
I hate you...so very very much.

Also amazing work...If you lived closer I would be asking you to paint mine ;)

I'm actually painting them for my friend . Funnily enough if you check my earlier post I have had the paints for months. However work commitments kept getting in the way(so I gave the minis back) until 6 weeks ago when I ended up on some LTS.

I used a couple of YouTube videos to learn, highly recommend this guy:


Only personal tip I can give from my own learning is that if you water down the paint and build slowly in layers, any mistakes are easy to paint over because its so thinly applied. You also don't lose detail, which can easily be done.

I want to get this for the other half who loves the walking dead....but I feel a little overwhelmed by all the different versions.

We'd be playing this with the kids (9 and 11).

Atm I am thinking of getting the first Zombicide, but would I be better to go for a later version (Prison Outbreak, or Rue Morgue)?

I dont fancy Black Plague as I think the modern setting is better.

Any help greatly appreciated

Start with season 1 as it's now known - the red box. Enough in there to keep you busy for ages and the rule set is simple enough to pick up quickly.

Later 'seasons' added in different tiles (mostly artwork but some functionality) but also different kinds of zombies that can only be killed by melee/ranged depending on type and can be a bit overwhelming imo! :)
We have a walking dead game. Think it was 4+ players. Didn't think much of it as had been spoiled by Zombicide at the time.

If just starting out, volume with season 1 as mentioned.
ok gone for season 1 - and if anyone is looking I got it here with a Black Friday 15% off so paid £47 which seems like a good price to me - mightylancergames.co.uk

and thanks for the help!
back again with another question - reading the thread it seems people like the tray you get in Black Plague

Now do bear in mind I haven't actually got my hands on the game yet....but is there a tray I can buy for the original game?

Kind of.
The trays work with any edition but they came with Black Plague.
They were also a separate kickstarter stretch goal i think so you might be able to buy them from somewhere.
Are we allowed to talk sales in here or even to arrange to take it private?

I ask because I have S1 retail and extras, S3 KS with extras and Black Plague Knight Pledge plus addons I would rather sell to a fellow OCer than the hassle of Ebay etc.
I've had S1 for quite a while now, have decided to finally paint the figures.

The last figures I painted were some citadel ones, about 10yrs ago, so am having a bit of a practice!

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