Right, well, here's my take on it all. I am a born and bred saffer, I left the country when I was 15 but still have family over there and loads of connections so I like to think I'm fairly up to speed on the current situation.
Let's make a few things clear:
Without the white people colonizing South Africa, the natives would still be rubbing sticks together for fire.
South Africa's infrastructure has hit rock bottom since the death of Mandela. When the ANC took in 1994 over the trouble started but it was all subdued. When he died, the country started its degeneracy. The once mighty South African Air Force is now just handful of skilled pilots surrounded by people who probably couldn't even open the canopy of a fighter jet. In fact the ANC said back in 2016 that "Exiting pilots from the SAAF (referring to affirmative action, the replacement of white people with black people in various roles) stole loads of aircraft for museums"
(source), in other words "when we got rid of white pilots they stole all the jets". Now I'm not sure about you, but squeezing a fighter jet or a Rooivalk in to the loading space of a Toyota Hilux bakkie might be a bit of a stretch, so where the aircraft went is anyone's guess. The SAAF is currently comprised of approx 160 aircraft which includes all the non-combat stuff like trainers and little Cessnas.
Cape Town is currently facing total water shutdown. Why? Because despite a report from a decade ago claiming that the city would be without water by now, the national water board did nothing to improve the infrastructure.
The country (until recently) suffered rolling blackouts to help the electric infrastructure cope. Again this is due to lack of investment, maintenance and critical power plant failing due to lack of maintenance
(source). The only reason these blackouts have stopped is because the population can't afford to buy more electrical stuff as it fails which reduces the load on the power grid.
I could go on and on. The country is a shambles and it's only getting worse. Who's fault is it? Well that's one hell of a question. At the end of the day the place was colonized and loads of natives were killed / enslaved / outcast whilst the colonials brought in all their knowledge and tech. Now the tables are turning and those who were victims of the colonization are taking over again and they've got an axe to grind so they're going at it rather aggressively. Instead of trying to find a middle ground and create a country for all to prosper, they're throwing the baby out with the bath water which is contaminated by loads of blood.
There is plenty of reading on the subject if you want to google it: