*** Zelda: Breath of the Wild ***

Still cannot find the last shrine in the first area, using the tower and the binoculars but it's alluding me. Not using a walkthrough still, I'll wander around a bit.
I had to look at a guide for the warm doublet. :( I just could NOT find that other shrine till now.. sigh.

I had to use a guide at various times, doesn't bother me and glad I did.

I do love exploring but have limited time to play so wandering around aimlessly and feeling like I've achieved nothing doesn't appeal.

I hate the Devine Beasts, worst part of the game, followed a YouTube video for one step by step just to get it over.
I wanted to try the game guideless, but once won't hurt.

I'm going out of the first plateau to another tower on the undiscovered map, will I spoil anything or not? Won't be touching the next set of quests until after. Have fairly decent weapons.

As in, I'm half way there and just met a goat who butted me to my death in a river.. lol I love this game. The small details.
Ok thanks, next up is definitely more shrines and health.

Question regarding the "no spoilers"

How much is too much..? If I find a weapon new to me, is that OK, but major story is a no no?
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Ah brilliant, cheers.

Found a lightning rod from what looked like a flying scarecrow. In some swampy looking area heading north east. Totallt engrossed in shooting sparks and forgot about weapon degrading.. Before too long it broke.

Just need 1 more shrine and I get 4 hearts total.

Edit: Saw 3 birds close in some long grass, sat utop and readied an arrow. Forgot the bow was next to breaking and lost them all :( A Link has to eat, but not today.

2nd time however, was lucky. Pretty much on top of their head and the 4th shrine I need for health is visible.
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