*** Zelda: Breath of the Wild ***

What I find interesting is that I normally don't find these kind of RPGs enjoyable. Like Skyrim..bored the hell out of me. But due to the way it's done and played...there is just something different. Incredibly addictive and enjoyable!

I am the same. I think one of the reasons this works for me while things like Skyrim never did is because it seems so easy to have a goal. In Skyrim type games you can easily get yourself kind of lost and wondering what to do, in Zelda I found I could easily choose a focus - Do all the quests in an area (which are all nicely broken up on the map), or try find shrines in an area, or all the korok seeds in an area, or hunt for X resource for armor upgrades. Sure, I am easily side tracked along the way, but I still have that focus to 'ground' me, so I never really feel overwhelmed or lost.

Basically, despite being an open world sandboxy game, it was very easy to make my own personal 'Themepark' with it
Haha but where could he be ? :D
I ran to the spot where he was and noticed he was gone. Then I went back up and down the path thinking "maybe it was somewhere...*sees the circle he was standing in* NOPE, nope he was definitely here!" cheeky git has moved. AI is trolling me!
Most other open world games are almost totally reliant on the story and character progression. You do side quests and most of them are cookie cutter "go here, fetch/kill and return to me". Its boring, repetitive and the only reward you usually get is XP or gear. The witcher 3 was/is an amazing game because the story is fantastic but also because there are parts of the world that are stunning as well. It still suffered from having too much "boring" filler areas with only monsters to break the monotony. BOTW has little side missions to do x then report back but I never felt like you were expected to head off and do them. Most of them you get in your quests list and then 10 hours later you realise you have met the person they wanted you to while exploring. Its a much free-er version of that kind of quest.

BOTW takes that to its logical conclusion with a world that is so full of things to find that you are quite often doing one thing and find another half a dozen things that interrupt you on the way. You are rewarded with the experience of what you have done, not with XP points or a new sword. The world of BOTW feels like 80%+ of it has been lovingly hand crafted with amazing detail and skill. Most other games feel like a few cities have been lovingly crafted and 95% of the open world wilderness is barren and pointless other than to put distance between areas. Once most games main quest is done I feel compelled to go back and do other things. The monsters are usually too weak to put up a fight or there really is no reason to do anything else. BOTW almost felt like I was ticking a box when I beat Ganon and it wasn't really that important to the game. Beat Ganon then go back to the main quest of exploration.
I ran to the spot where he was and noticed he was gone. Then I went back up and down the path thinking "maybe it was somewhere...*sees the circle he was standing in* NOPE, nope he was definitely here!" cheeky git has moved. AI is trolling me!

Hahahaha I won't spoil it for you but all will become clear in time :D
Posted this in Switch thread but better in here I think

Might return to Zelda to do more shrines and maybe buy the dlc. I loved my time with the game and wrapped up the main quest at about 70hr Mark. As soon as the credits rolled I didn't feel compelled to continue but I feel like I should try again now

Thoughts on the dlc and post ending?
Depends what you enjoyed about the main game really. I didn't think the final bit of the main story was that good/important so I have put probably nearly as much time in post-ganon as pre. The first DLC doesn't have a huge amount of content but the master trials are quite fun. They take you back to the time when you couldn't tank a lot of stuff and had to think your way through the game. The added armour sets are fun but not that useful ultimately. If you want to find all shrines / are just interested in exploring more of the map the "heros path" is really cool. Shows you exactly where you have been.

Overall its a cheap DLC pack and you get this and the next one which sounds like it will be a lot larger so I think its good value. Depends whether you are still playing the game really. I don't think it would draw me back into the game as most of the stuff you get from this 1st DLC is only useful to an active player. Its not a stand alone "expansion" like a lot of games do.
I ran to the spot where he was and noticed he was gone. Then I went back up and down the path thinking "maybe it was somewhere...*sees the circle he was standing in* NOPE, nope he was definitely here!" cheeky git has moved. AI is trolling me!

To be fair he does tell you where he's going at least twice in your conversations with him :p
Depends what you enjoyed about the main game really. I didn't think the final bit of the main story was that good/important so I have put probably nearly as much time in post-ganon as pre. The first DLC doesn't have a huge amount of content but the master trials are quite fun. They take you back to the time when you couldn't tank a lot of stuff and had to think your way through the game. The added armour sets are fun but not that useful ultimately. If you want to find all shrines / are just interested in exploring more of the map the "heros path" is really cool. Shows you exactly where you have been.

Overall its a cheap DLC pack and you get this and the next one which sounds like it will be a lot larger so I think its good value. Depends whether you are still playing the game really. I don't think it would draw me back into the game as most of the stuff you get from this 1st DLC is only useful to an active player. Its not a stand alone "expansion" like a lot of games do.

Tbh I was thinking mainly of coming back before I buy the dlc to wrap up the shrines and explore a bit more, then in doing that grab the season pass if it hooks me back in!

I think it's a bit soon for a fresh play through on the harder mode at the moment but would love to try that later
Finally got round to completing this last night after not playing it for a few months. Got all shrines complete as well before the end. First Zelda game where I have completed the main story. It really was a game I enjoyed a lot and now I wonder what I need to do on it. Not sure I can be bothered with the seeds.
Bought this again last week with my Switch after almost completing it on the Wii U. I really want to finish it but I'm finding playing through a second time so boring :(

I'm thinking of heading straight to Hyrule Castle with 3 hearts, getting the main quest done in one go and spend the rest of my time getting all the shrines etc.
Finally got round to completing this last night after not playing it for a few months. Got all shrines complete as well before the end. First Zelda game where I have completed the main story. It really was a game I enjoyed a lot and now I wonder what I need to do on it. Not sure I can be bothered with the seeds.

I think for me the natural completion would be the main story and the shrines. Plenty of value in that for me. Maybe go for all armour sets and upgrades? I personally wouldn't chase the seeds, I don't think the devs intended for them to be aimed for, just something to fill the void between 2 areas etc
Getting the 900 korok seeds is nuts. I feel like I am finding them every 10 minutes or so and I have probably found 200 or so. I have absolutely 0 desire to actively look for them all. Shrines on the other hand I am doing. I'm at 118 at the moment but I think I will need to use a guide for the last 2
I feel like I must be oblivious to the Korok Seeds. I've got 10 or so and always on the look out for things out of place and don't seem to find any :(
Got over 100 hours on this game now and I've enjoyed every single one of them unlike the 50hrs I've put into Witcher 3, god what a padded out bore fest that is compared to Zelda BOTW.

Going to complete this game, but I can't face going back to Witcher 3 and it's interminable cut scenes, for which I just want to spam 'Press X' to get them over with TBH.
I have intentionally put off fighting Gannon and finishing the game simply because if I do that I will find it hard to bother with the rest of the game (odd I know, but when I complete a game I feel it is finished so even with a load of stuff undone I won't care).
Currently I have 104 shrines done, all the side quests done in many of the areas, I have done the DLC, almost all gear is maxed except jewelry (also need a few more various lizalfo tails to finish off one or two items) and 2 bosses downed.
It's funny, even though I do not need all the shrines for fighting Gannon, I feel like I need to do it (obviously because I enjoy them, but also it feels right) yet if I killed Gannon I would feel as if the shrines are not worth doing.

As or bobbyspangles, since you did so much on the Wii U, I would suggest getting the DLC and playing hard mode for the Switch, I think that will help shake things up to make it feel more different (plus being more difficult will no doubt make it more fun)
Got over 100 hours on this game now and I've enjoyed every single one of them unlike the 50hrs I've put into Witcher 3, god what a padded out bore fest that is compared to Zelda BOTW.

Going to complete this game, but I can't face going back to Witcher 3 and it's interminable cut scenes, for which I just want to spam 'Press X' to get them over with TBH.

Are you the sort of gamer who doesn't play a game for the story because that is part of what made witcher 3 so good. The story was fantastic and had so much depth. There is almost no story to zelda. I love both games but they are very different. I had an old house mate who couldn't have cared less about the story in any game he played. It did my head in to watch him go through games like the only goal was to get to the end of the game as quickly as possible. Each to their own and all that I guess.
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