**** Official Fallout 4 Thread ****

26 Jan 2012
I think MMOs are a colossal waste of money, and cinema tickets are very expensive for what they are.

But really, you can't have it both ways. Price per time enjoyed either makes sense or it doesn't. You can't say it has diminishing returns when posed with such a question.

I enjoyed the first hour of Skyrim more than I enjoyed the 142nd. I think Skyrim provided exceptional value for money based on purchase price versus time spent being entertained.
23 Nov 2009
North Leicestershire
Cant wait for this.

Got a question for everyone. Did you prefer NV or FO3?

fallout 3 took 90 hours of my life new vegas on my pc i'm at nearly 200 hours and still play now, and on my 360 probably got another 100 plus hours on there. i'm a new vegas junkie. there nothing i haven't seen or done in that game. infact i started it again last week modded with texture packs and project nevada :D
29 Jul 2011
In acme's chair.
Fallout 3 for me. Hundreds of hours gone, every location and rare collectable discovered and collected, including items that were meant to be removed. And all of that was on the dreaded Xbox 360! :eek:

Then I played it some more on PC. :p
Man of Honour
20 Dec 2004
Value for money relative and very personal.

My wife happily spent £250 on a pair of shoes and a handbag for a wedding last week. I wouldn't have paid that much, but I would have spent the same amount of money on a driving experience that might only last an hour or so.
15 Dec 2002
In a cowfield, London, UK
Cant wait for this.
Got a question for everyone. Did you prefer NV or FO3?
Fallout 3 for me. I sunk a silly amount of hours into it and was blown away from the outset as I'd never played a Fallout title prior to that. From the moment I left the vault I decided to play as a scavenger ignoring the main quest completely until I was about Lv25. It was just a great experience exploring and doing sidequests. Places like the eerie Dunwich Building and some random town I had visited that suddenly became infested with Deathclaws will forever stay with me. I never did get into modding at that time.

Then came probably the buggiest game I've ever encountered since Witcher 1 on release. New Vegas was so bad that after a week of crashes, blue screens, cazadors and a damn robot stalking me I'd given up. I was also sick of the desert and just never got immersed like I had in F3.
13 May 2012
Cant wait for this.

Got a question for everyone. Did you prefer NV or FO3?

New Vegas by a long shot. It just did everything better and then some I'm my opinion. I can't believe it took them just around 18 months or so to make the whole thing:

Quests are much more diverse in the ways in which you can solve them.

There is also a lot more of them, and are generally "better" for the most part.

NV is actually challenging thanks to proper level scaling that had since been reduced since 3, and is a lot better balanced with it's perks (probably just in retrospect to some of 3 ridiculous over powered perks relating to VATS which made it way too powerful).

Speaking of which, VATS is better implemented this time round (reduced damage in some cases, enemies don't slow down for you, etc.) and combat is much more viable thanks to iron sights, more weapon/armour variety, better crafting system, unique and interesting weapons.

Companions this time round aren't completely flat and actually add/are part of the story. In NV they have much deeper background stories and personalities and actually have some relevance.

WAY better written (quality, variety, dialect, tones, habits, etc.).

Factions are awesome and introduce a whole grey area to your mortality, you have to personally decide what is the right thing to do and who you should side with. Not to mentions they are also so unique and diverse and have their own quest lines, etc.

Much less of that "[character] is unconscious!" - you actually have a sense of freedom and presence in the world as you can kill a lot of main characters/quest givers and the game will manage to adapt.

Better paced throughout. I think we can all agree that 3's ending was pretty bad and the beginning is only interesting the first time round and takes some time to get going.

World is much more interesting to explore (imo) thanks to feeling a bit more upbeat in areas and lively (The Strip), factions, more diverse vaults to explore, unique locations, etc.

Survival elements with hard-core mode if you are into that sort of thing.

I really think the only reason people would prefer 3>NV is because it was their first Fallout and they will never forgot their experience they had with that game, which is perfectly understandable. It did blow me away for the first time.

I'm always worried about how Bethesda handles their games, especially Fallout. I personally dislike Skyrim for a lot of the same reasons as FO3. I'm hoping they're trying to build upon NV (even if it was developed by a different studio) instead of 3. But 3 is their own game, and did get higher ratings (most likely because it was "revolutionary" for the time, taking advantage of the next-gen tech), so I'm just cautiously optimistic. That being said, they will probably get Obsidian to do another spin off game, which I'm most definitely looking forward too :D

EDIT: Not to mention the lore and dark humour that Bethesda failed at, but Obsidian excelled.

NV felt like an actually RPG, whereas 3 was basically a "CPG" (character progression game), e.g. an sub-par/mediocre FPS with some stats thrown into the mix.
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13 Nov 2013
It doesn't look/sound great to me as it seems to be recycled content from the previous games, with an updated engine, and if that's true, this game's purpose is to fund the next Elder Scrolls.
16 Jun 2009
Bare in mind that this person posted all this 11 months ago. They got the announcement date correct, the footage date correct and the release date that done retailers leaked, correct too. It's also a she :p

If that is true, it'll be an option to choose from, not standard.

It's looking very much like a genuine leak at the moment, of course being 11 months ago, some plans may have changed so even if it was legit, it might not be 100% accurate, but a lot of it looks to be correct.
15 Dec 2002
In a cowfield, London, UK
You do know she's the only survivor, right?
10 Apr 2012
Bare in mind that this person posted all this 11 months ago. They got the announcement date correct, the footage date correct and the release date that done retailers leaked, correct too. It's also a she :p

If that is true, it'll be an option to choose from, not standard.

Yeah but since when does PC get that kind of treatment? If there is an option to go turn based isometric then you're sort of being given two entirely different games in one, it just seems so far fetched because developers never do that sort of thing on PC for multiplat releases.

Makes perfect sense to me!

I've put around 100+ hours into Witcher 3 already (no shame), does that mean it should have sold for £99.99? ;)
26 Jan 2012
Yeah but since when does PC get that kind of treatment? If there is an option to go turn based isometric then you're sort of being given two entirely different games in one, it just seems so far fetched because developers never do that sort of thing on PC for multiplat releases.

I've put around 100+ hours into Witcher 3 already (no shame), does that mean it should have sold for £99.99? ;)

If you value your gaming time at £1 an hour, then sure?
4 Jul 2012
Yeah but since when does PC get that kind of treatment? If there is an option to go turn based isometric then you're sort of being given two entirely different games in one, it just seems so far fetched because developers never do that sort of thing on PC for multiplat releases.

It wouldn't be anything special if it's true, really. What they said is that it'd play like the PS2/Xbox Brotherhood of Steel game.

That essentially means it'd be the same, just with a top down isometric camera angle.

They didn't actually mention turn based directly, as I don't think the BoS game was actually turn based.

If you value your gaming time at £1 an hour, then sure?

What about those diminishing returns you were talking about before? Don't they apply any more?
29 Jul 2011
In acme's chair.
"Don't go into the basement" was one of my favourite parts of Fallout 3.

I liked the shed in the town where they were eating passers by. When I came out to the townspeople surrounding me that did make me jump! :p

You do know she's the only survivor, right?

Also this is true, she turns into a ghoul. You killed loads of innocent people and the person who you really wanted to kill was the only one who survived. ;)
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