
I'd love to paint my survivors but I've never painted a model in my life and I'd be scared about screwing them up. Wouldn't even know where to start either.

Phone up your local Games Workshop and ask when they have their painting days, they will let you go in and try out painting in the store, if you like it they will help you find the right paint sets and brushes for what you need. I stopped painting Warhammer around 15 years ago, but recently found the love for it again with Zombicide some 15 years later.
I stopped painting Warhammer around 15 years ago, but recently found the love for it again with Zombicide some 15 years later.

Snap :) although I stopped 20 years ago. I'm slowly working through the zombies and survivors at the moment and have rediscovered how satisfying it can be painting minis.
Phone up your local Games Workshop and ask when they have their painting days, they will let you go in and try out painting in the store, if you like it they will help you find the right paint sets and brushes for what you need. I stopped painting Warhammer around 15 years ago, but recently found the love for it again with Zombicide some 15 years later.
That's a really good idea, thanks for that. I'll probably just pop in and see them, there is a store in the city centre and I'm sure I'll be passing by it soon.
When firing into a zone with a survivor and a Walker, rather than absolutely having to kill the survivor first.

This is one of the rules that makes me consider the game broken. I take it they haven't altered this in the expansions then?

I mean, sure have a chance to hit the player but to shoot them first no matter how many zombies are on the square with them? Stupid.
The thing is - the game just works better with this rule. Having to plan how to take out mixed types of zombies and not killing each other is what makes things tough. Even more so when you add the new zombies types/dogs. Zombicide would be broken without this rule.
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I can see both sides of the argument for the shooting order and I think a better rule would be that on a miss the shot hits the survivor would be more reasonable. For the pistol this would give you a 33% chance of killing a zombie and a 66% chance of wounding a survivor - perfectly fair I would say. If such a rule was in place I would only consider using it as a last resort!

More importantly - my dad and I had a crack at The 24 Hours of Zombie City and results were middling at best. Firstly we didn't have very much equipment and an Abomination spawned on the blue danger zone!

A few more kills later and I opened the 3rd building at yellow danger to make sure we didn't run into any extra activation problems and that's when the trouble started. A mixture of runners and walkers spawned and due to some bad rolls they ended up taking a chunk out of every survivor.

Initially Phil and Ned bit the dust with Amy perishing shortly after leaving just Josh, Doug and Wanda to press on. With a bit of luck (finally!) we made it to the only car that wasn't surrounded by multiple zombies and jumped in. Lots of running zombies over (and plenty of misses too!) and we got caught out by a runner extra activation card.

Josh took the hit for the team and that left just Wanda and Doug. By this point the Abomination had finally closed some distance on use and fatties were starting to gather - a quick bit of maneuvering left us in the only safe zone on the board. Some lucky spawn cards later and some in car melee action Wanda reached the red danger zone and the survivors WON! :D

Close finish and very tense. First time with cars too so not entirely sure I got it right but my dad agreed with my interpretation of the rules too :D
Doesn't a pistol hit on a 4, making it 50/50? What about sawn offs that hit on a 3 and have two attack dice - even less chance of hitting a survivor even though they have a crazy spread. Perhaps if you had to divide successful hits between survivors and zombies, with a lean to zombies if there's an odd number of hits, as well as all misses hitting survivors? So a successful pistol hit would have a 50/50 chance of hitting zombie or survivor, and a miss would hit the survivor anyways.
Firstly we didn't have very much equipment and an Abomination spawned on the blue danger zone!

Heh, I hate/love it when that happens. At the end of our gaming night at the weekend, we made up a quick 4 tile game with our own objectives. 2 buildings, one objective in each, 3 spawn points, and an exit at the far side of a building. We thought it would be a nice 20 minute game to end the night. We started by the doors to both buildings, and we opened one straight away. The spawns were pretty decent, so I (last player) decided to open the 2nd building while we were all still at the blue danger level. What happens? The 2nd room gets an Abomination, and the 3rd room gets a Toxic Abomination! Needless to say, much running away was done until we finally picked up the ingredients to a Molotov.
The thing is - the game just works better with this rule. Having to plan how to take out mixed types of zombies and not killing each other is what makes things tough. Even more so when you add the new zombies types/dogs. Zombicide would be broken without this rule.

Dunno, I can kind of see what you're getting at but I prefer if the game is to be hard then it isn't because of seemingly arbitrary rules. Decent (1st Edition), Agricola and Robinson Crusoe (or Pandemic + On The Brink) are all hard and the rules flow with the theme.

Carnival Zombie is a better game in my opinion with less hype (but also without all the pretty miniatures)

I wanted to like Zombicide (even though I'm much more of a euro style game player) but it just left a bad taste in my mouth.
I have a rule question.

When using melee attacks in the same zone as survivors do any additional dice you roll hit the survivor?

For example:
In the zone there are two survivors and 2 walkers. One of the survivors attacks with the Chainsaw and rolls 5 dice. If he gets a hit on all 5 dice, what happens to the other 3 score? Do the survivors take hits from melee or only ranged?
I have a rule question.

When using melee attacks in the same zone as survivors do any additional dice you roll hit the survivor?

For example:
In the zone there are two survivors and 2 walkers. One of the survivors attacks with the Chainsaw and rolls 5 dice. If he gets a hit on all 5 dice, what happens to the other 3 score? Do the survivors take hits from melee or only ranged?

I thought it was ranged only to be honest. I'm sure someone with more experience can comment though.
He's attacking one target so the excess would just be wasted.

I don't have the game in front of me but this makes sense to me as i don't recall an option to spread your attack
He's attacking one target so the excess would just be wasted.

I don't have the game in front of me but this makes sense to me as i don't recall an option to spread your attack

So a melee with X amount of dice on acts as one hit? Even if you score multiple hits?

I thought you just kept swinging etc with melee weapons that roll more than one dice.

Example below found in the Rulebook :)

EXAMPLE: Doug unloads his two Sub MGs on three
Walkers who are guarding a Fatty and scores five hits.
The first three shots easily blow away the Walkers.
However, the Fatty takes the two remaining hits with
no consequence, as the Sub MG inflicts only 1 Damage.

Wanda arrives to finish the job with her machete. She
hits once, but the machete inflicts 2 Damage, which
is enough to chop that Fatty down!

If there had been two Runners instead of a Fatty, a
single hit with the machete would not have eliminated
the two Runners. Each successful hit can only
take out one target, and remaining damage is overkill
and wasted.
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He's attacking one target so the excess would just be wasted.

I don't have the game in front of me but this makes sense to me as i don't recall an option to spread your attack

I'm pretty sure the whole idea of the chainsaw is that it can hit multiple targets. What would be the point of it otherwise? 5 dice seems like an awful lot to roll just to be only able to damage one target.
With melee you can hit multiple specified targets if you roll enough hits. You can take out a handful of zombies and don't have to worry about hitting your mates :)
With melee you can hit multiple specified targets if you roll enough hits. You can take out a handful of zombies and don't have to worry about hitting your mates :)
Yup, that's the benefit of melee, you can pick your targets and not have to worry about hitting other survivors. Of course, the downside is that you have to be in the same zone as some walkers, so make sure you roll well :D
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