*** Zelda: Breath of the Wild ***

Grats :D

Regarding what was shown in that last memory; there's a little more detail behind it that a certain npc will explain now that you've completed a certain task. I don't want to ruin anything about that interaction, but incase you don't stumble upon it remember to look it up :).

Oh and about that end game shrine reward...

'Light Yellow' is the best colour :p


and yes I prefer it without the hat #zeldafashion

I know which NPC you mean :) - and whilst I now remember a hint about it during the game, I stumbled upon it by complete accident after, well...you know what :)
So I'm on 120, but it's driving me crazy. The one where you have to be naked and wait for the red moon. By the time I notice the red moon, I never make it back in time. If you go after the cut scene it's too late. And then you have to wait ages for another one. Any tips?
So I'm on 120, but it's driving me crazy. The one where you have to be naked and wait for the red moon. By the time I notice the red moon, I never make it back in time. If you go after the cut scene it's too late. And then you have to wait ages for another one. Any tips?

I think when I did it I saw the red sky/Bloodmoon rising and fast-travelled to a nearby shrine or tower before the cut-scene and that was enough time to get to it.

The Bloodmoon will come quicker if you just run around killing stuff in the world, so perhaps just go around killing Lynels, minibosses or any mobs really, then as it's about to go dark get naked and in position :). Repeat this process until it appears.

I think there is also an NPC somewhere who tells you if a Bloodmoon is due, maybe at the twin peaks stable but not sure.
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Yes there is an NPC by the stables east of dueling peaks who tells you the moon's etc. When it's a blood moon (which is random) he says "oh it's...it's that moon.." something like that.

Alternatively if you have the DLC drop the travel gate on the floor next to the shrine plate. And go about your business. Next sign of a blood moon, wrap right next to the plate. I think that's how I did it. Was just especially attentive of the moon rising each night so I warped before the cut scene.
I think when I did it I saw the red sky/Bloodmoon rising and fast-travelled to a nearby shrine or tower before the cut-scene and that was enough time to get to it.

The Bloodmoon will come quicker if you just run around killing stuff in the world, so perhaps just go around killing Lynels, minibosses or any mobs really, then as it's about to go dark get naked and in position :). Repeat this process until it appears.

I think there is also an NPC somewhere who tells you if a Bloodmoon is due, maybe at the twin peaks stable but not sure.
Yes there is an NPC by the stables east of dueling peaks who tells you the moon's etc. When it's a blood moon (which is random) he says "oh it's...it's that moon.." something like that.

Alternatively if you have the DLC drop the travel gate on the floor next to the shrine plate. And go about your business. Next sign of a blood moon, wrap right next to the plate. I think that's how I did it. Was just especially attentive of the moon rising each night so I warped before the cut scene.

Cheers guys! Will have another bash on my days off :)
Can't believe this journey is almost at an end :(

OK, Armour of the Wild fully upgraded, now beginning to work my way through Hyrule castle. Have discovered a few areas so far like Zeldas bedroom, Library, Dining Hall, soldiers armoury (along those lines of name anyway) and it's funny just how much it throws at you in terms of weapons and resources etc.

I am on the hunt for the Hylian Shield. All I know is that its in the castle "somewhere" and I will not go to Ganon without it! Once I've got the shield I'll leave the castle. Go around to all the towns and stock up on arrows, cook all the food I have, maybe buy some ancient arrows as well. And then go to Hyrule and fight my way through the town and clear it out on the way to the castle. And not leave without Zelda.

How very noble :p
After doing my first DB I went to explore the castle and it was great. It was scary as I could die quite easily (and did a couple of times); had only 7 hearts at the time and it was actually a challenge making it to the top. At one point there was a storm and I and wanted to climb to get past some certain things, I ended up being able to start a campfire in a staircase alcove that was just big enough to be sheltered from the rain and sleep the storm off.

I explored about maybe 70% of the castle and actually ended up trying the final boss at the time and...
...actually failed quite spectacularly. The boss is of course different if you haven't done all the DB's, as you have to face the Blight Ganon's you haven't killed first before going against the man himself. I actually assumed it couldn't be done and that I needed something additional to beat Fireblight, of course I found out later that wasn't the case. That was a really cool feeling learning that maybe I could have done it after all, If I only had known sooner what I was later forced to learn.

At least I got a nice view from up there before leaving :D...

Regarding the final boss being easier than other encounters in the game I think it comes down to considering those players that want to just power through the main quest. They can't make it too difficult for the many casual players who are not interested in learning how to properly defeat a Lynel. In such an open game like botw, I think it makes sense to have enemies in the world that are more challenging than the final boss of the main quest.
The difficulty curve from mid to late game is still one of the my primary criticisms of the game, but to an extent I can understand why, and why the final boss is how it is.
You have an excellent point. If you don't try to fight Ganon before beating all of the DB's you are missing out on a chunk of the game.
So last night after 160 hours of game time, I completed the Breath of the Wild :)

First of all, I was not disappointed with the final boss. Whilst I did not think he was particularly difficult, I still enjoyed it. I liked the fact the Master Sword just chipped away at his health rather than taking a swipe and it taking away big chunks. I thought the visuals for both Ganons we're incredible. Absolutely beautiful to watch and experience.

Yes I beat him on the first go. And I think they could have made it better by making Ganon more active (especially in his first form) rather than kinda just standing there and waiting for him to slowly raise the big fire sword, or bring out the guardian weapons. I thought of Ganon in the WW where he was extremely active and fast. You had to move a lot to dodge and get damage in. Simply using the format they used here in BOTW but making him less lethargic would have improved him a lot I feel.

After all the bashing received by people here in this thread, I honestly went in not expecting much (I also hadn't spoiled myself on youtube etc so it was entirely new for me) and I really enjoyed the boss. My heart was racing, I liked the fight on the back of Zeldas horse. I wonder if you have not completed that side quest in the game if you still get her horse for that part of the mission. Hmmmm.

The game has its flaws (but which game doesn't?) but I'd wipe my memory and go back to do it all again if I could. Completely and utterly stunning game. Best game I've ever, ever played. Now I have a nice break before the DLC
Your life might feel a little empty for a while, but dont worry it gets easier with time :p

Yeah I did enjoy the final boss fight too, despite it being a little easier than i'd hoped (I did it at about 80 shrines I think and hadnt really upgraded armor much at all). I felt the final part was mainly just for spectacle, and it certainly succeeded at that imo.
I agree about Ganon being abit slow to do things, definitely impacted the challenge and intensity of the fight.
I did really like how there were different ways to defeat him though, I mostly did it by shield-parrying his lasers which was certainly satisfying :D
So last night after 160 hours of game time, I completed the Breath of the Wild :)

First of all, I was not disappointed with the final boss. Whilst I did not think he was particularly difficult, I still enjoyed it. I liked the fact the Master Sword just chipped away at his health rather than taking a swipe and it taking away big chunks. I thought the visuals for both Ganons we're incredible. Absolutely beautiful to watch and experience.

Yes I beat him on the first go. And I think they could have made it better by making Ganon more active (especially in his first form) rather than kinda just standing there and waiting for him to slowly raise the big fire sword, or bring out the guardian weapons. I thought of Ganon in the WW where he was extremely active and fast. You had to move a lot to dodge and get damage in. Simply using the format they used here in BOTW but making him less lethargic would have improved him a lot I feel.

After all the bashing received by people here in this thread, I honestly went in not expecting much (I also hadn't spoiled myself on youtube etc so it was entirely new for me) and I really enjoyed the boss. My heart was racing, I liked the fight on the back of Zeldas horse. I wonder if you have not completed that side quest in the game if you still get her horse for that part of the mission. Hmmmm.

The game has its flaws (but which game doesn't?) but I'd wipe my memory and go back to do it all again if I could. Completely and utterly stunning game. Best game I've ever, ever played. Now I have a nice break before the DLC

Well done man, I too wish i could replay it fresh. I am not sure how much replayability this one has really, i think that one run will do and stay in my memory for a long while to come :D
Did my last divine beast yesterday on a plane (god I love the switch, that level of experience while sat on a plane!) I have around 15 shrines left to track down. Home straight.
Did my last divine beast yesterday on a plane (god I love the switch, that level of experience while sat on a plane!) I have around 15 shrines left to track down. Home straight.

Yeah it is pretty amazing that the technology has come this far that we can have experiences like these anywhere we want. When I first watched the Switch reveal I was like "Yep, this is what I've been waiting for". Whilst I have enjoyed some other handhelds briefly I never felt that the material looked good enough and I always couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed. The Switch nails it for me.
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