
You could get Tabletop Simulator from Steam and the Zombicide expansion. Thats based on season 1. Not tried it myself but am considering it (as its Vive compatible too)
Is it a running team of survivors or is each game a one shot then new start on each play?

Each map is a one shot, you don't get to keep your kill count or weapons found.
You work as a team, you can control all the survivors yourself if you like (in which case they can take their turns in any order). Look up the various house rules people have included (such as ranged attacks on squares that have survivors in them)

You could make a campaign I guess by trading zombie kills for weapons. Would make things a bit more interesting but possibly too easy.
I'm slowly turning the wife into a nerd like me so will pick it up and if we enjoy it may try turning it into a campaign of some description.

Cheers for the help :)
although the original is likely to be the easiest to get hold of cheap be aware that the newer ones have plastic player trays that make the game much less frustrating (I only have original and black plague so not 100% sure when it started). in the original you place card markers on top of a sheet of card for your upgrades during the game and a slight table knock moves them. not the biggest issue but the player trays added later are so much better.
although the original is likely to be the easiest to get hold of cheap be aware that the newer ones have plastic player trays that make the game much less frustrating (I only have original and black plague so not 100% sure when it started). in the original you place card markers on top of a sheet of card for your upgrades during the game and a slight table knock moves them. not the biggest issue but the player trays added later are so much better.

AFAIK it's only black plague that does this, I've got the full kickstarter S3 stuff and don't have any plastic trays unfortunately!
Massive Darkness has trays that are compatible with Zombicide if you've backed it. They can probably be bought separately.
Had a quick game and enjoyed it, was wondering does each season play completely independently with New rules or are they just new tiles/missions and that's it?
The rules are refined with each version, some new things added and different character abilities.
The way of spawning zombies for season 3 was different (role dice to determine where they appear) but this wasn't in Black Plague which came later.
Cheers, like it so far having only played the intro missing and a self modified "extended" intro mission, looking forward to trying some of the meatier ones hopefully this week.
Recently played Black Plague at a friends and loved it.

Just managed to get a knight level pledge off of eBay, which admittedly wasn't cheap, but still cheaper than buying the extra characters etc individually off of there and a lot cheaper than some other knight level pledges that were on there.

Looking forward to getting friends round for drinks and a few games, should be a good laugh.
Yeah I've just started playing Black Plague with my girlfriend and we're loving it. Just finished the second mission and we're taking a quick break and going for the third later this evening!
On the originals when I look at (for example) the sawed off shotgun and it's 2 die at 3+ hit. Am I rolling to kill a zombie but rolling 2 dice to hit or is rach dice against a separate zombie?
Roll 2 dice together, 3+ is a hit.

If you have 2 zombies in a zone they both die. If there were 3 zombies only 2 die (remember targeting order!)

If there was only 1 zombie with 2 hits? INSTAGIB! :D
Ah good stuff, just seemed a little OP but I guess the more you kill threat goes up and more appear.

Also, when searching can you search the same room unlimited times or once only? Or once per character? Isn't really clear in the rule book.
You can search the same room as often as you'd like but only once per character turn (this includes Ned's 'free search action') which will give way to more zombies spawning.

Fun if you have an isolated room you can search for a lot of turns but can lead to one character being very OP!
And the longer you spend searching the more the board will fill up with zombies, meaning there will be a greater chance of extra activations coming up, which can really screw up your perfect plans. If you've got one or two people decently kitted out it's always worth having them keep the zombie numbers down to try to avoid this situation.
Seems a bit OTT unlimited room searching as admittedly there will be a build up but you could in theory walk out and blow them all away in one turn with the right gear :p
Yeah but then one character would be in orange or red danger levels (increased spawning) with other characters getting only 3 actions per turn :p

Believe me when I tell you it's not a good idea :p
^ Agreed.
Has happened a few times when taking out abominations as a last resort and it can mess your group up.
Unless that player dies, in which case the threat level reduces to the next highest scoring player.
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