potentially very nice.
Surely this is a pyramid scheme?
Konvi who I did a video about reached out to me and asked to work more closely with me and will double their referral amount from 10EUR to 20EUR per user, which is nice.
I personally would be very cautious here as I would imagine your viewers would like you to remain impartial?
I'm starting on the ground floor so I'm leaning Davinci Resolve for editing as it seems to be almost as powerful as Adobe but it's free for the basic program. I'm doing some nice looking work and i'm very impressed. If i start to earn some money from this i might plump for the full package for $250
There's pretty much no need unless you're creating 4k 120fps, stereoscopic or VFX heavy content.

My profession is post-production (15 years on the job).
I personally would be very cautious here as I would imagine your viewers would like you to remain impartial?

I invest personally with them, so have to be impartial as it's equally my money there. So if there was ever anything I did not like about it, or had questions on, I'd make sure I got answers or called it out.

I work closely with Stake on property investing. I have people coming to me all the time with questions and provide feedback to Stake on everything. If I don't know something, I find out. If I think something isn't giving enough information, I give feedback to them on this too. I work very much with the attitude of trying to make sure the product gives the most value to the users (me being one) and just act as an inbetween on that with a more human element than a company themselves.
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