*** Zelda: Breath of the Wild ***

I'm not that far into the game. I guess 50 shrines and 2 divine beasts. Is it worth getting the DLC now for the tracking or better to play vanilla do we think?

I was thinking the same.

I'm possibly a bit further at around 70 odd shrines, 2 beasts and the Master Sword. I was curious if I should get the DLC and do the Sword trial now before tackling the rest of the game?
Personally I would stick to completing the main game before you worry about the master trials. The problem with having a 60dmg sword that never breaks or requires "resting" is that the whole game would just be a really easy hack and slash. You wouldn't have to think about how to approach anything.
I'm not that far into the game. I guess 50 shrines and 2 divine beasts. Is it worth getting the DLC now for the tracking or better to play vanilla do we think?

These are all features that should have been there from the start so get it now.

The korok mask in particular makes the world seem far less barren.

As said the buffed master sword completely breaks the game if you're not on hard mode.
Personally I would stick to completing the main game before you worry about the master trials. The problem with having a 60dmg sword that never breaks or requires "resting" is that the whole game would just be a really easy hack and slash. You wouldn't have to think about how to approach anything.

I disagree. For one, the sword still runs out of power and must rest before being usable again (confirmed this myself by using it yesterday). It does have more durability for sure - basically like the durability it had when fighting Guardians.
For me the Master Sword upgrade was a must simply because it is the Master Sword and its original version was insultingly crap for the legendary blade. I cannot help but feel the upgrade is exactly how the sword was always intended to be, but by keeping it crap originally it gave them room to have this Trial as a DLC :)

Even with the upgrade, it is still a 1h weapon, so there are many times you would rather use a 2her (especially for the far superior charged attack).

Finally, even when upgraded, it is not actually the best blade available - 3 set Guardian gear, Guardian weapons with +3Attack foods (which last 30 mins a pop if made right) gives a stronger weapon than the Master Sword + Barbarian gear (as +attack food does not stack with that gear).

So, the upgraded sword is useful, it can mean changing weapons less often (but in reality, weapons are not exactly a hard ship and there are still many situations where you may prefer 2h or lance), it does look cool and certainly feels right running around with it as much as possible.

Prior to the upgrade, I have never been in a situation where I did not have 'the right tool for the job' when it came to combat, at least not since early game, well before you could even get the Sword.

In fact, really the best thing about the upgraded sword aside from looking cool, is the fact I don't need to stockpile the Lynel weapons as much (which are 58 dam weapons, so pretty much on par with the sword)
I think I'll hold off buying the DLC until I actually get the Master Sword as a lot of it seems centered around that :)

Think I am about 10hrs in. Last night I concentrated on shrines and korok seeds and completed 4 shrines and discovered 2 other shrine "quests" - found about 6 or 8 korok seeds too! Pretty successful couple of hours.
Hmm now I'm torn as to what to do.

When doing the actual trial I know it takes your unlocked slots etc but does it take your unlocked heart and stamina too? If so is there a recommendation for how many hearts you should ideally enter with it? I've unlocked 13 as I've been dumping all my orbs in to stamina.
I disagree. For one, the sword still runs out of power and must rest before being usable again (confirmed this myself by using it yesterday). It does have more durability for sure - basically like the durability it had when fighting Guardians.
For me the Master Sword upgrade was a must simply because it is the Master Sword and its original version was insultingly crap for the legendary blade. I cannot help but feel the upgrade is exactly how the sword was always intended to be, but by keeping it crap originally it gave them room to have this Trial as a DLC :)

On hard mode sure, but on normal it completely ruins the game.
I disagree. For one, the sword still runs out of power and must rest before being usable again (confirmed this myself by using it yesterday). It does have more durability for sure - basically like the durability it had when fighting Guardians.

I'm sure they said that it wouldn't require any cooldown once it was upgraded but thats obviously wrong (i'm not questioning you obviously :))

For me the Master Sword upgrade was a must simply because it is the Master Sword and its original version was insultingly crap for the legendary blade. I cannot help but feel the upgrade is exactly how the sword was always intended to be, but by keeping it crap originally it gave them room to have this Trial as a DLC :)

I dont know, its supposed to be a sword to deal with Ganon but not necessarily just a monsterously powerful sword for everyday swording.

Finally, even when upgraded, it is not actually the best blade available - 3 set Guardian gear, Guardian weapons with +3Attack foods (which last 30 mins a pop if made right) gives a stronger weapon than the Master Sword + Barbarian gear (as +attack food does not stack with that gear).

Oh I know, I have a savage lynel two handed club with 120 odd damage but I won't use that on trash mobs or for breaking rocks. The master sword is my go to for anything that I don't want to damage a better weapon on.

I just like the fact that the game forces you to experiment with weapons and not rely on one single item that inevitably becomes underpowered at some point. I hated it in games like Diablo 3 where you would find an amazing weapon with great stats/perks etc and 2 hours later you were using a crap and boring weapon that had twice the damage of your pride and joy.

Bear! :D
On hard mode sure, but on normal it completely ruins the game.

I think you overestimate its usefulness. Against Lynels you are still better off using other weapons with the combo mentioned above, against Molduga's and Hynox and Talus' you are better off with a strong 2h for the charge attack.
Against Guardians or Dungeon bosses there is no change as the weapon was already buffed up.

Against typical trash, depending on the situation, a lance to keep things at bay is still better, or again, the 2h charge can be more useful.

If it was truly everlasting (not needing a cooldown, which despite early rumours, it most certainly does) it would become your default weapon for a lot of trash which may trivialize things a bit (although again, there are so many better weapons, that may not be the case...but for the convenience factor you probably would just use it).
At best you use it a bit more until it wears out and conserve other weapons a bit longer, but again, there are so many decent weapons it isn't really that big a deal (I have lost count how many Savage Lynel weapons I have left to rot) - and of course this is even more irrelevant if you have farmed a decent number of seeds.

So, even upgraded, the poor Master Sword is relegated to trash mop up until it 'breaks' :)
Love how they put little stuff like this in the game it's brilliant , my spoiler doesn't give the answer of how to solve, just didn't want to ruin a surprise for anyone wanting to find it on their own, as I stumbled across it completely by random.
You go round to the side door of the clothes shop in gerudo but there's a password that you need to find and you can only try it once a day ...
Love how they put little stuff like this in the game it's brilliant.

There are so so many little bits like this littered throughout the game. Its a big part of why its such a good game IMO.

I was looking off the coast of the fishing village and noticed that there were a lot of birds circling a patch of water. Took the glider over there and low and behold there were probably about 150 fish in a big shoal! Grabbed as many as I could before they dispersed. This sort of thing is such a lot of fun to find. Doesn't progress the game or your power etc but just really fun to discover.
There are so so many little bits like this littered throughout the game. Its a big part of why its such a good game IMO.
I was mentioning to Raymond earlier. One of the things thats making it really fun for me when comparing to other Zelda games is you can stumble across so much by complete luck/stupidity. Like in The WW when you get Fire & Ice Arrows, you know you're going to get it due to the build up and going off to accomplish the task to get it. Last night I found a random chest in a shed somewhere in a field and it had 5 fire arrows in it...I very much had a "whoa I've now got fire arrows!" moment as it was so unexpected!
I don't know if this was just me being thick but I used to run at the dragonfly type bugs like a nutter to catch them. I recently was creeping up to an enemy with some around them and they don't run/disappear if you walk up to them slowly. Need to try this on the extra life ones but it works for all the others. Feel like an idiot for playing about 100 hours without knowing the best way to catch them.
I don't know if this was just me being thick but I used to run at the dragonfly type bugs like a nutter to catch them. I recently was creeping up to an enemy with some around them and they don't run/disappear if you walk up to them slowly. Need to try this on the extra life ones but it works for all the others. Feel like an idiot for playing about 100 hours without knowing the best way to catch them.

It does work on that/them too :)
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