Zimbabwe 2.0 Inbound

Heavens forbid it goes back to what it was before whites arrived. Because you know, farms, cities, spirit crushing office jobs, obesity, diabetes, reality tv, electronics, anti-depressants... that is superior. Everyone should be jammed in to the superior european way!

Let it go back to what it was. Let the population shrink back down. Let them go back to subsistance farming and herding. It's not an inferior way of life, just different. We don't have to "develop" (industrialize) every square cm of earth to the european ideal.
Agreed let's go back to living in mud huts and writing connects on bark
Heavens forbid it goes back to what it was before whites arrived. Because you know, farms, cities, spirit crushing office jobs, obesity, diabetes, reality tv, electronics, anti-depressants... that is superior. Everyone should be jammed in to the superior european way!

Let it go back to what it was. Let the population shrink back down. Let them go back to subsistance farming and herding. It's not an inferior way of life, just different. We don't have to "develop" (industrialize) every square cm of earth to the european ideal.

Says the troll sitting on his computer/phone the result of 'western' science....

Africans dont need 'western' science they have there own 'alternative' facts

Enjoy your future (brief?) life leading by example.. .
Agreed let's go back to living in mud huts and writing connects on bark

I'm happy for kwerk and his /her fellow believers to be sent somewhere very remote to live out their desires/fantasies without interference from pesky 'western/european' science and 'western/european' culture
Says the troll sitting on his computer/phone the result of 'western' science....

Africans dont need 'western' science they have there own 'alternative' facts

Enjoy your future (brief?) life leading by example.. .
I also find myself amused and bemused when i read arm chair expert rants about such things as war for oil, the evil west and how media has ruined society. All the while living their oil fuelled, tech rich, hypocritical lives out through social media.
I also find myself amused and bemused when i read arm chair expert rants about such things as war for oil, the evil west and how media has ruined society. All the while living their oil fuelled, tech rich, hypocritical lives out through social media.

Its also funny to see the casual racism at play in labelling things like cities, more advanced farming techniques and office jobs 'western/european'

Anyone with even a passing knowledge of history would realise that a lot of these things first developed outside of europe in places like the Levant/near east/ and around the Nile and that they developed independently elsewhere on other continents aswell
Its also funny to see the casual racism at play in labelling things like cities, more advanced farming techniques and office jobs 'western/european'

Anyone with even a passing knowledge of history would realise that a lot of these things first developed outside of europe in places like the Levant/near east/ and around the Nile and that they developed independently elsewhere on other continents aswell
I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt that it's more likely just ignorance than any form of racism.
Its also funny to see the casual racism at play in labelling things like cities, more advanced farming techniques and office jobs 'western/european'

Anyone with even a passing knowledge of history would realise that a lot of these things first developed outside of europe in places like the Levant/near east/ and around the Nile and that they developed independently elsewhere on other continents aswell
It's not racism. It's simply referring to the fact that these technologies were introduced to Africa by western settlers. More recently China has started investing in various parts of Africa. No doubt there would be no problem calling that Chinese investment and technology. But where western white societies are involved people seem to find any excuse to call the slightest thing casual racism.
It's not racism. It's simply referring to the fact that these technologies were introduced to Africa by western settlers. More recently China has started investing in various parts of Africa. No doubt there would be no problem calling that Chinese investment and technology. But where western white societies are involved people seem to find any excuse to call the slightest thing casual racism.

I would have to disagree....

Everyone should be jammed in to the superior european way!

The things he/she talked about may be current features of European/ western societies but were not necessarily first undertaken by them and certainly are not unique features of them

These things are not the 'European way' any more than subsistence farming and running around with spears whilst believing in magic is the 'african way'.

The former is just a more advanced/ developed form of humanity... Europe used to be full of primitive hunter gathereres / subsistence farmers who had primitive, superstitious beliefs about the word around them

That the Chinese are now heavily involved in Africa and that they have a lot of the features kwerk thinks are 'european' further demonstrates the fallacy of the proposition
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Thing is if you took the technology away from Africa, they wouldn't be able to reproduce it. If you took it away from Europe, US, China, etc they would.

They were just handed tech that was 100s of years ahead of where they were and it had a negative effect.
Artificial fertilizer courtesy of the Haber Process. Internal combustion engine. Refrigeration. Tarmac paved roads. Air travel. Genetic manipulation of crop strains. Invention of pesticides. Modern, as in the last 100 years, farming practice is largely European or North American and is I would imagine practised heavily in Africa.
Domestication of wheat, pig, cow, cattle, horse all courtesy of our friends in the fertile crescent of the Levant 3,000+ years ago. Although the far east definitely had some unique parallel development of things like rice and the pig.
The Americas (South and Central) were blessed with Maize and incredibly easy crop for one farmer to produce a surplus from, which allowed their civilisation to have a high degree of specialised people like priests and artists, hence the monumental works.
I would have to disagree....

Well that's pretty obvious, since I was disagreeing with you :)

Artificial fertilizer courtesy of the Haber Process. Internal combustion engine. Refrigeration. Tarmac paved roads. Air travel. Genetic manipulation of crop strains. Invention of pesticides. Modern, as in the last 100 years, farming practice is largely European or North American and is I would imagine practised heavily in Africa..

What have the Romans ever done for us? :)
Right, well, here's my take on it all. I am a born and bred saffer, I left the country when I was 15 but still have family over there and loads of connections so I like to think I'm fairly up to speed on the current situation.

Let's make a few things clear:

Without the white people colonizing South Africa, the natives would still be rubbing sticks together for fire.

South Africa's infrastructure has hit rock bottom since the death of Mandela. When the ANC took in 1994 over the trouble started but it was all subdued. When he died, the country started its degeneracy. The once mighty South African Air Force is now just handful of skilled pilots surrounded by people who probably couldn't even open the canopy of a fighter jet. In fact the ANC said back in 2016 that "Exiting pilots from the SAAF (referring to affirmative action, the replacement of white people with black people in various roles) stole loads of aircraft for museums" (source), in other words "when we got rid of white pilots they stole all the jets". Now I'm not sure about you, but squeezing a fighter jet or a Rooivalk in to the loading space of a Toyota Hilux bakkie might be a bit of a stretch, so where the aircraft went is anyone's guess. The SAAF is currently comprised of approx 160 aircraft which includes all the non-combat stuff like trainers and little Cessnas.

Cape Town is currently facing total water shutdown. Why? Because despite a report from a decade ago claiming that the city would be without water by now, the national water board did nothing to improve the infrastructure.

The country (until recently) suffered rolling blackouts to help the electric infrastructure cope. Again this is due to lack of investment, maintenance and critical power plant failing due to lack of maintenance (source). The only reason these blackouts have stopped is because the population can't afford to buy more electrical stuff as it fails which reduces the load on the power grid. (source)

I could go on and on. The country is a shambles and it's only getting worse. Who's fault is it? Well that's one hell of a question. At the end of the day the place was colonized and loads of natives were killed / enslaved / outcast whilst the colonials brought in all their knowledge and tech. Now the tables are turning and those who were victims of the colonization are taking over again and they've got an axe to grind so they're going at it rather aggressively. Instead of trying to find a middle ground and create a country for all to prosper, they're throwing the baby out with the bath water which is contaminated by loads of blood.

There is plenty of reading on the subject if you want to google it:

Right, well, here's my take on it all. I am a born and bred saffer, I left the country when I was 15 but still have family over there and loads of connections so I like to think I'm fairly up to speed on the current situation.

Let's make a few things clear:

Without the white people colonizing South Africa, the natives would still be rubbing sticks together for fire.

South Africa's infrastructure has hit rock bottom since the death of Mandela. When the ANC took in 1994 over the trouble started but it was all subdued. When he died, the country started its degeneracy. The once mighty South African Air Force is now just handful of skilled pilots surrounded by people who probably couldn't even open the canopy of a fighter jet. In fact the ANC said back in 2016 that "Exiting pilots from the SAAF (referring to affirmative action, the replacement of white people with black people in various roles) stole loads of aircraft for museums" (source), in other words "when we got rid of white pilots they stole all the jets". Now I'm not sure about you, but squeezing a fighter jet or a Rooivalk in to the loading space of a Toyota Hilux bakkie might be a bit of a stretch, so where the aircraft went is anyone's guess. The SAAF is currently comprised of approx 160 aircraft which includes all the non-combat stuff like trainers and little Cessnas.

Cape Town is currently facing total water shutdown. Why? Because despite a report from a decade ago claiming that the city would be without water by now, the national water board did nothing to improve the infrastructure.

The country (until recently) suffered rolling blackouts to help the electric infrastructure cope. Again this is due to lack of investment, maintenance and critical power plant failing due to lack of maintenance (source). The only reason these blackouts have stopped is because the population can't afford to buy more electrical stuff as it fails which reduces the load on the power grid. (source)

I could go on and on. The country is a shambles and it's only getting worse. Who's fault is it? Well that's one hell of a question. At the end of the day the place was colonized and loads of natives were killed / enslaved / outcast whilst the colonials brought in all their knowledge and tech. Now the tables are turning and those who were victims of the colonization are taking over again and they've got an axe to grind so they're going at it rather aggressively. Instead of trying to find a middle ground and create a country for all to prosper, they're throwing the baby out with the bath water which is contaminated by loads of blood.

There is plenty of reading on the subject if you want to google it:


Yep, when Mandela died it all started to go downhill fast.
Rural China is barely above rural Africa in quality of life. In fact it could be lower in terms if diet and health. The choice is be a poor person in natural surroundings, natural food and close community, or a poor person living in one room with 15 other people, breathing smog and making trainers in a factory 12 hours a day... but with the promise of becoming a consumer yourself one day... eat mcdonalds, watch tv, be western... obese, narcisitic, depressed, distracted, detached, tring to fill the void with over consumption.

The industrial revolution was european and spread to the colonies. Look at most of India, large parts are stuck in the Victorian age, moustaches and all.

I'm not against technology and effeciency but it's used to purely to make consumption more effecient, not our lives. And African countries have a different mindset, happier and less neurotic (it's been studied), that doesnt mesh with the model.

I would have to disagree....

The things he/she talked about may be current features of European/ western societies but were not necessarily first undertaken by them and certainly are not unique features of them

These things are not the 'European way' any more than subsistence farming and running around with spears whilst believing in magic is the 'african way'.

The former is just a more advanced/ developed form of humanity... Europe used to be full of primitive hunter gathereres / subsistence farmers who had primitive, superstitious beliefs about the word around them

That the Chinese are now heavily involved in Africa and that they have a lot of the features kwerk thinks are 'european' further demonstrates the fallacy of the proposition
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It will just become another corrupt African country which blames everything on the evil Europeans and still expect us to pay for everything.
Reminds me of this, not SA but....

It's sub-Saharan Africa. A friend of mine spent some time in Niger as part of his University degree. He and the company he was with set up a solar power system that powered water pumps & purifiers, charged phones, radios and torches and allowed other such simple devices to be used in villages that were literally in the middle of nowhere.

Two weeks later when they went to check how they were working out and to fix any problems that had arisen they found every one had been stripped down to it's components and either sold on or used as building materials or farming implements.

It's just how it is in that part of the World.
My family lived over there for a few years and the stories are horrible.

Post Mandela (who, despite being a terrorist, had good in his heart and a plan to achieve betterment for all) it's turned into any other African country with the more ruthless small minded lunatics creaming it off for themselves and shafting the rest. But it's Europe's fault :p
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